The IIA that was talked about in the Millie Weaver documentary.
Interactive Internet Activities (IIA); The U.S. Governments Nomenclature for “Fake News.”
The Military Has A Name For “Fake News,” And It’s Called ‘Interactive Internet Activities’ (IIA)
By Patrick Bergy
Tampa, Florida – Since virtually days after the U.S. Presidential election, when the Clinton campaign covertly released the now infamous British “Dossier” on Donald Trump, all you hear in the news is how the Russian’s were trying to alter the outcome of the U.S. Presidential election. We now know it was a multi-million dollar “fake news” work of IIA fiction by the Clinton campaign to bring down, or weaken, a democratically elected U.S. President, while destroying any hope of better U.S. relations with Russia.
The military uses Interactive Internet Activities, or IIA, as the Psychological Operations nomenclature for a tactical social media warfare program like this (left.) IIA can also both covertly and overtly support other PSYOP components, such as Information Operations (IO) and Computer Network Operations (CNO.) Many countries do it, most have their own name for it. I use IIA, because when I was contracted by the U.S. Government from 2007 – 2010 to pioneer this technology, this was what we called it.

The image on the is of Patrick Bergy at the 4th Psychological Operations Group, Psychological Operations Task Force in Baghdad, Iraq, where I provided IIA contract support for from 2007-2008.
We were basically tasked with moving Psychological Operations (PSYOP) from airplane dropped leaflets, to tactically targeting social networks, blogs, and online news feeds. It was truly a challenge, as the Department of Defense was strictly prohibited from EVER targeting or influencing American citizens. Other such government agencies with three letter acronyms did not have such restrictions.
It was 2007, and the true potential of Information Operations using social media was just being understood. Apple had just announced the release of their “iPhone,” and the smartphone revolution had begun. Personally, I had been using the HP iPac smartphone since around 2001, but it was mostly a market for nerds until Apple made it “cool.”
Having pioneered this weapon you know as social media “fake news,” I was able to recognize when other countries or organizations were using it to tactically target and influence. It took me all of a few seconds to recognize it was being use by whom I believe was either North Korea or Russia (Ukraine) to influence social chaos during the Michael Brown riots, and I published this in my blog online in 2014 when I was working on a Defense Department contract in South Korea. I warned about IIA being used to alter the outcome of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election – in 2015. I also believe I recognized it being used in March, 2017, by the British intelligence agency, GCHQ, using a “journalist” known as Louise Mensch, to harm President Trump.
I spotted Louise on Twitter by her use of IIA nomenclatures. She used terms that someone not trained in IIA wouldn’t know, and I quickly made her connection with the British intelligence agency, GCHQ from there. I responded to one of her tweets, asking how she knew so much about IIA, when seemingly nobody else online had any clue. She responded to me in typical Tory Twitter Trash fashion, calling me “Hitler,” or “Putin.” I can’t remember for sure, as she calls anyone who threatens her narrative that. I responded with the fact I didn’t think such attacks were warranted, having served in uniform in Afghanistan alongside British soldiers. At that point even her supporters said she was out of line, but she continued with hateful remarks, rather than addressing my question.
"Interactive Internet Activities" = 141 (Full Reduction)
"IIA" = 19 (Jewish) 9+9+1
"Trump assassinated" = 991 (Jewish)
"Trump rally" = 991 (Jewish)
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