Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò's Letter to Donald J Trump...

Archbishop Vigano releases testimony detailing abuse cover-up by ...

Biblical Battle

June 7, 2020
Holy Trinity Sunday
Mr. President,

In recent months we have been witnessing the formation of two opposing sides that I would call Biblical: the children of light and the children of darkness. The children of light constitute the most conspicuous part of humanity, while the children of darkness represent an absolute minority. And yet the former are the object of a sort of discrimination which places them in a situation of moral inferiority with respect to their adversaries, who often hold strategic positions in government, in politics, in the economy and in the media. In an apparently inexplicable way, the good are held hostage by the wicked and by those who help them either out of self-interest or fearfulness.

These two sides, which have a Biblical nature, follow the clear separation between the offspring of the Woman and the offspring of the Serpent. On the one hand, there are those who, although they have a thousand defects and weaknesses, are motivated by the desire to do good, to be honest, to raise a family, to engage in work, to give prosperity to their homeland, to help the needy, and, in obedience to the Law of God, to merit the Kingdom of Heaven. On the other hand, there are those who serve themselves, who do not hold any moral principles, who want to demolish the family and the nation, exploit workers to make themselves unduly wealthy, foment internal divisions and wars, and accumulate power and money: for them the fallacious illusion of temporal well-being will one day – if they do not repent – yield to the terrible fate that awaits them, far from God, in eternal damnation.

We will also discover that the riots in these days were provoked by those who, seeing that the virus is inevitably fading and that the social alarm of the pandemic is waning, necessarily have had to provoke civil disturbances, because they would be followed by repression which, although legitimate, could be condemned as an unjustified aggression against the population. The same thing is also happening in Europe, in perfect synchrony. It is quite clear that the use of street protests is instrumental to the purposes of those who would like to see someone elected in the upcoming presidential elections who embodies the goals of the deep state and who expresses those goals faithfully and with conviction. It will not be surprising if, in a few months, we learn once again that hidden behind these acts of vandalism and violence there are those who hope to profit from the dissolution of the social order so as to build a world without freedom: Solve et Coagula, as the Masonic adage teaches.

Although it may seem disconcerting, the opposing alignments I have described are also found in religious circles. There are faithful Shepherds who care for the flock of Christ, but there are also mercenary infidels who seek to scatter the flock and hand the sheep over to be devoured by ravenous wolves. It is not surprising that these mercenaries are allies of the children of darkness and hate the children of light: just as there is a deep state, there is also a deep church that betrays its duties and forswears its proper commitments before God. Thus the Invisible Enemy, whom good rulers fight against in public affairs, is also fought against by good shepherds in the ecclesiastical sphere. It is a spiritual battle, which I spoke about in my recent Appeal which was published on May 8.In society, Mr. President, these two opposing realities co-exist as eternal enemies, just as God and Satan are eternal enemies. And it appears that the children of darkness – whom we may easily identify with the deep state which you wisely oppose and which is fiercely waging war against you in these days – have decided to show their cards, so to speak, by now revealing their plans. They seem to be so certain of already having everything under control that they have laid aside that circumspection that until now had at least partially concealed their true intentions. The investigations already under way will reveal the true responsibility of those who managed the COVID emergency not only in the area of health care but also in politics, the economy, and the media. We will probably find that in this colossal operation of social engineering there are people who have decided the fate of humanity, arrogating to themselves the right to act against the will of citizens and their representatives in the governments of nations.

For the first time, the United States has in you a President who courageously defends the right to life, who is not ashamed to denounce the persecution of Christians throughout the world, who speaks of Jesus Christ and the right of citizens to freedom of worship. Your participation in the March for Life, and more recently your proclamation of the month of April as National Child Abuse Prevention Month, are actions that confirm which side you wish to fight on. And I dare to believe that both of us are on the same side in this battle, albeit with different weapons.

