Sunday, October 20, 2024

World Series Prediction by awesome decoder WRB

 Part 1

From the World Trade Centre bombing on 26.2.1993 to 9/11 is 3119 days (Joan)

On 18th April 2016, Donald Trump, who has made his advocacy for New York City after the 9/11 attacks central to his candidacy, ‘accidentally’ referred to it as “7/11”.
From 18.4.2016 to 1.11.2024 is also 3119 days …the 444th prime

Dodgers = 117(RO)

1.11.2024 will be game 6 of the World Series of baseball when the Los Angeles Dodgers defeat none other than the New York Yankees.

In fact, to win the 120th World Series, the Los Angeles Dodgers had to defeat firstly the NEW YORK Mets and then the NEW YORK Yankees.

Trump misspoke 7/11 for 9/11
Book of Revelation = 77(FR) …11 x 7
Ohtani wears #17 and Dodgers = 117(RO)
The ceremonial opening ritual for Ohtani (#17) with his astrological female twin Jeon Jong-seo, was played out on the 17th of the month, on the day leaving 289 days in the year …where 289 is 17 squared …17x17 and Jeon = 17(FR)
Ohtani is exactly 11,077 days old when the Dodgers take the title on 1.11.24.
This will be the 11,701 all-time victory for the Dodgers.
1.11.24 is the 17th playoff game for the Dodgers
Sigma Pi Phi fraternity = 117(FR) 117(RFR)

Sigma Pi Phi (ΣΠΦ), also known as The Boulé, will be exactly 44,000 days old on 1.11.24.
This will be the Dodgers 44th win over the Yankees all-time
…Kill = 44(EO) ... the 44th prime is 193
Shohei Ohtani = 193(RO) Championship = 193(RO)
Parainfluenza clade X = 193(EO)
For the start of the World Series on 25.10.24, Shohei Ohtani will be a span of 11,071 days old …1171 is the 193rd prime number

The 121st year of the Major League Baseball season will culminate with the 120th World Series, ending in 6 games on 1.11.2024, with the Los Angeles Dodgers defeating the New York Yankees

Revelation = 121(EO) and the Book of Revelation is the ‘playbook’.

Revelation 13 – The Beasts & the Dragon
In Revelation 13:1–10, the first beast (interpreted as the Antichrist) rises "out of the sea" and is given authority and power by the dragon. In Revelation 13:11–18, the second beast, later known as the false prophet, comes "out of the earth" and forces everyone on earth to worship the first beast. In their fight against God, the two beasts join forces with the dragon.

1.11.24 was the 266th day of the Year of the Dragon, and in Revelation 13, the Beasts join forces with the Dragon.
Pope Francis is the 266th and first publicly Jesuit pope.
Iesus Hominum Salvator = 266(RO)
There were officially 2,606 deaths at the World Trade Centre on 9/11 ... (Dodgers Manager) Dave Roberts = 266(Fibonacci)

Francis = 70(EO) 119(RO) 47(RFR)
Jorge Mario Bergoglio = 111(FR) …The season will end on 1.11.24
Dodgers will end the season with 70 losses, a span of 47 days before the Pope's 88th birthday

part 2

Shohei Ohtani will be 126 Mercurial years old when winning the 120th World Series with the Dodgers on the new moon of Lumination 1260, perfectly synced with the 126th monarch of Japan, Emperor Naruhito ... Wormwood = 126(EO)

In tribute to Ohtani, the LA Dodgers ended the regular season 98-64 ... Shohei = 98(RO) 64(EO)

Queen Elizabeth II died on 8.9.2022, the same day that the MLB announced a set of rules changes to take effect in 2023. Shohei Ohtani and Jeon Jong-seo’s 30th birthdays on 5.7.24 were exactly 666 days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II and the beginning of the reign of King Charles III. Exactly 119 days, or a span of 120 days after their 30th birthday’s, the Dodgers will win their 8th World Series title.

There were officially 2977 people that died on 9/11.
The Knights Templar were infamously burnt at the stake on 13th October 1307.
13.10.1307(Julian calendar) to the start of the World Series on 25/26 October 2024 is exactly 2977 Mercurial years … yes that’s right!

