Monday, April 10, 2023

Tennessee super victims

 This whole fucking thing was STAGED and the Republicans helped them. They pull this shit during Easter weekend this bastard gives a speech saying Jesus was fighting for the LBGT community then they re-instate him AFTER THREE DAYS! The crucifixion and the resurrection all on Easter weekend! Very fucking funny! We need to route out these traitor RINOs. This was a reenactment of the passion and it couldn't have been put on without the help of the GOP. Outrageous! Not only are Republicans allowing the CIA to stage false flags in the red states they're helping the democrats wage war against Christians the very people who vote for them!! 

Justin Jamal Pearson (born 7 January 1995; 

February 9, 2023 –

expelled on 4/6/2023 reinstated three days later... on 4/9/2023 

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