For this reason, I believe that the attack to which you were subjected after your visit to the National Shrine of Saint John Paul II is part of the orchestrated media narrative which seeks not to fight racism and bring social order, but to aggravate dispositions; not to bring justice, but to legitimize violence and crime; not to serve the truth, but to favor one political faction. And it is disconcerting that there are Bishops – such as those whom I recently denounced – who, by their words, prove that they are aligned on the opposing side. They are subservient to the deep state, to globalism, to aligned thought, to the New World Order which they invoke ever more frequently in the name of a universal brotherhood which has nothing Christian about it, but which evokes the Masonic ideals of those who want to dominate the world by driving God out of the courts, out of schools, out of families, and perhaps even out of churches.

The American people are mature and have now understood how much the mainstream media does not want to spread the truth but seeks to silence and distort it, spreading the lie that is useful for the purposes of their masters. However, it is important that the good – who are the majority – wake up from their sluggishness and do not accept being deceived by a minority of dishonest people with unavowable purposes. It is necessary that the good, the children of light, come together and make their voices heard. What more effective way is there to do this, Mr. President, than by prayer, asking the Lord to protect you, the United States, and all of humanity from this enormous attack of the Enemy? Before the power of prayer, the deceptions of the children of darkness will collapse, their plots will be revealed, their betrayal will be shown, their frightening power will end in nothing, brought to light and exposed for what it is: an infernal deception.

Mr. President, my prayer is constantly turned to the beloved American nation, where I had the privilege and honor of being sent by Pope Benedict XVI as Apostolic Nuncio. In this dramatic and decisive hour for all of humanity, I am praying for you and also for all those who are at your side in the government of the United States. I trust that the American people are united with me and you in prayer to Almighty God.

United against the Invisible Enemy of all humanity, I bless you and the First Lady, the beloved American nation, and all men and women of good will.

+ Carlo Maria Viganò
Titular Archbishop of Ulpiana
Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America

june 3rd 2020

From and including: Wednesday, October 24, 1945
To, but not including Friday, July 3, 2020
Result: 27,281 days
Or 74 years, 8 months, 9 days excluding the end date.
Or 896 months, 9 days excluding the end date.
7474.25% of a common year (365 days)

Monday, June 29, 2020

Umar Lee

4+16+20+16= 56
"All seeing eye" = 56 (Full Reduction)
4+1+6+2+0+1+6= 20

"Umar Ivan Lee" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)

"UIL" = 666 (Squares)

"UIL" = 229 (Jewish)
"Albert Pike" = 292 (Jewish)

"Simeone" = 229 (Jewish)

Trifecta of Evil #communists

Trifecta of Evil

This is a communist revolution! They are getting help from the Chinese! They are getting help from Muslim Brotherhood jihadists. They are getting help from the Jesuits. Imagine how stupid you have to be to think that the Chicoms are going to make your life better in the USA. The Chicoms who right now have one million Muslims locked up in slave labor camps in northwestern China. The Chicoms who charge their citizens with fake crimes so they can sell their organs on the black market. The Chicoms who's Apple I Phone factories have suicide nets to stop workers from jumping to their deaths. That's how stupid leftists are in this country. Especially the young ones. Haven't the idiots noticed that the Jihadists Obama put in charge of Libya are selling black people in chains at auctions? Even the lying fake news media reported that one. The Chinese enslave Muslims and the Muslims enslave blacks but nobody notices that! And the Jesuits are basically a devil worshiping wing of the Catholic Church! Communists, ISIS and Satanists all on the same team! The destroy America team! A trifecta of evil! The A team of the evil Olympics! But the dumbest generation who ever lived in all of human history thinks evil will get them social justice! How is it even possible to be this stupid? Communism does nothing but enslave! No exceptions to the rule and if they win they will murder millions of people because they ALWAYS do and the blood we be on the hands of the people who said nothing! 

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”   

Saudi crown prince defends China's right to put Uighur Muslims in camps


Saturday, June 27, 2020

Paducah, Kentucky #TwinEclipses #56

"Paducah, Kentucky" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"Paducah, Kentucky" = 164 (English Ordinal)
"Paducah, Kentucky" = 241 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Paducah, Kentucky" = 79 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Paducah, Kentucky" = 1045 (Jewish)

"Paducah" = 54 (English Ordinal)
"Paducah" = 27 (Full Reduction)
"Paducah" = 135 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Paducah" = 36 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Paducah" = 277 (Jewish)

"City of Paducah" = 1314 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"World domination" = 1314 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Michelle Obama VP?

