Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bobby Simpson .... Heliocentric Great Conjunction on Election Eve 11/2/2020


Mercury and 28:

Mercury has a maximum elongation of 28°

Mercury's synodic period is 116 days

Mercury's orbital period is 88 days

116 minus 88 is 28

The Sum of the Magic Square of Mercury is 2080

28 times the 28th prime number equals 2996


"MMCMXCVI" = 116 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Rothschild" = 116 (English Ordinal)

"MMCMXCVI" = 696 (Reverse English Sumerian)

"Rothschild" = 696 (English Sumerian)


"XI.II.MMXX" = 53 (Full Reduction)

"Rothschild" = 53 (Full Reduction)

"two nine nine six" = 77 (Full Reduction)

"World Trade Center" = 77 (Full Reduction)

"September Eleventh" = 77 (Full Reduction)

"six nine nine two" = 77 (Full Reduction)