Sunday, June 2, 2024

Pope Francis promotes homosexuality 6.1.2024


Pope Francis promotes homosexuality 6.1.2024 

6*1+20*24 = 624 

"Sodomy" = 624 (Latin)

"Mary Magdalene" = 624 (Latin)

6/1 = 61 

"God" = 61 (Latin)

June 1st (leap year) is the 153rd day of the year

Strong's Concordance 153

aischunó: to dishonor, make ashamed

Usage: I am ashamed, am put to shame.

"VI I MMXXIV" = 33 (Chaldean)

The Devil worshiping Pope was put there to do 4 things. 

Push homosexuality, push a borderless world with mass immigration, push the climate change grift and most of all push communism and destroy Christianity and Capitalism. He's the enemy of God and how dare the church not remove him he's a heretic!  He was also involved in the covid scamdemic. Him and his Jesuit Priests spreading the virus in Europe and the West! The one thing Jesuits are known for more than anything else is poisoning people so it's not surprising that the Jesuits helped to spread the toxin. ALL will be revealed and their order will be outlawed just like they were before. The world is NOT going to put up will Jesuits poisoning people every time criminal communists want to attack the world. #Jesuits #JesuitOrder #Fauci #PopeFrancis #TheBlackPope 

Pope Francis today appointed the following three prelates as members of the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. All have defended the Church’s moral teaching and marriage between a man and a woman. However:

Cardinal José Tolentino de Mendonça, prefect of the Dicastery for Culture and Education, served for some years as rector of the Capela do Rato, a private chapel in Lisbon known for ministering to homosexuals whom he said he doesn’t judge: The cardinal has also been a supporter of Maria Teresa Forcades i Vila, a former religious sister famous for advocating “queer theology,” and wrote a preface to one of her books:

Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, has reportedly turned his diocese into the Italian capital of the Catholic-gay movement, annually hosting the Forum of Italian LGBT Christians, a group seeking to make homosexuality fully accepted inside the Church. He also wrote the foreword to a book by an Italian priest entitled “Possible Love — Homosexual Persons and Christian Morality” and has supported legal recognition of homosexual civil unions:

Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto in Italy was responsible for sections on homosexuality in the controversial interim document of the first Synod on the Family in 2014 that attempted to open the door to acceptance of homosexual relationships in the Church. He has been a prominent voice advocating for more inclusion and respect for homosexuality and homosexual rights within the Church.

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