"Michelle L Obama" = 666 (English Sumerian)
"Michelle LaVaughn Obama" = 185 (English Ordinal)
"VP Michelle LaVaughn Obama" = 223 (English Ordinal)
"V P Michelle Obama" = 137 (English Ordinal)
"V P Michael Obama" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"V P Michael Obama" = 121 (English Ordinal)

#225 #522

The 225 is a Democrat number... It's the number of the DNC 5/22 is the day the DNC was created and the number of Karl Marx the real reason the picked that date. The 2020 DNC convention is in Milwaukee WI...
Dates for the convention... 8/17 to 8/20
The second day 8/18 is the 100th anniversary of the woman's right to vote...

"The 1848 Democratic National Convention was a presidential nominating convention that met from May 22 to May 25 in Baltimore, Maryland"

"Milwaukee Wisconsin" = 225 (English Ordinal)
"The New World Order" = 225 (Reverse Ordinal)
"President Pence" = 225 (Reverse Ordinal)

Dates for the convention... 8/17 to 8/20

"Karl Marx" = 522 (Jewish)
"Bernard Sanders" = 522 (Jewish)
"Angela Dorothea Merkel" = 522 (Jewish)
"Clinton" = 522 (English Sumerian)
"Bill DeBlasio" = 522 (Satanic)
"Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama" = 1522 (Jewish)

"rose" = 225 (Jewish)
"club" = 225 (Jewish)
"Red Shield" = 225 (Jewish)
"Red Shield" = 84 (English Ordinal)

Friday, June 26, 2020

When and How to HARVEST Everything in your Garden | Gardening Tips and Advice


Best time to harvest: 2:27
“Soak the heat off”: 6:00
Alliums (onions, leeks, garlic): 23:52
Basil: 13:23
Beans: 16:01
Brassicas (kale, lettuce, leafy greens): 10:56
Cucumbers: 3:32
Eggplant: 40:13
Ground cherries: 39:00
Heading brassicas (broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage): 26:17
Melons (kajari, watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew): 33:54
Okra: 6:58, 27:37
Peppers: 37:03
Potatoes: 33:05
Root vegetables: 19:19
Squash (zucchini, courgette, marrow, pumpkin, etc.): 28:15
Sunflowers: 21:41
Tomatoes: 41:02


Thursday, June 25, 2020

White males can't win no matter what they do.....


Just in case there's any white males out there who think if the have a black wife and mixed children they're getting forgiven. These protests are not about race they're about political power. The protest are being led by communists. They don't care about black people they're just using them.

Prediction ... Hillary as the Democrat candidate announced 8/18/2020 at the Democratic Convention

Prediction ... Hillary as the Democrat candidate announced 8/18/2020 at the Democratic Convention on the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment woman's right to vote.

19th amendment ratified date: August 18, 1920

8+18+20+20 = 66
"woman" = 66 (English Ordinal)

My prediction. The DNC will announce Hillary is the candidate on 8/18 the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th amendment women's right to vote.

Biden says 120 million Americans have died of coronavirus!

Biden : COVID Has Killed One Third Of The US Population

He's doing this on PURPOSE! He doesn't have anything wrong with him. He's pretending to have dementia so Hillary can come in at the last minute and save the day! She's going to be the candidate. That's why they're having a VIRTUAL convention because they don't want Bernie bros to be able to riot when they announce her. The only reason he ran is because they didn't want the bad press of Hillary screwing Bernie TWICE so he did it for her.  In August he'll announce he has Alzheimer's and drop out! They'll have a brokered convention and everybody will vote for Hillary. Bernie will get shut out but his supporters won't be able to protest because of the VIRUS! You know what's a virus? Hillary Clinton is a virus! She never goes away! I bet you anything they announce she's the candidate on the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment women's right to vote which is happening during their convention. GEE! I wonder how that happened?

