Monday, May 13, 2024


 Truman because Presdent on 4/12/1945. He signed the Israel document 1128 days later. 
"Brotherhood of Freemasonry" = 1128 (Satanic)
"New Order of the Ages" = 1128 (Sumerian)
"Bavarian Illuminati" = 1128 (Sumerian)
"Ordo ab chao" = 1128 (Reverse Sumerian)

"Eight Hundred Eighty Eight" = 1128 (Latin)
"Harry S Truman" = 888 (Reverse Sumerian)
"Donald J Trump" = 888 (Sumerian)

Truman was President 777% of a year 

From inauguration to last full day 
From and including: Thursday, April 12, 1945
To, but not including Monday, January 19, 1953
777.81% of a common year (365 days)
"Order out of chaos" = 777 (Latin)


  1. Replies
    1. Actually it's 912 months.. but the white horse with blood the ran through the streets of London on the same day as Big Ben stopped on 4/24 That was 75 years, 11 months, 10 days from Israel creation

      "New World Order" = 75
      "Stock Market Crash" = 1110
      "US dollar collapse" = 1110

      King Charles just released a painting of him and it's blood red. I think something is going on there.
