Saturday, August 20, 2016

Suicide Skanks – Jay’s Analysis

By: Jay Dyer

Suicide squad is who they call to counsel the people leaving that shit movie.  Possibly the worst superhero film yet, it even rivals the likes of Spawn, Catwoman and Ghost Rider.  At least there was Nic Cage, but here, only a confused and garbled CGI wasteland that is as messy as the single mom tats emblazoned every scene.  Nothing in this movie makes sense, much less is the plot even coherent, as a selection of “the worst” of America’s convicts are chosen to become Task Force X, a microchipped hit team to take on the “meta-humans” (X-men, yawn) and the extra-dimensional entities that possess two paper-thin characters.

Side note – the film is adapted from my old essay, United Skanks of America.

This film is one of the few instances I can think of where the overt propaganda is actually more interesting to spot than the film itself.  Will Smiff plays a “hitman” baby-daddy whose only concern is scoring 2 million dollars to buy his daughter’s attention.  Yes, all those noble baby-daddies are really just striving for ghetto release so they can become responsible parents.  Next, a hot chick plays a psychiatrist babe-turned skank who, after falling in love with the joke that is “The Joker,” morphs into the average American skank, graffiti’ed to the hilt with thug-style sleaze.  In this sense, Harley Quinn makes sense as a representation of the mental illness that plagues the young western female, as evidenced in their body-defacing obsessions and self-mutilation.

As Matt Forney writes:

No girl has ever improved her looks with a gaudy mural injected under her skin or a piece of metal dangling from her nostrils. There’s no man on Earth who has ever thought about his girlfriend or wife, “Man, you know what would make her even sexier? A butterfly emblazoned just over her ass.” Yet despite this objective reality, thousands of girls continue to mutilate themselves at an astounding rate, to the point where more girls now have tattoos than men.

Indeed, nothing captures the full throttle ruination of the western female than this slut character which drives the ridiculous simulacrum of a plot by seeking to be reunited with Joker Leto.  Since Grant Morrison is an open fan of Crowley, chaos magick and summoning entities through sigils, I am curious which god he offended to have the legions of suck demons inspire his advice to Leto.  That is the only explanation.  The Crowleyan elements of this film are really the only noticeable “esoteric” themes, with the Joker now being apparently bi-sexual (perfect embodiment of the ruined western male), and the planetary sigils that adorn Cara Delevingne’s headdress.  From here, you can divine the rip off of a rehash semblance a story – a giant garbage vortex  has opened up over a city with the intent of destroying humans who no longer worship the entities as gods.  The giant garbage vortex was actually filmed when in reality it opened up over New York the night this film premiered.

HA HA HA! Go Jay! 

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