Cleopatra the last Pharaoh of Egypt! 

Hillary Clinton the last President of the United States.... 

Freemasonry's 303rd birthday....First coronavirus vaccine tested in Israel 6/24/20


Professor Ze'ev Rotstein Hadassah CEO  first vaccine

Wed, 24 June 2020 = 2nd of Tamuz, 5780
"ב׳ בְּתַמּוּז תש״פ" = 40 (Hebrew Reduction)
"ב׳ בְּתַמּוּז תש״פ" = 112 (Hebrew Ordinal)
"ב׳ בְּתַמּוּז תש״פ" = 1237 (Hebrew Gematria)
Parashat Korach / פרשת קורח
Next read in the Diaspora on 27 June 2020. Parashat Korach is the 38th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

Parashat Korach: Summary
Korach and his followers rebel against Moses' and Aaron's leadership and are killed; God instructs Aaron regarding laws of the priesthood.

UN meeting June the 24th.... Israel sovereignty ....#624 #StJohnsDay

News because this happened on freemasonry's 303 birthday

JBS News Update with Teisha Bader from June 24th, 2020 Stories Include: Debate on Israel Applying Sovereignty, Jewish Orgs Slam UN Singling Out Israel, Austria Begins Building Holocaust Memorial, In 1st, Passive Vaccine Tested in Jerusalem, Tiny Covid Drug Study Shows Promise

Flagging 7/3/20 ..... The #185 day of the year and #1110 on the J calendar and 7/2 #1331

That lines up to Donald John Trump on both calendars.... 

Tammuz, or Tamuz, is the tenth month of the civil year and the fourth month of the ecclesiastical year on the Hebrew calendar, and the Assyrian calendar.



The day before From election 2016 to 7/2/20 = 1331 days 

What parashat are they reading the week of 7/3/20

How to slaughter the red heifer.....

Fri, 3 July 2020 = 11th of Tamuz, 5780
י״א בְּתַמּוּז תש״פ
Parashat Chukat-Balak / פרשת חקת־בלק
Next read in the Diaspora on 04 July 2020.
"Chukat-Balak" = 476 (Satanic) in duo 666

"Chukat-Balak" = 28 (Full Reduction)

Torah Portion: Numbers 19:1 - 25:9

The Red Heifer was born on 8/28 
"Donald Trump" = 828 (English Sumerian)

Mike Pence visited the Pope on 1/25/20

Image result for pence pope francis


Pence visits the Pope the day before all Hell starts breaking out in the world.... The next day Kobe helicopter crash....

Kobe crash day.....
On 1/26/2020 it was 313 weeks since the Pope released his peace doves... The helicopter crash pointed to the 3/13 date and Trump declaring a national emergency.

From Pence Pope visit to.........

WHO declares a pandemic 46 days....
From and including: Saturday, January 25, 2020
To, but not including Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Result: 46 days
Or 1 month, 15 days
6 weeks and 4 days

Trump declares national emergency....
From and including: Saturday, January 25, 2020
To, but not including Friday, March 13, 2020
Result: 48 days
Or 1 month, 17 days
6 weeks and 6 days
13.11% of 2020

George Floyd died....
From and including: Saturday, January 25, 2020
To, but not including Monday, May 25, 2020
Result: 121 days
Or 4 months
17 weeks and 2 days
33.06% of 2020

To Tishabav
From and including: Saturday, January 25, 2020
To, but not including Thursday, July 30, 2020
Result: 187 days
Or 6 months, 5 days

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


"ιησουίτης" = 36 (Greek Reduction)
"ιησουίτης" = 135 (Greek Ordinal)
"ιησουίτης" = 1206 (Greek Isopsephy)
"iisouítis" = 121 (English Ordinal)
"iisouítis" = 40 (Full Reduction)
"iisouítis" = 95 (Reverse Ordinal)
"iisouítis" = 59 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"iisouítis" = 557 (Jewish)
"iisouítis" = 26 (Chaldean)

