Kjell Stefan Löfven born 21 July 1957
33rd Prime Minister of Sweden
Swedish Prime Minister" in the English Reduction system equals 111
Monarch of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf
Six Six in Simple Gematria Equals: 104
7+21+1+9+5+7=50= Revelations, Nephilim, Rosy Cross
7+2+1+1+9+5+7=32=Scottish, Dragon, Templars
July 21 is the 202nd day of the year There are 163 days remaining until the end of the year.
Pope Francis in Jewish Gematria Equals: 404
Barack Hussein Obama in Simple Gematria Equals: 163
"Kjell Stefan Löfven" in the English Reduction system equals 57= Scottish Rite, Knights of Malta
Kjell Stefan Löfven in Simple Gematria Equals: 174
New World Order, Secret Societies, Number Of The Beast
Kjell Stefan Löfven in English Gematria Equals: 1044=144
Mark Of The Beast in Simple Gematria Equals: 144
Prince William, Forty Four, King Solomon, Hillary Rodham, Two One Six= 6x6x6=216
Stefan Löfven" in the English Reduction system equals 43=Freemasons
Stefan Löfven in Jewish Gematria Equals: 1013=113=Lie to gentiles
Evil Incarnate=1013 Politically Correct=1013
Stefan Löfven in English Gematria Equals: 744/124
Judgment Day, Son of Satan,
Swedish P M Stefan Löfven in English Gematria Equals: 1440
Swedish PM going to Saudi Arabia (With arms dealer Marcus Wallenberg)
Marcus Wallenberg was born on September 2, 1956 in Stockholm, Sweden. His father, Marc Wallenberg, is a banker. His mother is Olga Wehtje. He is a member of the prominent Wallenberg family
He is the Vice Chairman of the Institute of International Finance. He serves on the board of directors of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken, Electrolux, Ericsson, LKAB, AstraZeneca, Stora Enso, Saab, Temasek Holdings and Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. He is a former member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven will travel to Saudi Arabia this weekend for an official visit.
Löfven will meet with representatives of the Saudi royal family, the foreign minister, and with the country's commission for human rights.
"Saudi Arabia is an important political and economic player with a key role for development and safety in the region. The situation in Syria will be prioritised issue during the talks. I also see good opportunities for an increased exchange, within for instance innovation and sustainability issues," the PM wrote in a statement.
The business leader Marcus Wallenberg, and Maria Rankka, CEO of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, will accompany Löfven on the trip.
Sweden’s unethical – and unlawful – arms deals with ‘ISIS-backing’ Saudis
By Prof Marcello Ferrada de Noli,
Chair, Swedish Doctors for Human Rights – SWEDHR
Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven, and with him the Swedish arms-dealer magnate Jacob Wallenberg, are travelling to Saudi Arabia for an official visit. The meetings with the Saudis, as announced by the Swedish Radio, shall aim to “increase the exchange” between the two countries. [1] At the same time, the Chairman of the Defense Committee in the Swedish Parliament, Mr Allan Widman, is now demanding that Sweden should send arms to US-backed Pershmerga, integrating the US & Saudi-led coalition in Iraq. [2]
The above-mentioned issues are not only connected in their timing, but are also produced against the backdrop of the US and Saudi instigated Syria war aimed to depose the legitimate government of Assad, and the confrontation pursued by NATO and its political front EU against Russia. Accusations put forward in the US, among other by Senator Richard Black, indicate that Saudi Arabia has been financing/arming ISIS jihadists. [3] The Senator revealed also that “Saudi Arabia and Turkey formed the Army of Conquer and coordinated ISIS and Al-Qaida”. To the best of my knowledge the Senator has not been refuted on these allegations. Further, emails published by WikiLeaks’ Podesta series revealed that Hillary Clinton has been fully aware – already since 2014 – of the fact that both Saudi Arabia and Qatar were financing ISIS.[3] On the other hand, the US government has claimed the responsibility for financing, training and arming so-called “moderate rebels” – the “moderate terrorists” – which together with ISIS maintain a common war against the government of Syria. [4]
The human rights impact of the above has meant a tragedy of huge proportions for the Syrian population in the occupied territories. This occupation has been conducted by a variety of foreign troops, i.e. ISIS forces financed by Saudi Arabia and Qatar, “moderate terrorists”, US military ‘advisors” or Turkish-trained forces. One example of these human rights atrocities committed by the coalition-supported rebels was the shutting off water supply in (West) Aleppo to over a million civilian residents in that area. [5]
As voices of protest in the US against the arming of the above mentioned “rebels” has increased (to the point that they were halted during a brief period) the US government expects that its client states in the EU will replace US in shipping supplies to the “rebels”. The utilization of Sweden in this regard is convenient in two ways: Despite the subservient stance towards NATO in particular during the past Carl Bildt era, the Swedish authorities play still the “non-alignment” card, giving hence the impression of a “neutral country”; and on the other hand, Sweden has a history of secret deals regarding weapons-export with the Saudis.
The law in Sweden forbids the export of weapons to parties/zones in on-going military conflict. However, the Swedish authorities, the military and the weapons-export complex ‘led’ ultimately by magnate Jacob Wallenberg have already breached the Swedish law in those regards. Apart of the explicit prohibition to provide weapons to factions in actual conflict, it should be noted that under the Swedish law all kind of arms shipments for export purposes have to be controlled by (the ‘independent’) Swedish Agency for Non-Proliferation and Export Controls (ISP). This was not the case of “Project Simoom”, when Sweden’s Defence Research Agency (FOI), an authority under the Ministry of Defence, initiated a secret arms deals with the Saudis already in 2007 and later through an up-front firm aimed to cover the operation.
This secret arms deal between Sweden and the Saudis [6] has also been exposed by the organization WikiLeaks. This occasioned the Swedish military react preposterously against the WikiLeaks founder, accusing Mr Assange and WikiLeaks on Swedish TV of “blackmailing Sweden”. [7]