Friday, January 27, 2017

California’s Recipe for Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale

Here’s the recipe, from an article I wrote in November for
Treat anyone who proposes a Voter ID bill like [Saul] Alinsky would — shame them, shun them, ridicule, then repeat.
Make access so easy that you can register to vote online up to 15 days prior to Election Day and still vote. (They pushed for same day voter registration so that people who “forgot” to register could still register & “participate” as late as Election Day).
Make a major push to move as many voters as possible to mail-in ballots (permanent absentee ballots).
Spend millions of taxpayer dollars handing out Drivers Licenses to millions of people illegally present in the state (with an asterisk stating, “Federal Limits Apply”).
Pass a law requiring everyone who has a California Drivers License to be “automatically” registered to vote—including illegal aliens.
“If the voter does not check either the “Yes” or “No” box (for whether or not they are US Citizen), and the registration is otherwise complete, the registration should be processed normally and entered on the voter rolls.” (See screenshot of official publication below on California Secretary of State Website regarding CA compliance with National Voting Rights Act (NVRA):
Never update statewide voter database with any information that ever disqualif[ies] a voter — especially county coroner lists of the newly deceased.

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