"Ιησουίτες" = 33 (Greek Reduction)
"Ιησουίτες" = 132 (Greek Ordinal)
"Ιησουίτες" = 1203 (Greek Isopsephy)
"Iisouítes" = 117 (English Ordinal)
"Iisouítes" = 36 (Full Reduction)
"Iisouítes" = 99 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Iisouítes" = 54 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Jesuit Priests
"Ιησουιτής ιερέας" = 51 (Greek Reduction)
"Ιησουιτής ιερέας" = 195 (Greek Ordinal)
"Ιησουιτής ιερέας" = 1527 (Greek Isopsephy)
"Iisouitís ieréas" = 173 (English Ordinal)
"Iisouitís ieréas" = 65 (Full Reduction)
"Iisouitís ieréas" = 178 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Iisouitís ieréas" = 742 (Jewish)


jesuit priest
"Societatis Iesu sacerdos" = 258 (English Ordinal)
"Societatis Iesu sacerdos" = 87 (Full Reduction)
"Societatis Iesu sacerdos" = 336 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Societatis Iesu sacerdos" = 147 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Societatis Iesu sacerdos" = 1084 (Jewish)

Society of Jesus
"societas Iesu" = 145 (English Ordinal)
"societas Iesu" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"societas Iesu" = 179 (Reverse Ordinal)
"societas Iesu" = 80 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"societas Iesu" = 652 (Jewish)

Pope Francis
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 264 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 87 (Full Reduction)
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 102 (Reverse Full Reduction)

"Franciscus" = 113 (English Ordinal)
"Franciscus" = 41 (Full Reduction)
"Franciscus" = 157 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Franciscus" = 67 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Franciscus" = 522 (Jewish)

"Pontifex" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"Pontifex" = 109 (English Ordinal)
"Pontifex" = 107 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Pontifex" = 35 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Pontifex" = 570 (Jewish)

"pandemus" = 93 (English Ordinal)
"pandemus" = 123 (Reverse Ordinal)
"pandemus" = 30 (Full Reduction)
"pandemus" = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)

divide and conquer
"divide et livorem superem" = 269 (English Ordinal)
"divide et livorem superem" = 116 (Full Reduction)

divide and rule
"divide et impera" = 140 (English Ordinal)
"divide et impera" = 238 (Reverse Ordinal)
"divide et impera" = 77 (Full Reduction)
"divide et impera" = 85 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"divide et impera" = 1021 (Jewish)

From 9/11/2001 to 3/11/20 was 222 months
Pope Francis
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 222 (English Ordinal)
pandemic declared on 11/3
"Franciscus" = 113 (English Ordinal)

Epicenter of the virus is NYC Mayor De Blasio
"Bill de Blasio" = 222 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Franciscus Pontifex" = 222 (English Ordinal)


"telum bio" = 97 (English Ordinal)
"telum bio" = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)
"telum bio" = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)
"telum bio" = 47 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"telum bio" = 416 (Jewish)
"telum bio" = 377 (Satanic)

germ warfare
"germine cohaerente bellica" = 133 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Trump declared national emergency on 13/3
"ortus" = 21 (Full Reduction)
"ortus" = 93 (English Ordinal)
"ortus" = 42 (Reverse Ordinal)
"ortus" = 33 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Jesus Christ
"Iesus Christus" = 190 (English Ordinal)

Black Lives Matter
"sit materia nigra" = 164 (English Ordinal)
"sit materia nigra" = 74 (Full Reduction)
"sit materia nigra" = 241 (Reverse Ordinal)
"sit materia nigra" = 106 (Reverse Full Reduction)

Black Lives
"nigrum vitae" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"nigrum vitae" = 139 (English Ordinal)
"nigrum vitae" = 1111 (English Extended)
"nigrum vitae" = 158 (Reverse Ordinal)
"nigrum vitae" = 68 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"nigrum vitae" = 1181 (Jewish)

"communistarum" = 54 (Full Reduction)
"Jesuit Order" = 54 (Full Reduction)
"communistarum" = 180 (English Ordinal)
"Golden Gate" = 180 (Reverse Ordinal)
"communistarum" = 81 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Venus" = 18 (Full Reduction)
"Venus" = 81 (English Ordinal)

Rome founding myth.....

