Sunday, April 10, 2016

VIDEO: A Reporter Decided To Visit The Town National Review Says Should Die

In an early March article for National Review, writer and theater critic Kevin Williamson wrote a piece about economically depressed, mostly white working class cities around the country which have generated substantial support for Trump’s candidacy. In Williamson’s words, towns such as Garbutt, N.Y. “deserve to die” along with their way of life, because they are worthless hubs of drug addiction, government dependency, and degenerate morality.

In an early March article for National Review, writer and theater critic Kevin Williamson wrote a piece about economically depressed, mostly white working class cities around the country which have generated substantial support for Trump’s candidacy. In Williamson’s words, towns such as Garbutt, N.Y. “deserve to die” along with their way of life, because they are worthless hubs of drug addiction, government dependency, and degenerate morality.

Williamson’s piece in turn sparked a defense of Trump-backing poor whites in The Week by Michael Brendan Dougherty, who concocted a fictional drug addict in Garbutt named Mike to make his case.

The conservative movement has next to zero ideas for improving the life of the typical opioid dependent who lives in Garbutt, New York, outside of Rochester. Let’s call him Mike,” Dougherty said. “In truth, the conservative movement has more ideas for making Mike’s life more desperate, like cutting off the Social Security Disability check he’s been shamefacedly receiving. It’s fibromyalgia fraud, probably … If the conservative movement has any advice for Mike, it’s to move out of Garbutt and maybe ‘learn computers.'”

Inspired by all this chatter about mythical Mikes from Garbutt, LeDuff of Detroit’s WJBK news station took the novel step of actually visiting the tiny hamlet and looking for a person named Mike to interview for his syndicated news series “The Americans.”


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