Sunday, October 2, 2016

SDR World Order (bankster takeover)

The yuan was officially added to the IMF's SDR basket today, which may not be world-shattering in and of itself. But when combined with the revival of SDR-denominated bonds there can be no doubt that the central bankers are making their play for a global currency. Unfortunately, most people have no idea what SDRs are, let alone the role they are going to play in the formation of the global government. Get up to speed with The Corbett Report's latest article, "SDR World Order."

The Most Important Story You Didn't See This Week

SDR World Order

Corbett • 10/01/2016

That’s right, the IMF is formally adding the Chinese renminbi (aka the yuan) to their “Special Drawing Rights” basket on Saturday, October 1st. The move boosts the yuan to the status of global reserve currency alongside its basketmates, the pound, the euro, the yen and the dollar. At 10.92% it will be the third highest-weighted currency in the basket, behind the euro at 30.93% and the dollar at 41.73%.

For those who missed my previous reporting on the SDR and the significance of the yuan’s inclusion, here’s the primer:

The SDR is not a currency, but a potential claim on dollars, yen, euros, pounds, and now yuan.
It is issued by the IMF and held (and traded) as a “supplementary reserve asset” by central banks.
There are 204 billion SDRs outstanding, equivalent to $285 billion or about 2.5% of total global reserves.

The upshot of the SDR is that it provides liquidity for global transaction settlement in times when dollars and gold are in scarce supply. Inclusion of a currency in the SDR basket means that there is a built-in demand for that currency as central banks tend to match their currency holdings to the basket’s weighting, meaning that central bankers around the world are now (or have already) adjusted their aggregate holdings of yuan to about 10.92% of their portfolio. With $11.6 trillion of reserves globally, that equates to over $1 trillion worth of yuan being held in central bank coffers around the world.

As I explained before, this has been Beijing’s plan since the 2009 crisis: not to have the yuan replace the dollar as the global reserve, but to have the SDR replace the dollar. This allows the Chinese government to avoid having to liberalize the yuan or ease up on its rigid capital controls, but still gives it a seat at the table in a new global monetary order while simultaneously dethroning their best frenemy, the US. It’s win-win-win for China and, more importantly, win-win-win for the globalist oligarchs who want to bring in a New World Order of globally-administered currency.

As The Epoch Times puts it: “This is the first step toward one world currency.”

And guess what? It’s been in the planning for years, openly discussed in the central bankers’ white papers, decision documents and conferences, but conveniently unreported by the media and completely overlooked by the public.

I hope everyone knows that the MINUTE these globalist monsters get a "one world government" in place they're going to kill 90% of the human race BECAUSE that's the main reason they want a world government! The dead bodies will include all RACES, all RELIGIONS and all SEXES! 

Maybe we could have stopped this IF anybody had paid attention BUT as everybody knows certain segments of our society have been providing COVER for the globalists by creating HUGE diversions... The main traitors ARE... 

BLACK LIVES MATTER who will go down in history as being the biggest traitor group that ever existed! 

SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIORS who have no idea what is going on but want to run the world ANYWAY! 

FEMINISTS who have proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that women really are the DUMBER sex! 

And the MAINSTREAM MEDIA who provide endless entertainment and LIES through the TV weapon so the stupid sheeple have no chance of waking up to anything even their own coming slaughter! 


Become a nationalist or die it's that simple! 

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