According to legend, Ancient Rome was founded by the two brothers, twins, and demigods, Romulus and Remus, on 21 April 753 BCE. The legend claims that in an argument over who would rule the city (or, in another version, where the city would be located) Romulus killed Remus and named the city after himself.

"Romulus and Remus" = 214 (English Ordinal)

The ancient Romans were certain of the day Rome was founded: April 21, 753 BC

April 21 is the 111th day of the year (112th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. 254 days remain until the end of the year.

753 BC – Romulus founds Rome (traditional date).

"CCI" = 21 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Jesuit" = 21 (Full Reduction)

"CCI" = 7 (Chaldean) 3+3+1=7 331/133 = 13/3 Trump declares national emergency.

April 21, 2019 was ...
111th day of the year. There were then 254 days left in 2019.
16th Sunday of 2019.
on the 17th week of 2019 (using US standard week number calculation).
33rd day of Spring. There were 62 days left till Summer.
Birthstone for this day: Diamond and Crystal

The black pope #523 #1818 #covid

Nancy Pelosi has the 1818 number two ways....

"Nancy Patricia DAlesandro Pelosi" = 1818 (English Sumerian)
"Nancy Patricia Pelosi" = 1818 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Revelation 18:18
"And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city"

Nancy Pelosi drive in Golden Gate Park dedicated on the 44th day of the omer...
Mon, 21 May 2012 = 29th of Iyyar, 5772
כ״ט בְּאִיָּר תשע״ב
Parashat Bamidbar (in Diaspora)
44th day of the Omer

"Golden Gate" = 440 (Satanic)
"Earthquake" = 44 (Full Reduction)

"Nancy Pelosi Fifty Fifth Speaker of the House" = 193 (Full Reduction) 44th prime number

Pelosi and 1818

From the 2018 election to the 44th day of the
omer 2020 is 18 months and 18 days =1818
From Tue Nov 06 2018
to Sat May 23 2020
18 Months, 18 Days = 1818

"And cried when they saw the smoke of her burning, saying, What city is like unto this great city" = 326 (Septenary)

3/26 is Nancy Pelosi's birthdate..............

From her last birthday until the 44th day of the omer....
From and including: Thursday, March 26, 2020
To, but not including Saturday, May 23, 2020
Result: 58 days = freemasonry
8 weeks and 2 days = 82 = Tishabav

May 23rd 2020 was the 44th day of the omer....

The black Pope released a message on the 44th day of the omer..2020

"Message from Fr General Arturo Sosa SJ on COVID-19" = 187 (Full Reduction)
July 4th is the 187th day of the year...
"Society of Jesus" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal)
"General Arturo Sosa" = 74 (Full Reduction)
In these times of crisis, words of consolation from the Superior General of the Society of Jesus

"Nancy Patricia DAlesandro Pelosi" = 1818 (English Sumerian)
"Nancy Patricia Pelosi" = 1818 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"General Arturo Sosa" = 1818 (Trigonal)

This is definitely a Jesuit hit on the world! These people are frigging evil! 

Pikes letter date in Hebrew 28th of Av, 5631

Date Pope released his doves that were attacked by a crow.
1/26 = 126
Blood in Jewish Gematria Equals: 126
"Wormwood" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"earthquakes" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"Annihilation" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"San Francisco CA" = 126 (English Ordinal)

"Nancy Pelosi Fifty Fifth Speaker of the House" = 193
(Full Reduction) 44th prime number
"Admah" = 44 (Jewish)
Strong's 126...Admah a city near Sodom and Gomorrah
Admah : word origin same as Adam

Interesting how Strong's keeps lining up with gematria.... 

My black pope work


Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ is the thirty-first and present Superior General of the Society of Jesus. He was elected Superior General by the Society's 36th General Congregation on 14 October 2016, succeeding Adolfo Nicolás. As a Venezuelan, he is the first person born in Latin America to lead the Jesuits.

