Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Trump "Bastille Day" Speech 1:04:04 #144 #156

"French National Holiday of Bastille Day" = 156 (Full Reduction)

Trump's speech at his rally signaled the last market sell off....

From Phoenix speech to Bastille Day speech is

From and including: Tuesday, February 18, 2020
To and including: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Result: 148 days
"Donald J Trump" = 148 (English Ordinal)
21 weeks and 1 day
40.44% of 2020

From 1929 stock market crash to bastille day
From and including: Thursday, October 24, 1929
To and including: Tuesday, July 14, 2020
Result: 33,137 days

That's an interesting number
33 is the 137th prime number....
33,137 days

Or 90 years, 8 months, 21 days including the end date.
Or 1088 months, 21 days including the end date.

one hundred and forty three days of all times tock market highs

He said at 25:04 " We had one hundred and forty three days of all time stock market highs" 

"We had one hundred and forty three days of all time stock market highs" = 3570 (Jewish)
Triangular 84th

"one hundred and forty three days of all time stock market highs" = 245 (Full Reduction)
In duo 185

"one hundred and forty three days of all time stock market highs" = 808 (Reverse Ordinal)
Trump = 88

"one hundred and forty three days of all time stock market highs" = 277 (Reverse Full Reduction) 59th prime

"one hundred & forty three days of all time stock market highs" = 577 (English Ordinal)
106th prime number....Duo of 811

"143 days of all time stock market highs" = 337 (English Ordinal) 68th prime

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