Sunday, April 9, 2023

Rev 14:8 KJV Trump Israel 888 911

 Revelation 14:8 King James Version (KJV)
"Donald J Trump" = 148 (English Ordinal)

"And there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" = 514 (Chaldean)

Israel was 888 months old on 5/14/22 Trump was 911 months old. 

From and including: Friday, May 14, 1948
To, but not including Saturday, May 14, 2022
Or 888 months 

From and including: Friday, June 14, 1946
To, but not including Saturday, May 14, 2022
Or 911 months

And there followed another angel saying Babylon is fallen is fallen that great city because she made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication" = 625 (Reduction 25*25 = 625

The year 2025 ( 2*25) 

From Saturday, May 14, 2022
Added 963 days
Result: Wednesday, January 1, 2025


  1. Rahm = 119(J)
    On the 99th day of the year with 266 days remaining, Jon Rahm finally fulfilled his numbers in the 87th Masters Tournament.
    Rahm won his 11th PGA title in winning the Masters yesterday.
    Rahm has also won 9 European Titles ...that's 9/11.
    Rahm was 10,377 days old for his Masters victory.
    Revelation 8:11(KJV) "And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter." = 1377(EO)
    Part of the ritual included the felling of 2 very old pine trees (and a smaller tree) that fell on the course on the 2nd day of the tournament, 111 days from the 266th Pope, Francis = 119(RO) birthday.
