Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Valentines Day 2025 ... 528

 2*14+20*25 = 528 
"Trump" = 528 (Sumerian)

"II XIV MMXXV" = 169 (Ordinal) 13*13

"II XIV MMXXV Valentines Day 2025" = 122 (Reduction)
"World Health Organization" = 122 (Reduction)

"II XIV" = 73 (Ordinal)
"Sacrifice" = 73 (Ordinal)

Trump rally in DC on 5/19/2025 519


1*19+20*25= 519 

"I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end the first and the last" = 519 (Ordinal)
"for many are called but few are chosen" = 519 (Reverse Ordinal)
"President John F Kennedy Assassinated" = 519 (Reverse Ordinal)

Mike Pence was at the Vaitcan on 1/25/2020

 Do you want to see coronavirus in numbers? Event 201 was named after Pope Francis who Mike Pence met with at the Vatican on 1/25/2020.  
1+25+20+20 = 66
Corona = 66 ( Ordinal) 66 and 6 letters = 666

Vaccine was rolled out on 12/14/2020 
From and including: Saturday, January 25, 2020
To, but not including Monday, December 14, 2020
7777 hours


1st coronavirus drill was 5/15/18 the virus declared a pandemic on 3/11/20 
5/15/2018 to 3/11/2020 = 666 days
Virus declared pandemic on 3/11/2020, 5G rolled out on 1/5/2022 
3/11/2020 to 1/5/2022 = 666 days

First drill was called
"CladeX" = 113 (Reverse Ordinal) = 
Who declared pandemic on 3/11 election on 11/3

Bill Gates patent number 606060 = 666 

From Pfizer shell company creation (Pharmacia & Upjohn) to put lawsuits in to the day the Chinese told the WHO they had coronavirus was 666 weeks. 
3/27/2007 to 12/31/2019 = 666 weeks  


Vaccination" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"humanity" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"Quinque G" = 666 (Sumerian) (Five G in Latin) 

Bill Gates patent number 60606 = 666 
"The Culling" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"Slaughter" = 666 ( Sumerian)

"Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 201 (Ordinal)
"The Jesuit Order" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Antonio Guterres" = 201 (Ordinal)
"Ignatius of Loyola" = 201 ( Ordinal) 
"William Henry Gates" = 201 (Ordinal)
"God is in our DNA" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid" = 201 (Ordinal)
"covid19 vaccine failure" = 201 (Ordinal)
"Executive Order 13887" = 201 (Ordinal)

"Executive Order 13887 on a September Nineteen Two Thousand Nineteen" = 666 (Ordinal)

Vaccination" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"humanity" = 666 ( Sumerian)
"Quinque G" = 666 (Sumerian) (Five G in Latin) 

"coronavirus" = 56 (Reduction)
"Anthony Fauci" = 56 (Reduction)
"Tedros Adhanom" = 56 ( Reduction)
"TA Ghebreyesus" = 56 ( Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 56 (Reduction)
"Toilet Paper" = 56 (Reduction)
"Immortality" = 56 (Reduction)

"Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus" = 122 ( Reduction)
"World Health Organization" = 122 ( Reduction)

1st case confirmed in the US was on 1/21 in Washington state home of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and WHO Situation Report 1 was released.
"World Health Organization" = 121 (Reverse Reduction)
"Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation" = 121 ( Reduction)

"TA Ghebreyesus" = 155 (Ordinal)
"coronavirus" = 155 (Ordinal)
"Immortality" = 155 (Ordinal)

The words "coronavirus" and "immortality" match in 15 different ciphers. 

It was a medical experiment to see if they could find the switch that turns on aging and turn it off. They think they can live forever if they do. 

Event 201 
"God is in our DNA" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid" = 201 (Ordinal)

"coronavirus" = 56 (Reduction)
"Anthony Fauci" = 56 (Reduction)
"Tedros Adhanom" = 56 ( Reduction)
"TA Ghebreyesus" = 56 ( Reduction)
"Washington DC" = 56 (Reduction)
"Society of Jesus" = 56 (Reduction)
"Toilet Paper" = 56 (Reduction)
"Immortality" = 56 (Reduction)

If you look at the video of Fauci speech at Georgetown on 1/10/2017 when he said "Trump is going to get a surprise virus" that paragraph starts at exactly 3:11 minutes into the video. Georgetown is a Jesuit College. The Jesuits were banned from countries for poisoning people. 

Coronavirus is venom... 

The head of the coronavirus operation was Pope Francis. The 201 number is the Jesuits. "Katherine the Great saved 201 Jesuits from death" Pope Francis lives in apartment 201. 

"Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 201 (Ordinal)
"The Jesuit Order" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Ignatius of Loyola" = 201 ( Ordinal) 
"William Henry Gates" = 201 (Ordinal)
"God is in our DNA" = 201 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Deoxyribonucleic Acid" = 201 (Ordinal)

They are waging a war against God! IMO

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Crystal Tyme" Juan O'Saven and USA Founding decode to Jesus' Death and Age of Enlightenment for every Soul! Venus 33


Washington Monument gets 488 lights


The scaffolding is there because workers are repairing cracks and other damage caused by the Aug. 23, 2011, earthquake that shook the Mid-Atlantic states. A blue/gray fabric covers the scaffolding. The lights shine from behind that covering.

Mon, 8 July 2013 = 1st of Av, 5773
🌒 Rosh Chodesh Av 🌒
Parashat Devarim
1+12+57+73 = 143
"Archangel Lucifer" = 143 (Ordinal)

There were 488 lights
"Archangel Lucifer" = 488 (Latin)

Obama was the 44th President
Parashat Devarim is the 44th weekly Torah portion 

7*8+20*13 = 316
"Satan Obama" = 316 (Latin)

It was being repaired from an earthquake that happened on 8/23/2011. 
8/23/2011 to 7/8/2013 = 686 days
"The Prince of Darkness" = 686 (Latin)

Or 22 months 2 weeks 2 days = 2222 

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Decoder WRB .... LA Fire... Chief Kristin M Crowley 201 3133 333


 "Kristin Crowley" = 201 (Ordinal)
"Kristin Crowley" = 177 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Chief Crowley" = 132 (Ordinal)
"Chief KM Crowley" = 222 (Reverse)
"Chief KM Crowley" = 156 (Ordinal)

"Kristin" = 100 (Ordinal)

With her wife and children by her side, Chief Crowley took the oath of office on March 25, 2022 – becoming the first female and LGBTQ Fire Chief in the LAFD.

3*25+20*22+1*7+20*25 = 1022 
"Androgyny" = 1022 (Latin)

From and including: Friday, March 25, 2022
To, but not including Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Result: 1019 days
Or 33 months, 13 days excluding the end date. 3313

From and including: Friday, March 25, 2022
To and including: Tuesday, January 7, 2025
Result: 1020 days
145 weeks and 5 days = 1455

"LAFD Chief Kristin M Crowley" = 1888 (Latin)

"John F Kennedy Jr" = 1888 (Latin)
"Shot Heard Around The World" = 1888 (Latin)
"Hail Victory Hail Trump" = 1888 (Latin)
"Great Red Wave" = 1888 (Latin) 
"Trumps Secret Service Agent" = 1888 (Latin)
"Easier For Camel To Pass Through The Eye Of A Needle" = 1888 (Latin)
"Jesus Christ Has Returned" = 1888 (Latin)
"Warrior Against Antichrist" = 1888 (Latin)
"Satan Rules This World" = 1888 (Latin)
"Banking System Overhaul" = 1888 (Latin)
"China W W I I I" = 1888 (Latin)
"Donald J Trump Elected To Second Term" = 1888 (Latin)
"Donald John Trump The Mark Of The Beast" = 1888 (Latin)
"Christianity Wins" = 1888 (Latin)
"Covid Vaccination DNA Mark" = 1888 (Latin)
"Synagogue Of Satan Synagogue" = 1888 (Latin)

B'Nai B'rith founded in Israel in the year 1888. 

Soon, lodges were formed in Jerusalem (1888—nine years before Theodor Herzl convened the First Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland). The Jerusalem lodge became the first public organization to hold all of its meetings in Hebrew.

"Kristin M Crowley" = 214 (Ordinal)
"A LGBTQ LAFD Chief Crowley" = 214 (Ordinal)

The 7th January was the 333rd day of the Year of the Dragon ...
..a fire breathing dragon i guess ...LOL
This was 33 days before the upcoming Super Bowl where the Chiefs win for the 3rd year in a row.
Patrick Lavon Mahomes II = 333
SBLIX will be his 133rd game
Pacific Palisades = 133

Homemade Italian Dressing #food

 Italian Dressing 

3/4 cup olive oil

1/4 cup red or white wine vinegar (I used white)

1 tsp garlic powder

1 tsp dried oregano

1 tsp dried basil

1/2 tsp onion powder

1/2 tsp crushed red pepper

3/4 tsp salt

1/2 tsp pepper

1 tsp lemon juice