Saturday, December 25, 2021

Kamala Harris is 777.661 sidereal months old on 12/6/2022


"President Harris" = 222 (Reverse Ordinal) = 2022
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)

"Woman President" = 666 (Satanic)

21231/27.322 = 777.0661 (sidereal months old)
"Order out of Chaos" = 777 (Jewish)
"President Harris" = 661 (Jewish)

"Wormwood" = 126 (English Ordinal)
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)

12+6+20+22 = 60
"order" = 60 (English Ordinal)
"police" = 60 (English Ordinal)

12/06 = 1206 
"Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 1206 (English Sumerian)
"The Jesuit Order" = 1206 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Eclipse ritual" = 1206 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Pope released his doves on 1/26/2014 
From 1/26/14 to 12/6/22 = 8 years, 10 months, 10 days = 811 
Wormwood verse is Rev 8:11 
Kamala Harris nominated for VP on 8/11 
"President Kamala Devi Harris" = 118 (Full Reduction)

"XII.VI.MMXXII" = 165 (English Ordinal) (12/6/2022)
"United Nations" = 165 (English Ordinal)
"soylent green" = 165 (Reverse Ordinal)

The caller who brought up "Text Biden at 30330" Why they did that... They intend to give us a woman president whether we want one or not! She goes in through the back door which is death for Biden. 
Text Biden at 30330
2020/666 = 3.0330
"Woman president" = 666 (Satanic)
Kamala Harris birthdate 10/20/1964 
"X.XX.MCMLXIV" = 168 (English Ordinal)
"three three three" = 168 (English Ordinal)= 333
Text Biden at 30330 = 333
"Woman president" = 666 (Satanic)

"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"The Beast of Revelation" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Lucifer Morningstar" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal)
While 666 is called the "number of the beast" in most manuscripts of Revelation 13:18, a fragment of the earliest papyrus 115 gives the number as 616
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal) 

"Senator Harris" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"number of the beast" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"United States dollar" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"currency reset" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"stock market collapse" = 66 (Full Reduction)

"Χάρις" = 911 (Greek Isopsephy)

"man hater" = 80 (English Ordinal)
"the beast" = 80 (English Ordinal)
"Kamala Harris" = 49 (Full Reduction)
"Anti-Christ" = 49 (Full Reduction)
Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of Egypt! 
Guess who turned 666 months old on Hitler's birthday this year?  Kamala Devi Harris.... She turned exactly 666 months old on April 20th 2020 Hitler's 131st birthday... And check this out. Her middle name Devi is a name only given to Aryans in India... It means Goddess. She was born on 10/20 that's XXX in Roman numerals.... XXX=666 And if Biden wins and dies in office she will be a "woman president" = 666 (Satanic) 
Text to Biden 30330 ..... 2020/666 = 3.0330 
Hitler's birthday he was 131 on 4/20 
"The Devil" = 131 (Reverse Ordinal)
"The Chosen One" = 131 (English Ordinal)
"Rose Cross" = 131 (English Ordinal)
131 is the 32nd prime number she was the 32nd attorney general of San Francisco.
Text to Biden 30330 ..... 2020/666 = 3.0330 

"The Forty Sixth President" = 118 (Full Reduction)
Biden picked her for VP on 8/11

"The anti-Christ is a woman" = 96 (Full Reduction)
"President Kamala Harris" = 96 (Full Reduction)

Rev 13:1 
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." = 1617 (English Ordinal)
1617 is in Octal 911 
"Χάρις" = 911 (Greek Isopsephy)

"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"The Beast of Revelation" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Lucifer Morningstar" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal)
While 666 is called the "number of the beast" in most manuscripts of Revelation 13:18, a fragment of the earliest papyrus 115 gives the number as 616
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal) 

"Senator Harris" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"number of the beast" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"United States dollar" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"currency reset" = 66 (Full Reduction)
"stock market collapse" = 66 (Full Reduction)

"man hater" = 80 (English Ordinal)
"the beast" = 80 (English Ordinal)

"Kamala Harris" = 49 (Full Reduction)
"Anti-Christ" = 49 (Full Reduction)

Cleopatra was the last Pharaoh of Egypt!

According to Douglas Harper, the etymological root dev- means 'a shining one', from *div-, 'to shine', and it is a cognate with Greek dios, 'divine' and Zeus, and Latin deus (Old Latin deivos)

(Old Latin deivos)
"deivos" = 74 (English Ordinal)

Kamala Harris turns 666 months old on Hitler's 131st birthday .... 

Pfizer founded on 1/1/1849 

From Mon Jan 01 1849 to Sat Jan 01 2022 = 173 years
"agenda twenty one" = 173 (English Ordinal)

"40.750278, -73.9725" = 66 (English Ordinal)
"woman" = 66 (English Ordinal)

"Kleopátra" = 118 (Reverse Ordinal) 

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