Saturday, May 13, 2023

What are they doing? 1

 What are they doing? 

Why are the Democrats and the globalists bringing in millions of FAKE refugees while killing as many Americans as possible? They are replacing us! Why? Because they want a ONE WORLD GOVERMENT and they do NOT want to give the whole world our Constitutional rights. The globalists have been trying to take out the Constitution for decades but they've failed. This is their solution to change the country by changing the people! This is TREASON! We need at least 50% of the Democrat voters to move over into the Republican Party and help us bring Trump back. Nobody else has the guts to take this on. The globalists pretty much control everything. They launched a WAR against us in 2019 when they released the bio-weapon. It's all part of the same plan. Take away all our rights and lock us into 15 minute cities where we will need PASSPORTS to go anywhere outside of our assigned territory. This is very very serious! They are willing to set off nuclear weapons against us if they have to. MAGA is NOT surrendering. There's about 25% of Americans who are willing to fight to the death. They are going to take down our electricity and internet too so get ready for that. THEY are the ones burning down the food processors and sabotaging trains. You are in the middle of an asymetrical war and there's no way out of it. We are never going back to normal until the people win. They have no intention of ever bringing things back to normal. If you want to know what their plan looks like think of it this way, we are on a train to the Matrix with a stop at Hunger Games. Those aren't movies they are plans. Everything they tell you is a LIE! If you have the money you should have a gun, ammunition, 3 months supply of food, water and medicine. General Flynn wrote a helpful book for this... "The Citizen's Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare" We've been at war since 2015 that's 8 years they are now pulling off their masks with the invasion. They're telling you who they are, they are saying "We are here to demoralize and dominate you" Believe them. This is the globalists army to attack us in our own country. They have been using them to sabotage work places, burning down plants and power stations, tearing up railroad tracks and when the Democrats launch another black lives matter/antifa attack in the summer of 2024 the illegals will help them attack Americans just like they did in 2020. If you go back and watch the videos of BLM in front of the WH attacking it in June 2020 you can hear people speaking Chinese in the crowd. There were Chinese military agents helping black lives matter attack the Whitehouse. This is how serious it is they are not going to stop until they bring us to our knees and round up a lot of the country and put us in concentration camps. I wish this was a conspiracy theory but it's not! They are liars, they are poisoners, they are murderers, they are traitors and they are trying to break us so they can rip the Bill of Rights and the Constitution to shreds!   

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