Wednesday, May 31, 2017

What’s a ‘Covfefe’? Trump Tweet Unites a Bewildered Nation

WASHINGTON — And on the 132nd day, just after midnight, President Trump had at last delivered the nation to something approaching unity — in bewilderment, if nothing else.

The state of our union was … covfefe.

The trouble began, as it so often does, on Twitter, in the early minutes of Wednesday morning. Mr. Trump had something to say. Kind of.

“Despite the constant negative press covfefe,” the tweet began, at 12:06 a.m., from @realDonaldTrump, the irrepressible internal monologue of his presidency.

And that was that.

A minute passed. Then another. Then five.

Surely he would delete the message.

Ten. Twenty. It was nearly 12:30 a.m.

The tweet was finally deleted about six hours after it was initially posted.

Covfefe = 24+12+5+21+22+21+22 = 127 (Reverse Ordinal)

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 4+5+1+7+9+2+5 + 2+8+5 + 3+6+5+1+2+1+5+2 + 5+5+7+1+2+9+4+5 + 7+9+5+1+1 + 3+6+4+6+5+6+5 = 169 (Full Reduction) square rt 13)

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 4+5+19+16+9+20+5 + 20+8+5 + 3+15+14+19+20+1+14+20 + 14+5+7+1+20+9+22+5 + 16+18+5+19+19 + 3+15+22+6+5+6+5 = 439 (English Ordinal)
85th prime

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 23+22+8+11+18+7+22 + 7+19+22 + 24+12+13+8+7+26+13+7 + 13+22+20+26+7+18+5+22 + 11+9+22+8+8 + 24+12+5+21+22+21+22 = 587 (Reverse Ordinal)Yes - 107th prime

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 7+10+38+32+18+40+10 + 40+16+10 + 6+30+28+38+40+2+28+40 + 28+10+14+2+40+18+44+10 + 32+36+10+38+38 + 6+30+44+12+10+12+10 = 877 Yes - 151st

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 4+5+90+60+9+100+5 + 100+8+5 + 3+50+40+90+100+1+40+100 + 40+5+7+1+100+9+700+5 + 60+80+5+90+90 + 3+50+700+6+5+6+5 = 2777 (Jewish)Yes - 404th

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 4+5+6+3+5+7+5 + 7+6+5 + 3+2+1+6+7+1+1+7 + 1+5+7+1+7+5+5+5 + 3+5+5+6+6 + 3+2+5+6+5+6+5 = 174 (Septenary)

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 4+5+3+8+1+4+5 + 4+5+5 + 3+7+5+3+4+1+5+4 + 5+5+3+1+4+1+6+5 + 8+2+5+3+3 + 3+7+6+8+5+8+5 = 169 (Chaldean)Square Root - 13

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 6+25+5+26+23+24+25 + 24+4+25 + 13+7+14+5+24+1+14+24 + 14+25+11+1+24+23+10+25 + 26+12+25+5+5 + 13+7+10+18+25+18+25 = 611 (ALW Kabbalah)

Despite the constant negative press covfefe = 6+17+21+26+23+8+17 + 8+12+17 + 13+15+22+21+8+9+22+8 + 22+17+19+9+8+23+10+17 + 26+4+17+21+21 + 13+15+10+2+17+2+17 = 563 (KFW Kabbalah)Yes - 103rd

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