Saturday, July 13, 2024

Uranus Mars Conjunct Fixed Star Algol | The Demon Star Of Medusa 26° Taurus

 "Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

"Algol" = 88 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Algol" = 47 (Ordinal)

"Trump" = 47 (Reverse Ordinal)

On the 15/16th of July, we have Uranus and Mars both coming into a conjunction at the 26° of Taurus. This will also make a conjunction to the fixed star Algol (aka the demon star of medusa) that sits in the constellation of Perseus. This is a conjunction we can see frustration, agitation, motivation, and drive to strive for what we want, for good or bad. We could experience or see power struggles, where we could be inclined to feel more of a need to claim our power back. Ultimately, this is about the transformation of self, becoming stronger, wiser, and empowering ourselves through self-love.


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