Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Cease operations ,,,, Guidance and some documents to support you attending centres for closure

 For people who are serving vaccine centers with notices to cease You can download these documents here...

Guidance and some documents to support you attending centres for closure. 


💢 Documents 💢

1. Mark Sexton Script

2. Notice of Liability

3. WCH Cease and Desist

4. Public Announcement document. 

5. International Court document

6. MHRA Letter 

7. Yellow card info

8. Chief constable open letter

9. Safer to wait leaflet.

10. National Emergency Flyer & QR Codes

💢 Checklist 💢

1. Print off all relevant documents. 

2. Dress smart

3. Call 101 inform them of your attendance 're the address you are going to. 

4. Camera to film for evidence & safety

5. Max of 5 persons in attendance, ideally a female in the group. Allocate a speaker to V centre and another for police. 

6. Stay calm, be clear and articulate.

Let's do this

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