Wednesday, July 31, 2024

SpyFall vs ShadowFall

 … one question that every American should be asking in this situation: are we willing to continue appeasing those in power, even if it means putting ourselves in danger? The current state of affairs is unacceptable..

Mission 1st and CMN LLC seem to have the same motto. 
We do what others will not.

“Spyfall” is the term I have coined to describe a RICO operation that involves corrupt agencies and covert activities. The name is a play on the word “spy,” while also conveying the concept of a downfall or loss of reputation, which is appropriate for a corrupt government-led operation.

Within the intelligence community, information is like a mosaic, where every piece is guarded, as you never know which piece might be crucial for someone else. The reason for this utmost secrecy is the methods used, as once they are unraveled, the entire operation can be exposed, along with the identity of the “project managers.”

In early July 2022, insiders within the Intelligence Community informed me that the Department of Justice was preparing to conduct a raid on President Donald Trump. Despite skepticism from other journalists, I knew that my sources are reliable. However, by the end of July, I was surprised that the DOJ had not yet carried out the raid, given their alleged possession of a warrant. It wasn’t until August, during a visit to New York City to keep observe the actions of Leticia James’ office, that I learned of a crucial development: Mar-a-Lago had been raided while President Trump was in New York City. The timing of the operation was a significant factor.

In my investigation of the Mar-a-Lago raid, I pieced together information from various sources to uncover the method used, the unusual timing of the raid, and rumors of an operation planned by the Biden Transition team in December 2020. Despite my efforts, I was still missing a crucial piece of evidence that would connect all the dots. However, fortune smiled on me when a DHS-funded work order fell into my possession, and suddenly everything began to make sense. What had initially appeared coincidental turned out to be a well-planned cover-up. A wiretap had been installed, along with CCTV cameras whose footage is viewed daily by FBI agents in Florida and at a secretive facility in Fairfax, VA, dedicated to monitoring high-value targets. The timing of the operation was clearly strategic.

The company responsible for storing cloud data is currently being attributed to Eagle Harbor Solutions LLC, although this has not been officially confirmed. However, it’s worth noting that the company’s recent strategic hires over the past three years, combined with the controversy surrounding the bid protest, could potentially be an indicator of validity of chatter and it’s certainly something to keep an eye on.

The implications of this revelation are staggering, raising serious questions about the motives and methods of the Department of Justice and other agencies involved in this operation allegedly called Operation Shadowfall. It is a shocking reminder of our justice system’s need for transparency and accountability.

This article will give you a Deja Vu of the “Eric Ciaramella, but it was a wire-tap” saga that starred Adam Bennett Schiff but more sinister. This revelation should provoke outrage among politicians and citizens alike, with many questioning the legality and ethics of such actions, primarily because they used taxpayers’ dollars.

President Trump should raise two critical questions: first, who was responsible for selecting the contractor? And secondly, is Roger K. serving as the US Secret Service Liaison? I will explain why later.

However, there is one question that every American should be asking in this situation: are we willing to continue appeasing those in power, even if it means putting ourselves in danger? The current state of affairs is unacceptable.

Operation “Shadowfall

In order to install equipment or tap voice/data lines you must have access to a location and not be suspected. You would have to be invited and provided access to devices that are installed or be asked to install them by your target. This would require someone close to your target to facilitate that situation.

An operation like this requires three individuals, the contracting company, the US Secret Service Liaison and someone within President Trump’s close circle (someone who would have weighted input in contractor selection) who suggested and or placed the work order.

The Work Order

Former US Presidents receive lifelong security protection from the US Secret Service, also responsible for maintaining their security systems and communications operations. If any new equipment or security networks, like CCTV, need to be installed to enhance their protection, a funding request must be submitted to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Then DHS reviews the contractor selection and generates a work order for the US Secret Service, its sub-agency, to execute the necessary security measures as requested.

The date the project was to be completed was July 28, 2022 and the FBI raided Mar-a-lago 10 days later. The timing reminded mne of when I discovered Purchase Order with PIID: DJF151200P0007649, shows that the FBI paid Crowdstrike $150,000.00 in U.S. Federal Taxpayer dollars on July 7, 2016. This payment was made just two days after the then FBI Director James Comey had cleared Hillary Clinton of wrongdoing, despite the controversy surrounding her use of a private email server. Crowdstrike was the company hired to assist the FBI in their “Midyear Review” of Hillary Clinton. The FBI was sloppy paying the contract after it ended which made it visible, which gives credence to the reasoning behind the 10-day delay of the FBI raid in the case of Mar-a-Lago.

The timing of events is noteworthy as the warrant was prepared around July 10, 2022, and my sources told me they intended to communicate that to the Secret Service for execution based on information obtained in late April. However, the authorities decided to postpone the execution in order to gather concrete statements and legally obtained audio/visual evidence to support the warrant. This included but was not limited to information related to the Agency (NARA) they were purportedly acting on behalf of.

Surveillance cameras have become a ubiquitous part of modern life, found everywhere from public spaces to private homes. While they provide an important tool for monitoring and security, their widespread use has also led to complications in legal matters, particularly in law enforcement operations.

According to reports, the Secret Service did not comply with the FBI raiders’ request to turn off the surveillance cameras inside Mar-a-Lago. The fact that the FBI requested cameras to be turned off is suspicious. They know US Secret Service has a duty to maintain all security measure intact regardless of warrants and situations. This raises concerns about the motives behind the fourth unelected branch of government’s efforts to gather information on President Trump, and an investigation into the matter should quickly confirm or deny these claims. This situation raises comparisons to the Watergate scandal, which led to the downfall of former President Richard Nixon, and underscores the need for transparency and accountability in government operations but also gives credence to one person who appears to be present in both scandals.

Interestingly there are a few reasons why the FBI would demand to turn off cameras on the property of a former president during a raid. One possible reason is to ensure the safety of the agents involved in the operation by preventing potential interference or surveillance by third parties through the cameras. Another reason is obfuscating the identities of the agents involved. In addition, turning off the cameras could also help maintain the element of surprise during the raid, making it harder for anyone inside the property to prepare a defense or escape or understand what they are looking for. The most important reason is to deter a close security system analysis or inspection by a third party that may detect “leaky transmission modes” if a full system analysis is done instead of just footage retrieval.

Upon examining the selected contractor to build out surveillance and security systems at Mar-a-Lago, I discovered a lack of bidding (as anticipated), and no previous contracts within the federal billing system. However, despite the red flags, they were still the top choice.

"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal)
"Mission1st" = 138 (Ordinal)
"MissionOne" = 138 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Mission1st Group Inc" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Order)

"Mission 1st CMN LLC" = 195 (Ordinal)
Trump was shot on the 195th day of the year. The
reason the FBI raided on 8/8/22 was because Trump's text number is 88022.  

They use gematria and numerology in their operations.

14410 Blue Mountain RD 
Praire Grove, AR 72753-8701
United States 

"14410 Blue Mountain Road" = 195 (Ordinal)
"Mission 1st CMN LLC" = 195 (Ordinal)
Trump was shot on the 195th day of the year

"Mission1st Group Inc" = 1441 (Sumerian)
14410 Blue Mountain Road

1441+1441 = 2882 ( 8/8/22) FBI raid 

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