Born: November 12, 1948 (age 70 years), Caracas, Venezuela
Installed: 14 October 2016
Ordination: July 30, 1977

Born on future Scottish Rite Day 11/12/1948
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Saturday, November 12, 2016
Or 68 years excluding the end date.
CHAZ started on 6/8

"Arturo Sosa SJ" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Pentagram" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Arturo Sosa SJ" = 1112 (English Extended)
(11/12 his birthdate)

"Arturo Marcelino Sosa Abascal SJ" = 1788 (Jewish)
2 * 2 * 3 * 149
Synagogue of Satan = 223
Skull and bones = 149
"AMSA" = 122 (Jewish)

"Isis Horus and Set" = 200 (English Ordinal)
"Georgia Guidestones" = 200 (English Ordinal)

Horus in Simple Gematria Equals: 81
Black Pope in Simple Gematria Equals: 81

Black Pope in Jewish Gematria Equals: 211
Mason in Jewish Gematria Equals: 211

"all seeing eye" = 119 (English Ordinal)
"all seeing eye" = 714 (English Sumerian)
"Vatican" = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Vatican" = 714 (Reverse English Sumerian)

His Ordination was 30 July 1977
7/30/2020 is Tishabav
From and including: Saturday, July 30, 1977
To, but not including Thursday, July 30, 2020
Result: 15,706 days
Or 43 years excluding the end date.
"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Full Reduction)
"Society of Jesus" = 191 (English Ordinal) 43rd prime

On Tishabav 7/30 it will be 531 lunar months since he became a Priest.
15706/29.531 = 531.84
He was elected Superior General by the Society's 36th General Congregation...36 is XXXVI
"Superior General of the Society of Jesus XXXVI" = 531 (English Ordinal)
"Jesuit" = 84 (English Ordinal)
Superior General of the Society of Jesus
"SGSJ" = 787 (Jewish)
"Freemasonry" = 787 (Jewish)

He is the 31st Black Pope
"Superior General of the Society of Jesus XXXI" = 509 (English Ordinal)
"The assassination of president Donald John Trump" = 509 (English Ordinal)

The 464th anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola's death is 7/31
The date after black pope's 43rd anniversary of being a priest.

From and including: Friday, July 31, 1556 (Julian calendar in United States. Change Country)
To, but not including Friday, July 31, 2020 (Gregorian calendar)
Result: 169,463 days
Or 464 years excluding the end date.

"Pope Francis" = 464 (English Extended)
"Judaism" = 464 (English Extended)
"Reptilian" = 464 (English Extended)
"Pentagram" = 464 (English Extended)
"Papa Francisco" = 464 (English Extended)

"Jesus of Nazareth the king of the Jews" = 464 (Reverse Ordinal)
"One Thousand Three Hundred Thirty One" = 464 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Arturo Sosa Donald Trump" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Twin eclipses" = 1331 (Jewish)

"great red dragon" = 464 (Jewish)
"red pulse" = 464 (Jewish)
"Satanic Temple" = 464 (Jewish)

"Pentagram" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Arturo Sosa SJ" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Fri, 31 July 2020 = 10th of Av, 5780
י׳ בְּאָב תש״פ
Parashat Vaetchanan (in Diaspora)

Subtract the 13 days it's ....
Sat, 18 July 2020 = 26th of Tamuz, 5780
כ״ו בְּתַמּוּז תש״פ
Parashat Matot-Masei (in Diaspora)

He's a communist!

