Minneapolis Prince Hall Phone Number
"612-824-5150" = 34 (Full Reduction)

There's a beautiful George Floyd mural at 38th & Chicago
"thirty eight and Chicago" = 214 (English Ordinal)
Mayor Frey born on 2/14 (Jewish calendar)
"thirty eight and Chicago" = 115 (Full Reduction)
"President Donald John Trump" = 115 (Full Reduction)
"Scottish Rite Freemasonry" = 115 (Full Reduction)
Prince Hall Masonic Temple
Prince Hall Grand Lodge
5/25 was the 146th day of the year
"Prince Hall Minneapolis Minnesota" = 146 (Full Reduction)
"Ofc Chauvin, Ofc Lane, Ofc Thao, Ofc Kueng" = 146 (Full Reduction)
"Prince Hall Minneapolis Grand Lodge" = 525 (Reverse Ordinal)
There's a beautiful George Floyd mural at 38th & Chicago
"I cant breathe" = 38 (Chaldean)
Prince Hall
"310 E 38th st Minneapolis" = 214 (English Ordinal)
"thirty eight and Chicago" = 214 (English Ordinal) (Corner where Floyd died)
Mayor Frey born on 21/4 (Jewish calendar)
21st of Tamuz, 5741 (21+4+5+7+4+1 = 42)
"Zionism" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"fake news" = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Freemason" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"Jesuit" = 42 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Synagogue" = 42 (Full Reduction)
Boule founded
Sun, 15 May 1904 = 1st of Sivan, 5664 (1/3/5664 or 1/9/5664)
א׳ בְּסִיוָן תרס״ד
"א׳ בְּסִיוָן תרס״ד" = 37 (Hebrew Reduction)
"א׳ בְּסִיוָן תרס״ד" = 109 (Hebrew Ordinal)
"א׳ בְּסִיוָן תרס״ד" = 793 (Hebrew Gematria)
"א׳ בְּסִיוָן תרס״ד" = 1443 (Hebrew Soffits)
Rosh Chodesh Sivan
45th day of the Omer
Prince Hall Grand Lodge suite 217 ...612.824.5150
Minneapolis Prince Hall Ph No.
"612.824.5150" = 34 (Full Reduction)
Prince Hall is in the Sabathani Center
"Sabathani Center" = 59 (Full Reduction)
"Sabathani" = 252 (Jewish)
"Boulé" = 272 (Jewish)
"negros" = 272 (Jewish)
"Masonic Media" = 272 (Jewish)
"Crackers" = 272 (Jewish)
"rasta" = 272 (Jewish)
"Prince Hall Freemasonry" = 111 (Full Reduction)
"Prince Hall Freemasonry" = 237 (English Ordinal)
"Prince Hall Freemasonry" = 330 (Reverse Ordinal)
Prince Hall 1st lodge opened....
From and including: Monday, May 25, 2020
To, but not including Wednesday, June 24, 2020
Result: 30 days
4 weeks and 2 days = 42 "Freemason" = 42 (Full Reduction)
From and including: Friday, June 24, 1791
To, but not including Monday, May 25, 2020
Result: 83,611 days
83611/ 777 = 107.60746
"Sigma Pi Phi" = 107 (English Ordinal)
"all seeing eye" = 607 (Jewish)
"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"George Floyd" = 119 (English Ordinal)
"all seeing eye" = 119 (English Ordinal)
Died when he was 46 on the 46th day of the omer
Or 228 years, 11 months, 1 day
"United States of America" = 228 (English Ordinal)
"Martin Luther King jr" = 228 (English Ordinal)
"Prince Hall Freemasonry" = 111 (Full Reduction)
"Prince Hall Freemasons" = 111 (Reverse Full Reduction)
Fri, 24 June 1791 = 22nd of Sivan, 5551 (22/3/5551 or 22/9/5551)
כ״ב בְּסִיוָן תקנ״א
"כ״ב בְּסִיוָן תקנ״א" = 35 (Hebrew Reduction)
"כ״ב בְּסִיוָן תקנ״א" = 116 (Hebrew Ordinal)
"כ״ב בְּסִיוָן תקנ״א" = 701 (Hebrew Gematria)
"כ״ב בְּסִיוָן תקנ״א" = 1351 (Hebrew Soffits)
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