Revelation 13:18 is the 229th verse of Revelation
From Jeon Jong-seo throwing the opening ceremonial pitch on 17.3.24 to 1.11.24 is 229 days …Francis = 229(J)
13:18 is 798 minutes …Revelation 13:18 reveals the number of the beast …666
Mercury = 798(J) Emperor Naruhito = 798(J)
South Korea = 798(Sumerian) Total Lunar Eclipse = 798(S)

Revelation 13:18 “the number of a man” = 66(FR)
Number of the Beast = 66(FR) Here Lies Wisdom = 66(FR)
Revelation is the 66th and final book of the New Testament
The Dodgers will defeat the Yankees on 1.11.24, exactly 66 months after Emperor Naruhito took the throne on 1.5.2019
Empire of Japan = 66(FR) Pearl Harbor = 66(RFR) Kiwoom Heroes = 66(FR)

This is the Los Angeles Dodgers 135th season
Revelation 13:5 “And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue forty and two months”
Los Angeles Dodgers = 181(EO) …42nd prime number
David Ray Roberts = 181(EO) Japan = 42(EO) War = 42(EO)
Astrogical twins Jeon Jong-seo and Shohei Ohtani were born 2,625 days before 9/11
2625 is the 42nd pentagonal number
In the 120th World series the Dodgers will defeat the Yankees 4-2

1.11.24 was the Dodgers 109th win of the season
Los Angeles Dodgers = 109(EO) Yankees = 109(RO)

1.11.24 is a span of 131 days from the Freemasons 307th birthday, established 24.6.1717 … Freemason = 307(J)
Shohei Ohtani = 131(EO) Championship = 131(EO)

The Chrysanthemum Throne = 248(EO)
The 120th World Series was secured on 1.11.24, 120 days from the USA turning 248 years old on 7th July 2024



  1. NB: I have used the day–month–year format in the decode (that we use in Australia)
    Also, some of the decode text is in future tense, like it's already happened ...haha!

    Here is some cream on top for this incredible MERCURY RITUAL....
    Mercury takes 88 days to orbit the Sun.
    Emperor Naruhito = 88(FR) (Queen) Elizabeth = 88(EO)
    November 1st 2024 will be a span of 47 days before the Pope's 88th birthday ...Beast = 47(EO) 88(RO) Francis = 47
    This is the 120th World Series ...120 is the 8th tetrahedral number.
    The Dodgers will win their 8th World Series title.
    In fact, November 1st 2024 will be the Dodgers 11,572nd victory all-time ...11572 is the 88th PENTAGONAL number!!!
    AND, the Yankees will be handed their 184th playoff loss all-time.
    Mercury Ritual = 184(EO)

    The One World Trade Center is 1,776 feet heigh, in deliberate reference to the year when the United States Declaration of Independence was signed. 888 + 888 = 1776
    The cubic base has a footprint identical to the original Twin Towers. The tower ascends 69 stories — its edges chamfered back to form 8 isosceles triangles, a perfect octagon at centre.

    1. You know what's weird? Trump's name connects to Mercury two different ways.

      88 days
      "Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
      176 Earth-days long
      "88 days around the sun" = 176 (Reverse Reduction)
      "Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse)

      Trump is the only man in the world to run against two females for President.
      "Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal) (Hillary)
      "Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse)
      "Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal) (Harris)

      "Woman President" = 68 (Reduction)
      "Donald John Trump" = 68 (Reduction)
      "Woman President" = 68 (Reduction)

      "Donald J Trump versus women" = 322 (Ordinal)

      "eight eight days around the sun" = 1217 (Satanic)
      Pope's birthday 12/17

    2. The rotation period of Mercury is 58.65 days, which is two-thirds of its orbital period (87.969 days). However, the time from one sunrise to the next is 176 days, twice its orbital period and three times its rotation period.

  2. November 1st 2024 will be 19,001 days after the death of Jackie Robinson
    19,001 ÷ 87.969 = 216.00 mercurial years
    216 is 6x6x6
    The 216th verse of Revelation is Revelation 13:5 in this the Dodgers 135th season
    Jackie Robinson wore the number 42
    From Jackie Robinson Day on 15.4.2024 is 77 years since Robinson broke the colour line when he started at first base for the Brooklyn Dodgers on 15.4.1947.

    Also, 15.4.2024 to 1.11.24 is span of 201 Days
    The Jesuit Order = 201 Order of Illuminati = 201
    Jorge Mario Bergoglio is the first pope to live in Suite 201 at the Vatican, in the Domus Sanctae Marthae.
    Jorge Mario Bergoglio=201 Domus Sanctae Marthae = 201

  3. AND, for the pièce de résistance ...
    from Jackie Robinson infamous first game for the Dodgers on 15.4.1947 to November 1st 2024 is a span of 28,326 days ÷ 87.969 = 322.00 mercurial years ... skull & bones.
