Thursday, February 18, 2021

New York Gov Cuomo.... Nursing homes scandal

NY Governor Cuomo nursing home scandal is WAY darker than the LYING media is telling us! There were FIVE Governors ALL Democrats who did the exactly same thing. They sent covid patients into nursing homes ON PURPOSE to drive the death count up so the DNC could get mail-in-ballots. The New York Times and the NYC media cabal is confusing the issue ON PURPOSE so the public doesn't look at the right thing. FIVE Democrats drove the covid death count up ON PURPOSE to ENSURE they could make the case that covid was so dangerous, people had to vote by mail! Cuomo only started lying about the death count when Janice Dean of FOX News started shining a light on the issue because both of her husband's parents were killed. There were FIVE of them that did the same thing but only one was getting investigated. They ALL need to be investigated. This is Mengele level mass murder. And ironically of the five governors who did this it was ONLY Cuomo who looked uncomfortable doing it. The evil witch Governor of Michigan for instance, could hardly hide her GLEE at getting to murder old white people! YES white people because if you look at age groups the one who has the biggest percentage of white people is the 65 and older age group. This was not only mass murder but a racist mass murder too! Murdering old white grannie. Cuomo was uncomfortable and that's why the media starting doing things like, nominating him for Time's "Man of the Year"!!! But NOW that the NYT fears he might TALK to save his life they are throwing him under the bus by saying he was hiding the death count not raising it on purpose. Insinuating that the policy was an ACCIDENT and not deliberate to SAVE the other four murderers and THEMSELVES from charges of crimes against humanity! Was the mass murder of seniors any different than what Hitler did? Not really the only thing missing was an IBM numbering system. Was Cuomo lying about the death numbers to get them down? If he was if was ONLY after enough had died to justify mail-in-ballots. If was ALL about the election! It was coordinated, it was organized, it was run by Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and the DNC with the help of the media. They murdered them ON PURPOSE! Don't let them muddy the waters! These people are evil!! Where are the children of the seniors Gretchen Whitmer murdered? They need to demand an investigation in Michigan NOW! No justice no peace! 

A third of Michigan’s COVID deaths are in nursing homes. Who is to blame?

Connie Felstow died alone, infected and isolated in a hospital intensive care unit after contracting COVID-19 at the nursing facility she'd called home. 

When her husband of 43 years died less than a month later, doctors attributed it to an aortic aneurysm; relatives blamed a broken heart.

"Ron just kind of gave up when he lost Connie," said Michelle Strickler, Connie's sister. "So we've lost both, and it makes it even harder to accept."

Felstow lived at Medilodge of St. Clair, an eastern Michigan nursing facility that has admitted or readmitted 59 residents previously diagnosed with COVID-19, according to federal data, and has reported 94 total cases to date.

Strickler said local health officials repeatedly assured her the nursing home had protocols to protect her sister despite patient transfers. But two weeks after testing negative for COVID-19, Felstow, 68, tested positive in the home and died at a nearby hospital May 21. 

She is one of nearly 2,000 nursing home residents who have died from COVID-19 complications in Michigan, a tragedy that has prompted harsh criticism of Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and her policy that allowed recovering seniors back into facilities where they may have exposed peers.

Strickler can’t say for sure how her sister contracted the virus, but she assumes it was either spread by newly admitted residents or nursing home staff. 

“It just really sickens me to think that we put [Connie] in a facility that would put her at risk like this,” she said.

Michigan ranks among the top ten states for nursing home deaths, prompting a partisan congressional inquiry and bipartisan action in the state Legislature to create COVID-only facilities that would house infected nursing home residents. 

Whitmer closed nursing homes to visitors on March 13, three days after Michigan confirmed its first two cases of COVID-19. A month later, with hospital capacity dwindling in metro Detroit, she signed an order that required nursing homes to accept “medically stable” patients previously hospitalized for COVID-19, so long as the facilities had set up isolation units and had access to adequate personal protection equipment, which was in short supply at the time.

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