Pope Francis is the 266th Pope
Francis was inaugurated on 3/13/13 in prime numbers that's 266 ....
3 is the 2nd prime number, and 13 is the 6th prime number 3/13/13 = 2/6/6
He visited the US on 9/23/2015 the 266th day of the year
What does 266 mean in Strong's Concordance?
Strong's #266: hamartia (Greek) a sin, an offence
What 266 means in Jewish gematria...
"Man Of Sin" = 266 (Jewish) "Godless" = 266 (Jewish) "false light" = 266 (Jewish)
Pope Francis was born with the Sun at 266° of the ecliptic
He's named after Saint Francis of Assisi the patron saint of the environment
San Francisco is named Saint Francis of Assisi!
San Francisco sits on the 122nd meridian....
"San Francisco" = 122 (English Ordinal) "Pope Francis" = 122 (English Ordinal)
122 is a big SIN number representing child sacrifice
Roe V Wade passed on 1/22/73
"abortion" = 122 (Reverse Ordinal) "child sacrifice" = 73 (Full Reduction) "sacrifice" = 73 (English Ordinal)
"Abortion till birth" bill passed in NY on 1/22/19 the 46th anniversary of Roe vs Wade
"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)
They put up the "Arch of Baal" up in NYC 122 weeks before the "Abortion till birth" bill passed
San Francisco has the "Golden Gate" bridge
"Sodom and Gomorrah" = 180 (English Ordinal) "Golden Gate" = 180 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Golden Gate" = 239 (Jewish) = 23/9 is 9/23 in European date format
There are 404 verses in the Book of Revelation "Pope Francis" = 404 (Jewish)
266 in the Satanic cipher Two Hundred Sixty-Six" = 911 (Satanic) "The End" = 266 (Satanic)
I'm red flagging 9/22 for a big event...
Pope's doves turn 666% of a common year old on the 266th day of the year 9/22/20 #equinox
9/22 leaves 100 days in the year
ReplyDeleteAlso 100 days after Trump's birthday
Boston area code 617
Miami area code 305
617 + 305 = 922
Los Angels area code 213
Denver area code 705
213 + 705 = 918
Feast of Trumpets
Autumn Solstice
Great finds thanks Skidmark!