Saturday, February 8, 2025

March 22nd 2025 .... 1817 ...Rare Mars/Saturn conjunction was on 3/31/2020

 Rare Mars/Saturn conjunction was on 3/31/2020 1817 

 Crystal-tyme said there was a rare Mars/Saturn conjunction on 3/31/2020. Count the days from that to 3/22/2025 and it's 1817 days. Guess what happened on 3/8/1817? The board of the NYSE was created on that day and on the Hebrew calendar it was the "Sabbath of the Red Heifer" That Sabbath this year is on 3/22. So the NYSE will be 208 years old on that date 3/22 It was created in the year 1817...
From and including: Tuesday, March 31, 2020
To, but not including Saturday, March 22, 2025
Result: 1817 days

Remember how covid started with the signal of the Kobe helicopter crash? 

"Helicopter" = 666 (Sumerian)
"Vaccination" = 666 (Sumerian)
"Mark of Beast" = 666 (Sumerian)

Every date in March/Mars month in gematria is 3, 6 or 9     3/01= 3    3/02=6     3/03=9     repeating the pattern of   3 6 9     With a Rare Mars/ Saturn conjunction on 3/31= 93= 12=3       So the first day of March/Mars month  starts with 3 and the last day end with 31x3= 93=12=3    Giving us a 369 pattern with the start and end adding to 33 ( the year of Jesus' death)

If you take the whole date of 3/31/= 93=12=3    then add 2020= 7     or 3/31/= 7  ,   3/31/2020= 11  so we are in a 77  number  on March 31 on the conjunction and Trump's  age was on inauguration  70 yrs, 7 months 

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