Saturday, February 10, 2024

#1 #Crypto #Alts #FOX 666 33 938

 I'm starting a new gemtria project. Since we're heading into another bull market for Cryptocurrencies I'v been spending a lot of time trying to learn to trade crypto. This is a HUGE subject. With these ecosperes you can literally remark the world. It looks to me that it's going to be HUGE even bigger than the internet was. So there's no way I can stay out of it and since I'm a complusive gematria decoder you know I'm going to have to decode the alts. So here's my first one. I will get into the dates they were founded and the people who founded them too. I just have to figure out where to get that information from. If you have any suggestions for me please post them in the comment  section.  

So here's number 1 FOX

This one went up 72% today so that's why it's first. Somebody here's likes the number 666.

About Shapeshift FOX Token

FOX is an Ethereum token that governs ShapeShift, a decentralized exchange. By participating in the ShapeShift DAO (decentralized autonomous organization), FOX holders can vote on future asset integrations, products, and fee structures for the platform.



"shapeshift fox token" = 938 (Latin)
Strongs 938 means Queen 


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