Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Revelation 13:11 #Beast

Revelation 13:11

3677 is the 514th prime number

"The Dome of the Rock" = 514 (Jewish)
"Edmond de Rothschild" = 514 (Jewish)
"blood sucker" = 514 (Jewish)

"Sol Invictus" = 1311 (Jewish)
"Thirty Third Degree Freemason" = 1311 (Jewish)

Fri, 14 May 1948 = 5th of Iyyar, 5708
Iyyar is the 2th or 8th month
5th or Lyar = 5/2 or 5/8
"third temple" = 52
"freemasonry" = 58

Revelation 13:11

3677 is the 514th prime number

"The Dome of the Rock" = 514 (Jewish)
"Edmond de Rothschild" = 514 (Jewish)
"blood sucker" = 514 (Jewish)

"Sol Invictus" = 1311 (Jewish)
"Thirty Third Degree Freemason" = 1311 (Jewish)

Fri, 14 May 1948 = 5th of Iyyar, 5708
Iyyar is the 2th or 8th month
5th or Lyar = 5/2 or 5/8
"third temple" = 52
"freemasonry" = 58


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