Thursday, June 29, 2023

Congress encoded their switchboard phone number (202 - 225 - 3121 = 3548 ) Mosaic Laws, Legislation , legislators, law giver #Strongs #Greek


Congress House of Representives main line 
Contact Congress 202 - 225 - 3121 

202 + 225 + 3121 = 3548

3548 means "Legistration, Lawgiving 
3548. nomothesia (Greek)
From nomothetes; legislation,  giving of the law.
(specially, the institution of the Mosaic code) 

"nomothesia" = 119 (Ordinal)
"A legislator" = 119 (Ordinal)
"Law giver" = 119 (Reverse Ordinal)

"nomothesia" = 47 (Reduction)
"legislators" = 47 (Reduction
"legislators" = 47 (Reduction

"legislators" = 137 (Ordinal)
"Washington DC" = 137 (Ordinal)

"νομοθεσια" = 455 (Greek Isopsephy) 13th Tetrahedral
"Mind Controlled" = 455 (Latin)
"νομοθεσια" = 104 (Greek Ordinal)
"Law Giving" = 104 (Ordinal)
"νομοθεσια" = 41 (Greek Reduction)
"Skull and Bones" = 41 (Reduction)

"A Congressional Building" = 777 (Latin)
"Order Out Of Chaos" = 777 (Latin)

"The Mosaic code" = 120 (Ordinal)
"Illuminati" = 120 (Ordinal)

"United States Of America" = 228 (Ordinal)
"Mosaic Code Law" = 228 (Reverse Ordinal)

"The Covenants And The Giving of the Mosaic Law and the Temple Service" = 919 (Reverse Ordinal)

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