The 1987th anniversary of Jesus death is 4/8/2020 and Pesach
Wed, 8 April 2020 = 14th of Nisan, 5780
י״ד בְּנִיסָן תש״פ
Ta'anit Bechorot
Erev Pesach
The 14th of Nisan is the 14th day of the religious year....
Valentine in Hebrew
"אָהוּב" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)
"אָהוּב" = 14 (Hebrew Ordinal)
"אָהוּב" = 14 (Hebrew Gematria)
"אָהוּב" = 14 (Hebrew Soffits)
Tisha B'Av in Hebrew
ט׳ באב" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)
ט׳ באב" = 14 (Hebrew Ordinal)
ט׳ באב" = 14 (Hebrew Gematria)
ט׳ באב" = 14 (Hebrew Soffits)
David in Hebrew
דוד" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)
דוד" = 14 (Hebrew Ordinal)
דוד" = 14 (Hebrew Gematria)
דוד" = 14 (Hebrew Soffits)
Gunman in Hebrew
"אקדח" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)
"אִי סֶדֵר" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)
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