6+10+19+21=56= All Seeing Eye
6+10+1+9+2+1=29= masonic
6+1+0+1+9+2+1=20= gold
From and including: Friday, June 10, 1921
To, but not including Saturday, June 10, 2017
Result: 35,064 days
It is 35,064 days from the start date to the end date, but not including the end date
Or 96 years excluding the end date
ninety six years = 14+23+14+25+24+15 + 5+23+22 + 15+25+1+12+5 = 223 (ALW Kabbalah)
three five zero six four days = 1+8+8+5+5 + 6+9+7+5 + 5+5+8+5 + 9+9+3 + 6+5+2+8 + 4+1+4+9 = 137 (Jewish Reduced)
Prince Philip = 7+9+9+5+3+5 + 7+8+9+3+9+7 = 81 (Full Reduction) square root 9
Prince Philip = 16+18+9+14+3+5 + 16+8+9+12+9+16 = 135 (English Ordinal) 135+531=666
Prince Philip = 42+18+9+14+3+5 + 42+8+9+12+9+16 = 187 (Francis Bacon)sum 216
Prince Philip = 3+5+5+1+3+5 + 3+6+5+2+5+3 = 46 (Septenary)2 * 23
Prince Philip = 8+2+1+5+3+5 + 8+5+1+3+1+8 = 50 (Chaldean)sum 93
Prince Philip = 51+53+44+49+38+40 + 51+43+44+47+44+51 = 555
Prince Philip = 26+12+23+14+13+25 + 26+4+23+2+23+26 = 217 (ALW Kabbalah)21/7 Prince Williams birthday and summer solstice
Prince Philip = 26+4+23+22+13+17 + 26+12+23+18+23+26 = 233 (KFW Kabbalah)mirror of new NYC code 332)
Prince Philip = 4+14+0+24+2+13 + 4+3+0+1+0+4 = 69 (LCH Kabbalah)sum 96)
Prince Philip = 53+61+23+43+5+11 + 53+19+23+37+23+53 = 404 (Primes)
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 7+9+9+5+3+5 + 7+8+9+3+9+7 + 4+3+2+5 + 6+6 + 5+4+9+5+2+3+9+7+8 = 159 (Full Reduction)sum 216
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 2+9+9+4+6+4 + 2+1+9+6+9+2 + 5+6+7+4 + 3+3 + 4+5+9+4+7+6+9+2+1 = 138 (Reverse Reduction) 138+831=69 speed of Saturn
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 16+18+9+14+3+5 + 16+8+9+12+9+16 + 4+21+11+5 + 15+6 + 5+4+9+14+2+21+18+7+8 = 285 (English Ordinal)
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 11+9+18+13+24+22 + 11+19+18+15+18+11 + 23+6+16+22 + 12+21 + 22+23+18+13+25+6+9+20+19 = 444 (Reverse Ordinal)
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 42+18+9+14+3+5 + 42+8+9+12+9+16 + 30+21+11+5 + 15+6 + 31+4+9+14+2+21+18+7+8 = 389 (Francis Bacon)77th prime)
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 6+8+9+4+3+5 + 6+8+9+2+9+6 + 4+2+1+5 + 5+6 + 5+4+9+4+2+2+8+7+8 = 147 (Jewish Reduced) 14/7 Trump's birthday
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 3+5+5+1+3+5 + 3+6+5+2+5+3 + 4+6+3+5 + 2+6 + 5+4+5+1+2+6+5+7+6 = 113 (Septenary)30th prime
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 8+2+1+5+3+5 + 8+5+1+3+1+8 + 4+6+2+5 + 7+8 + 5+4+1+5+2+6+2+3+5 = 115 (Chaldean)5*23
Prince Philip Duke of Edinburgh = 26+12+23+14+13+25 + 26+4+23+2+23+26 + 6+17+9+25 + 7+18 + 25+6+23+14+20+17+12+11+4 = 431 (ALW Kabbalah)83rd prime)
Duke of Edinburgh = 4+3+2+5 + 6+6 + 5+4+9+5+2+3+9+7+8 = 78 (Full Reduction)12th Triangular)
Duke of Edinburgh = 4+21+11+5 + 15+6 + 5+4+9+14+2+21+18+7+8 = 150 (English Ordinal)same as Queen Elizabeth
Duke of Edinburgh = 24+126+66+30 + 90+36 + 30+24+54+84+12+126+108+42+48 = 900 (Sumerian)sq rt 30)
Duke of Edinburgh = 4+20+10+5 + 14+6 + 5+4+9+13+2+20+17+7+8 = 144 (Jewish Ordinal)
Duke of Edinburgh = 4+200+10+5 + 50+6 + 5+4+9+40+2+200+80+7+8 = 630 (Jewish) 630+036=666
Triangular 35th
Duke of Edinburgh = 4+6+3+5 + 2+6 + 5+4+5+1+2+6+5+7+6 = 67 (Septenary)19th prime
Both ALW and KFW are 214
Duke of Edinburgh = 23+25+17+13 + 10+12 + 13+23+0+24+20+25+14+11+3 = 233 (LCH Kabbalah) mirror of 332 NYC area code active 7/10/2017 same as Phillips birthday. Fibonacci 13th) 51st prime)
