Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Counting of the Omer day 33 ... Lag ... Lag BaOmer

"lag" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"Jew" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"lag" = 28 (Jewish)
"Abel" = 28 (Jewish)

"Lag BaOmer" = 74 (English Ordinal)
"Lag BaOmer" = 444 (English Sumerian)

Lag BaOmer: the 33rd Day of the Omer

Hebrew Meaning of Name: “33rd Day of the Omer”
"33rd Day of the Omer" = 82 (Full Reduction)
Transliteration: Lag B’omer
English Name: 33rd Day of the Omer
Western Calendar Month: April/May
Jewish Calendar Date: Iyyar 18
"Iyyar 18" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"Iyar eighteenth" = 777 (Jewish)
"order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)

Duration: One day
Established: Unknown; first recorded in the thirteenth century A.D.

Purpose of Lag BaOmer
“Lag” is the number 33 in Hebrew letters, which are often used to represent numerals. The “Omer,” literally a “sheaf” of grain, is the name given to the 49-day period that falls between Passover and Shavuot. “Lag BaOmer” is thus the 33rd day of this period.

As one scholar puts it, Lag BaOmer “is a day of festivity in search of a reason.” Like many a Jewish holiday, it confounds attempts to discern a clear raison d’ĂȘtre and origin story. The Omer period is so called because the grain is being readied for the feast of Shavuot, the Festival of Firstfruits—in other words, it’s a time of preparation. Despite these joyous origins, in Jewish tradition the “counting of the Omer” is a liturgical period of mourning, in some ways comparable to the Christian season of Lent. However, the mourning prohibitions of the Omer (see below) are temporarily suspended on Lag BaOmer, a minor celebratory holiday.

The Counting of the Omer

S'firat Ha-Omer (in Hebrew)

Significance: Connects Pesach (Exodus) to Shavu'ot (giving of the Torah)

Observances: Count the number of days every night
You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days... -Leviticus 23:15-16
You shall count for yourselves seven weeks, from when the sickle is first put to the standing crop shall you begin counting seven weeks. Then you will observe the Festival of Shavu'ot for the L-RD, your G-d -Deuteronomy 16:9-10

According to the Torah (Lev. 23:15), we are obligated to count the days from Passover to Shavu'ot. This period is known as the Counting of the Omer. An omer is a unit of measure. On the second day of Passover, in the days of the Temple, an omer of barley was cut down and brought to the Temple as an offering. This grain offering was referred to as the Omer.

Every night, from the second night of Passover to the night before Shavu'ot, we recite a blessing and state the count of the omer in both weeks and days. So on the 16th day, you would say "Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the Omer." The Orthodox Union has a chart that provides the transliterated Hebrew and English text of the counting day-by-day. Or if you'd prefer an amusing (yet still accurate!) Simpsons-themed discussion of the Omer along with an Omer calendar, check out The Homer Calendar.

The counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover, which commemorates the Exodus, and Shavu'ot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. It reminds us that the redemption from slavery was not complete until we received the Torah.

This period is a time of partial mourning, during which weddings, parties, and dinners with dancing are not conducted, in memory of a plague during the lifetime of Rabbi Akiba. Haircuts during this time are also forbidden. The 33rd day of the Omer (the eighteenth of Iyar) is a minor holiday commemorating a break in the plague. The holiday is known as Lag b'Omer. The mourning practices of the omer period are lifted on that date. The word "Lag" is not really a word; it is the number 33 in Hebrew, as if you were to call the Fourth of July "Iv July" (IV being 4 in Roman numerals).

There was at one time a dispute as to when the counting should begin. The Pharisees believed that G-d gave Moses an oral Torah along with the written Torah, and according to that oral Torah the word "Shabbat" in Lev. 23:15 referred to the first day of Passover, which is a "Shabbat" in the sense that no work is permitted on the day (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are both referred to as "Shabbat" in this sense, though they cannot both occur on a Saturday in the same year; see Lev. 23:24 and 23:32; see also Lev. 23:39 the first and eighth days of Sukkot are called "Shabbat"). In this view, held by most Jews today, the counting begins on the second night of Passover, that is, the day after the non-working day of Passover. The Tzedukim (Sadducees) rejected the idea of an oral Torah and believed that the word "Shabbat" in Lev. 23:15 referred to the Shabbat of the week when Pesach began, so counting would always begin on a Saturday night during Passover. The Sadducees no longer exist; today, only a small sect call the Karaites follow this view.

List of Dates
Lag B'Omer will occur on the following days of the secular calendar:

Jewish Year 5777: sunset May 13, 2017 - nightfall May 14, 2017
Jewish Year 5778: sunset May 2, 2018 - nightfall May 3, 2018
Jewish Year 5779: sunset May 22, 2019 - nightfall May 23, 2019
Jewish Year 5780: sunset May 11, 2020 - nightfall May 12, 2020
Jewish Year 5781: sunset April 29, 2021 - nightfall April 30, 2021

"You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days" = 707 (Chaldean)

Counting of the Omer day 33 ... Lag ... Lag BaOmer

Lag means the number 33 in Hebrew (English letters)
"lag" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"Jew" = 11 (Full Reduction)

Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day in the "counting of the omer" That's last 49 days. It goes from Peasch to Shav'uot.
Western Calendar Month: April/May
Jewish Calendar Date: Iyyar 18
"Iyyar 18" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"Iyar eighteenth" = 777 (Jewish)
"order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)

Significance: Connects Pesach (Exodus) to Shavu'ot (giving of the Torah)

The "givng of the Torah is also King David's birthday and death day.

Did you know that the Simpsons made a "Counting of the omer" calendar?

The Homer Calendar

[To get daily reminders, follow us on Twitter: @CountTheHomer;

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