Thursday, January 9, 2025

Trump reads "The Snake Poem" on 4/29/2017 to inauguration


7 years 7 months 7 days and 77 hours 

That lands on 5:00 am 1/20/2025 

Add 7 hours to land on 12:00 noon the swearing in time. 

7 yrs, 7 mo, 7 days, 77 hours, 7 hours.... 

Or  change 7 hours into 25200 seconds 

"emergency alert system" = 252 (Ordinal)
"the Storm is upon us" = 252 (Ordinal)
"Scottish Freemasonry" = 252 ( Ordinal)

And to 1/17 it's...... 

1/17 is Michelle Obama's birthday.... 

"Transgender Day of Revenge" = 117 (Reduction)
"central intelligence agency" = 117 (Reduction)



  1. Fire Chief Kristin M. Crowley
    Kristen Crowley = 201
    The 19th Fire Chief of LA
    On January 7th she had been the Chief for 1019 days or 33 months 13 days ...the Revelation Code 3313
    The 7th January was the 333rd day of the Year of the Dragon ...
    ..a fire breathing dragon i guess ...LOL
    This was 33 days before the upcoming Super Bowl where the Chiefs win for the 3rd year in a row.
    Patrick Lavon Mahomes II = 333
    SBLIX will be his 133rd game
    Pacific Palisades = 133

  2. Hey Joan,
    I have my Super Bowl decode waiting in the wings.
    It's quite long, so ill try to reduce it before I send it through.