Duke of Edinburgh = 7+73+31+11 + 47+13 + 11+7+23+43+3+73+61+17+19 = 439 (Primes)85th prime
Philip Mountbatten = 6+8+9+2+9+6 + 3+5+2+4+1+2+1+1+1+5+4 = 69 (Jewish Reduced)
Philip Mountbatten = 3+6+5+2+5+3 + 1+2+6+1+7+2+1+7+7+5+1 = 64 (Septenary)sq rt 8
Philip Mountbatten = 8+5+1+3+1+8 + 4+7+6+5+4+2+1+4+4+5+5 = 73 (Chaldean)21st prime
Philip Mountbatten = 4+3+0+1+0+4 + 21+10+25+24+9+20+5+9+9+13+24 = 181 (LCH Kabbalah)
42nd prime)
Philip Mountbatten = 136+36+45+78+45+136 + 91+120+231+105+210+3+1+210+210+15+105 = 1777 (Trigonal)
Mountbatten = 4+6+3+5+2+2+1+2+2+5+5 = 37 (Full Reduction)12th prime)
Mountbatten = 13+15+21+14+20+2+1+20+20+5+14 = 145 (English Ordinal)
Mountbatten = 39+15+21+14+20+2+1+20+20+5+14 = 171 (Francis Bacon) 18th Triangular
Mountbatten = 3+5+2+4+1+2+1+1+1+5+4 = 29 (Jewish Reduced)
Mountbatten = 12+14+20+13+19+2+1+19+19+5+13 = 137 (Jewish Ordinal)
Mountbatten = 1+2+6+1+7+2+1+7+7+5+1 = 40 (Septenary)
Mountbatten = 4+7+6+5+4+2+1+4+4+5+5 = 47 (Chaldean)
Mountbatten = 21+7+17+14+24+20+1+24+24+25+14 = 191 (ALW Kabbalah)43rd prime)
Mountbatten = 21+10+25+24+9+20+5+9+9+13+24 = 169 (LCH Kabbalah)sq rt 13)
Mountbatten = 91+120+231+105+210+3+1+210+210+15+105 = 1301 (Trigonal)212th prime
born Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 7+9+9+5+3+5 + 7+8+9+3+9+7 + 6+6 + 7+9+5+5+3+5 + 1+5+4 + 4+5+5+4+1+9+2 = 167 39th prime)
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 15+17+9+13+3+5 + 15+8+9+11+9+15 + 14+6 + 7+17+5+5+3+5 + 1+13+4 + 4+5+13+12+1+17+10 = 271 (Jewish Ordinal)58th prime)
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 60+80+9+40+3+5 + 60+8+9+20+9+60 + 50+6 + 7+80+5+5+3+5 + 1+40+4 + 4+5+40+30+1+80+10 = 739 (Jewish)131 prime
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 3+5+5+1+3+5 + 3+6+5+2+5+3 + 2+6 + 7+5+5+5+3+5 + 1+1+4 + 4+5+1+1+1+5+3 = 110 (Septenary)
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 8+2+1+5+3+5 + 8+5+1+3+1+8 + 7+8 + 3+2+5+5+3+5 + 1+5+4 + 4+5+5+4+1+2+2 = 121 (Chaldean) sq rt 11
Prince Philip of Greece and Denmark = 26+4+23+22+13+17 + 26+12+23+18+23+26 + 15+2 + 19+4+17+17+13+17 + 9+22+6 + 6+17+22+5+9+4+1 = 438 (KFW Kabbalah)sum 888)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 16+18+9+14+3+5 + 16+8+9+12+9+16 + 20+18+9+2+5 + 15+6 + 4+1+14 = 229 (English Ordinal)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 42+18+9+14+3+5 + 42+8+9+12+9+16 + 46+18+9+2+5 + 15+6 + 30+1+14 = 333 (Francis Bacon)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 3+5+5+1+3+5 + 3+6+5+2+5+3 + 7+5+5+2+5 + 2+6 + 4+1+1 = 84 (Septenary)8/4 Prince William's baptism date)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 8+2+1+5+3+5 + 8+5+1+3+1+8 + 4+2+1+2+5 + 7+8 + 4+1+5 = 89 (Chaldean) Fibonacci 11th, 24th prime)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 51+53+44+49+38+40 + 51+43+44+47+44+51 + 55+53+44+37+40 + 50+41 + 39+36+49 = 999
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 26+12+23+14+13+25 + 26+4+23+2+23+26 + 24+12+23+20+25 + 7+18 + 6+1+14 = 367 (ALW Kabbalah)73rd prime)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 26+4+23+22+13+17 + 26+12+23+18+23+26 + 8+4+23+20+17 + 15+2 + 6+9+22 = 359 (KFW Kabbalah)72nd prime)
Prince Philip Tribe of Dan = 4+14+0+24+2+13 + 4+3+0+1+0+4 + 9+14+0+20+13 + 10+12 + 23+5+24 = 199 (LCH Kabbalah)46th prime)
Tribe of Dan = 55+53+44+37+40 + 50+41 + 39+36+49 = 444 (Satanic)
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