"SGSJ XXXI" = 37 (Full Reduction)

"communist" = 37 (Full Reduction)

In Venezuela, he was strongly committed to left-wing politics, and was critical of the country's representative democracy in the 1990s. He supported the two coups d'état of Hugo Chavez, though he later distanced himself from Chavez following human rights violations

The Catholic Herald criticised Sosa for being one of over 1,000 signatories of a 1989 letter welcoming Cuban President Fidel Castro to Venezuela in 1989, Castro having repressed the Catholic Church in Cuba during his time in power.[13] George Neumayr of the conservative American Spectator described Sosa as a "Marxist", "a Venezuelan communist, and modernist"

Event 201
"Arturo Sosa Jesuit" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)


Arturo Sosa took office on 10/14/2016
The 464th anniversary of Ignatius of Loyola's death is 7/31
From and including: Friday, October 14, 2016
To, but not including Friday, July 31, 2020
Result: 1386 days
"Ignatius of Loyola" = 1386 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Mary mother of Jesus" = 1386 (English Sumerian)
"Hillary Rodham Clinton" = 1386 (English Sumerian)
Or 198 weeks
"President Trump" = 198 (English Ordinal)
"murder by numbers" = 198 (English Ordinal)
"Terrorist Attack" = 198 (English Ordinal)
"calm before the storm" = 198 (English Ordinal)

Black Pope Arturo Sosa took office on 10/14/2016
WHO declared a pandemic on 3/11/20
"Thirty First SGSJ Arturo Sosa" = 113 (Full Reduction)
From and including: Friday, October 14, 2016
To, but not including Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Result: 1244 days
"Georgetown" = 1244 (Jewish)
"Biological warfare" = 1244 (Jewish)

"Eye of Horus" = 1244 (Trigonal)
"Eye of Horus" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"coronavirus" = 56 (Full Reduction)
"Society of Jesus" = 56 (Full Reduction)

"The time of Revelation has begun" = 1244 (Satanic)
"national emergency dialing code" = 1244 (Satanic)

Black Pope born on 11/12/1948 
On 9/11/2020 the 19th anniversary of 911 he will be 888 lunar months old... 
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Friday, September 11, 2020
Result: 26,236 days
26236/29.531 = 888.42
"Arturo Sosa SJ" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Jesuit" = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)

He turns 888 lunar months old on 8/30/20
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Sunday, August 30, 2020
Result: 26,224 days

Just 77 days after Trump turns 888 regular months old 
From and including: Sunday, June 14, 2020
To, but not including Sunday, August 30, 2020
Result: 77 days
"Book of Revelation" = 77 (Full Reduction)
Or 2 months, 16 days ..6*6*6=216

He was 911 sidereal months old when Trump was inaugurated... 
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Friday, January 20, 2017
Result: 24,906 days
24906/27.322 = 911.57

He turned 911 sidereal months old on 1/5/2017 
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Thursday, January 5, 2017
Result: 24,891 days
24891/27.322= 911.02

He turned 68 years old on the first Scottish rite day 
From and including: Friday, November 12, 1948
To, but not including Saturday, November 12, 2016
Result: 24,837 days
Or 68 years excluding the end date.
Or 816 months excluding the end date.

He seems to be hooked to Trump..... 
"Arturo Sosa Donald Trump" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Twin eclipses" = 1331 (Jewish)

Difference between their births was 126 weeks.... 

From and including: Friday, June 14, 1946
To, but not including Friday, November 12, 1948
Result: 882 days
Or 2 years, 4 months, 29 days excluding the end date.
Or 28 months, 29 days excluding the end date.
126 weeks

There's that 126 number that is so connected to Pope Francis and San Francisco. 

Date Pope released his doves that were attacked by a crow.
1/26 = 126
Blood in Jewish Gematria Equals: 126
"Wormwood" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"earthquakes" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"Annihilation" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"San Francisco CA" = 126 (English Ordinal)

"born one hundred twenty six weeks apart" = 156 (Full Reduction)
"Forty Fifth President Donald Trump" = 156 (Full Reduction)
911 is the 156th prime number 
Arturo Sosa was 911 sidereal months old when Trump was inaugurated. 

Pope doves release on 1/26/2014 
From and including: Sunday, January 26, 2014
To, but not including Friday, October 14, 2016
Result: 992 days
Or 2 years, 8 months, 18 days excluding the end date.
Or 32 months, 18 days excluding the end date.

Trump 45 Sosa 31
"XLV XXXI" = 139 (English Ordinal)
"freemasonry" = 139 (English Ordinal)
"XLV DJT XXXI AS" = 613 (Satanic)
613 commandments in the Bible