Sunday, June 2, 2019

Beit HaMikdash "The Sanctified House" #Temple

In rabbinical literature the temple is Beit HaMikdash, "The Sanctified House", and ONLY the Temple in Jerusalem is referred to by this name.

"Beit HaMikdash" = 110 (English Ordinal)
World Trade Towers were 110 stories high
"nine one one" = 110 (English Ordinal)

"Beit HaMikdash" = 277 (Jewish)
"Sanhedrin" = 277 (Jewish)

nine eleven in Arabic
"alttasieat w 'ihda eshrt daqiqa" = 1787 (Jewish)
277th prime number
"two thousand nineteen" = 1787 (Jewish)
277th prime number

Chorus of Trump's rally song... 

"No, you can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want You can't always get what you want But if you try sometime you find You get what you need" = 1787 (English Ordinal) 277th prime number

"Temple in Jerusalem" = 198 (English Ordinal)
"Temple in Jerusalem" = 198 (English Ordinal)
July 17th is the 198th day of the year and the 101st anniversary of the execution of the Romanovs. 
Wed, 17 July 2019 = 14th of Tamuz, 5779
Tamuz is the 10th or 4th months...1410 or 144 

7/17/2019 is the 101st anniversary of the Romanov murder and it's also 33 days after Trump's birthday... 
Wed, 17 July 2019 = 14th of Tamuz, 5779 
14th day of the 4th month = 144

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