From and including: Friday, September 27, 2024
To, but not including Thursday, March 13, 2025 (lunar eclipse)
Result: 167 days
"a Star out of Jacob" = 167 (Ordinal)
Eclipses in 2025
Mar 13–14, 2025 — Total Lunar Eclipse (this page)
Mar 29, 2025 – Partial Solar Eclipse
According to, the Star of Jacob was seen on September 27, 2024. The Star of Jacob is a sign of the Son of Man.
The Star of Jacob is mentioned in the Bible in Numbers 24:17, which is part of the "Balaam cycle". The verse reads, "A star is emerging from Jacob; a scepter is rising from Israel".
The Golden Child - Ivanka Trump – The 48th President
ReplyDeleteExactly 48 months after Trump declaring the beginning of the ‘Golden Age’, his ‘Golden Child’, Ivanka Trump, will take up office as the 48th president. This will also be 4 years and 8 days after the birth of Golden Raye Mahomes.
Ivanka was born exactly 777 days after the birth of the actress that played the Golden Child in the movie of the same name.
Of course Donald Trump became the 45th president when he was 70 years 7 months 7 days old …777.
From Cleopatra’s Needle February 22nd 1881 to Ivanka winning the 61st presidential election on November 7th 2028 is exactly 7707 weeks …777
Ivanka’s mother was buried exactly 881 months after her birth
From the death of Ivanka’s mother Ivana on July 14th 2022 to Ivanka’s election victory is a span of 2309 days …343rd prime …7x7x7
Also, 239 is the 52nd prime …President = 52 Pope = 52
From Ivana’s funeral to Ivanka’s inauguration is exactly 6 years 6 months …66
From the release of the movie ‘Golden Child’ on 12.12.1986 to Ivanka’s inauguration is 2197 weeks
2197 is 13x13x13 …13 cubed ...(13 to the 3rd power) …Whitehouse = 133 President = 133 Government = 133
Lisa Simpson = 146/47/151/70 Ivanka Trump = 146/47/151/70
In ‘Bart to the Future’ released on March 19th 2000 where Lisa becomes the President, to Ivanka’s victory is 10,460 days
Ivanka Trump = 146 Donald Trump born 14.6.46 Snake = 146(J)
Ivanka’s victory will be on 7/11 and Donald Trump misspoke 7/11 for 9/11 on April 18th 2016 and ...
April 18th 2016 to Ivanka’s first day in office is a span exactly 666 weeks or 4660 days
466th prime is 3313 …the Revelation Code.
Woman President = 666(S) 1414(J) …Snake = 14 …Trump = 377(Fibonacci) …the 14th Fibonacci number
First Woman President = 1699(J) …266th prime
Golden Child = 170(J) …moon = 170(J)
Ivanka’s election victory will be during moon Lunation 1309
The factors of 1309 are 7x11x17 …freemasonry = 139
From the Freemasons birth on 24th June 1717 to Ivanka’s election victory is a span of 311 years 137 days …33rd prime
From the Freemasons birth on 24th June 1717 to Ivanka’s inauguration is a span of 311 years 211 days …the 47th prime …Ivanka Trump = 47 Trump = 47 / 470(J) President = 47
From Cleopatra’s Needle February 22nd 1881 to Ivanka’s inauguration is 147 years 333 days ...Freemason = 147
Cleopatra = 91 ...13th triangular
DeleteIvana buried 881 months old ...152nd prime ...Cleopatra = 152
Delete11*7+20*28 = 637
Delete"Election Day" = 637 (Latin)
"Ivanka" = 761 (Latin)
"vaccine" = 761 (Latin)
Her intials I M Trump
"President IM Trump" = 1320 (Sumerian)
"President DJ Trump" = 1320 (Reverse Sumerian)
7*4+17*76 = 1320
Her name is Ivana. They must have started calling her Ivanka to be different from her mom.
DeleteFrom Q's first post
From and including: Saturday, October 28, 2017
To, but not including Saturday, January 20, 2029
Result: 4102 days
4102/27.322= 150.135 sidereal months
"fight fight fight" = 150 (Ordinal)
"Ivana Trump" = 135 (Ordinal)