Tuesday, February 26, 2019

The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction

The Saturn – Pluto Conjunction
And the transits for the year 2020
(Published in the Dec 2015 edition of The Mountain Astrologer)

In astrology, every moment matters. The cosmic clock ticking, as planets (and luminaries) pursue their motion and form celestial patterns, provides a flavor, a meaning, or a message for each passing minute or for a whole epoch. We ourselves are the embodiment of the moment of our birth; as such, each one of us represents a moment in time. In other words, each fraction of time has a purpose.

Key Dates and Configurations

December 26, 2019: solar eclipse at 4° Capricorn, conjunct Jupiter.
January 12, 2020: Saturn–Pluto new cycle conjunction at 22° Capricorn, in a tight conjunction with the Sun, Mercury, and Ceres. Saturn and Pluto conjoin while also on their respective South Nodes; the South Node of Pluto will be at 20° Capricorn, and the South Node of Saturn at 23° Capricorn.
Jupiter conjoins the South Node of the Moon at 8°–9° Capricorn.
April 5, 2020: Jupiter–Pluto new cycle conjunction at 24° Capricorn, still conjunct the South Node of Pluto at 23° Capricorn. The conjunction recurs on June 30.
June 21, 2020: solar eclipse at 0° Cancer (solstice point), with a loose Jupiter–Saturn–Pluto conjunction sextile Mars and Neptune in the background.
August – December 2020: Mars moves through Aries, direct and then retrograde, squaring the ongoing conjunction of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto.
September 9, 2020: Mars turns retrograde at 28° Aries.
November 13, 2020: Mars turns direct at 15° Aries.
Final Jupiter–Pluto conjunction at 22° Capricorn, also conjunct Saturn.
December 21, 2020: Jupiter–Saturn conjunction at 0° Aquarius.
Mars in Aries squares Pluto at 23° Capricorn.

The Saturn–Pluto Cycle

The Saturn–Pluto cycle occurs roughly every 33 to 38 years, varying according to Pluto’s highly elliptical orbit. This meeting of forces represents, among other things, the redistribution of power in the world or, in other words, which faction will make the decisions that affect the greater collective, whether this occurs in plain sight or behind the scenes. From a spiritual perspective, this cycle reflects a rite of passage determining who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources, and thus regulates who will be in a position of influence. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the highest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority, along with a test of capacity and resilience. Beyond the management of power, this cycle is also about the skill to increase power and the value of resources.


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