Sunday, April 11, 2021

3/3 Hebrew calendar is on 5/14 Israel's 73rd birthday...

 3/3 of the Hebrew calendar is on Israel's 73rd birthday 5/14. It's also the 47th day of the omer perfect time for Harris number 47 to take office. Last year the 47th day of the omer was on 5/26/20 antifa's 88th birthday and the first day of the George Floyd protests. Floyd died on 5/25 the 46th day of the omer at age 46. 

Fri, 14 May 2021 = 3. Sivan, 5781 (3/3/5781) 3+3+57+81 = 144
ג׳ בְּסִיוָן תשפ״א
Parashat Bamidbar
47th day of the Omer


  1. Closing arguments start 4/19. Could we see 4/20 acquital?

  2. Acquittal =32 FR/SR FR(kv)/SR(kv)
    Chauvin d.o.b. 3/19
    3/19/21 to 4/20/21
    32 days

  3. Israel 73 independence is today not in May. Bernie died at 82 today (88). He scammed 37k clients.
