Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Interesting comment about Golden Gate Bridge

4.4.2013 to 12.18.2023 the date I heard the golden gate bridge location crosses with the astrological shift of the golden gate in astrotheology is 3911 days.. like a 3rd 911? I follow people who think it may be on the list for this year. Billie Elish did a song called everything I wanted with the golden gate referenced in the art for the single and the video as well as three towers. She was born December 18th, 2001 making her 22 this year on that date with 13 days remaining in the year. An ascension and rebellion number on a gate or bridge like dimensional transport? It is also the 2nd day of Saturnalia. Pope Francis birthday is the 17th or first day of Saturnalia. Time tells though. League of nations was founded in San Fran representing solar gate vs UN in New York representing lunar gate. Both "pillars" would be symbolically destroyed at some point. 10/4 or clocktower programming from back to the future could also be 12/4 dec in December meaning 10. It would be 88 days after the queens death date of 9/8 on the virgin Mary's supposed birthdate. I also am watching that date for perhaps Big Ben to go. The tower it is in was renamed for queen Elizabeth in 2012. Both are referenced in the back to the future movies. As is lions gate august 8 which is 133 days or 4 months and 11 days (411) information download number before 12.18. Interesting that the Lyons gate in the movie where Marty lived had "for Mary" on them at one point. The writer for the movies said they were based on the lions in his home town of university city Missouri. Washington University is there and it was founded 2.22.1853. That may fit in to your Washington series of numerology you have covered. Some believe St. Louis which University City is an inner suburb of is the pillar between San Fran and New York and future home of the last world government. Strength through truth is the university motto and has 101 numerology like highway 101 goes over golden gate bridge. State House District 88, Missouri is also the district of university city and st Louis. So many little details. Wouldn't it be amazing to have an inside understanding of some of these things to work from instead of piecing together so many little notes... fascinating and complex plan lucifer has, but it will fail at a great cost!

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