Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Homer counting of the omer calendar....

Counting of the Omer day 33 ... Lag ... Lag BaOmer

"lag" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"Jew" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"lag" = 28 (Jewish)
"Abel" = 28 (Jewish)

"Lag BaOmer" = 74 (English Ordinal)
"Lag BaOmer" = 444 (English Sumerian)

Lag BaOmer: the 33rd Day of the Omer

Hebrew Meaning of Name: “33rd Day of the Omer”
"33rd Day of the Omer" = 82 (Full Reduction)
Transliteration: Lag B’omer
English Name: 33rd Day of the Omer
Western Calendar Month: April/May
Jewish Calendar Date: Iyyar 18
"Iyyar 18" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"Iyar eighteenth" = 777 (Jewish)
"order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)

Duration: One day
Established: Unknown; first recorded in the thirteenth century A.D.

Purpose of Lag BaOmer
“Lag” is the number 33 in Hebrew letters, which are often used to represent numerals. The “Omer,” literally a “sheaf” of grain, is the name given to the 49-day period that falls between Passover and Shavuot. “Lag BaOmer” is thus the 33rd day of this period.

As one scholar puts it, Lag BaOmer “is a day of festivity in search of a reason.” Like many a Jewish holiday, it confounds attempts to discern a clear raison d’être and origin story. The Omer period is so called because the grain is being readied for the feast of Shavuot, the Festival of Firstfruits—in other words, it’s a time of preparation. Despite these joyous origins, in Jewish tradition the “counting of the Omer” is a liturgical period of mourning, in some ways comparable to the Christian season of Lent. However, the mourning prohibitions of the Omer (see below) are temporarily suspended on Lag BaOmer, a minor celebratory holiday.

The Counting of the Omer

S'firat Ha-Omer (in Hebrew)

Significance: Connects Pesach (Exodus) to Shavu'ot (giving of the Torah)

Observances: Count the number of days every night
You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days... -Leviticus 23:15-16
You shall count for yourselves seven weeks, from when the sickle is first put to the standing crop shall you begin counting seven weeks. Then you will observe the Festival of Shavu'ot for the L-RD, your G-d -Deuteronomy 16:9-10

According to the Torah (Lev. 23:15), we are obligated to count the days from Passover to Shavu'ot. This period is known as the Counting of the Omer. An omer is a unit of measure. On the second day of Passover, in the days of the Temple, an omer of barley was cut down and brought to the Temple as an offering. This grain offering was referred to as the Omer.

Every night, from the second night of Passover to the night before Shavu'ot, we recite a blessing and state the count of the omer in both weeks and days. So on the 16th day, you would say "Today is sixteen days, which is two weeks and two days of the Omer." The Orthodox Union has a chart that provides the transliterated Hebrew and English text of the counting day-by-day. Or if you'd prefer an amusing (yet still accurate!) Simpsons-themed discussion of the Omer along with an Omer calendar, check out The Homer Calendar.

The counting is intended to remind us of the link between Passover, which commemorates the Exodus, and Shavu'ot, which commemorates the giving of the Torah. It reminds us that the redemption from slavery was not complete until we received the Torah.

This period is a time of partial mourning, during which weddings, parties, and dinners with dancing are not conducted, in memory of a plague during the lifetime of Rabbi Akiba. Haircuts during this time are also forbidden. The 33rd day of the Omer (the eighteenth of Iyar) is a minor holiday commemorating a break in the plague. The holiday is known as Lag b'Omer. The mourning practices of the omer period are lifted on that date. The word "Lag" is not really a word; it is the number 33 in Hebrew, as if you were to call the Fourth of July "Iv July" (IV being 4 in Roman numerals).

There was at one time a dispute as to when the counting should begin. The Pharisees believed that G-d gave Moses an oral Torah along with the written Torah, and according to that oral Torah the word "Shabbat" in Lev. 23:15 referred to the first day of Passover, which is a "Shabbat" in the sense that no work is permitted on the day (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are both referred to as "Shabbat" in this sense, though they cannot both occur on a Saturday in the same year; see Lev. 23:24 and 23:32; see also Lev. 23:39 the first and eighth days of Sukkot are called "Shabbat"). In this view, held by most Jews today, the counting begins on the second night of Passover, that is, the day after the non-working day of Passover. The Tzedukim (Sadducees) rejected the idea of an oral Torah and believed that the word "Shabbat" in Lev. 23:15 referred to the Shabbat of the week when Pesach began, so counting would always begin on a Saturday night during Passover. The Sadducees no longer exist; today, only a small sect call the Karaites follow this view.

List of Dates
Lag B'Omer will occur on the following days of the secular calendar:

Jewish Year 5777: sunset May 13, 2017 - nightfall May 14, 2017
Jewish Year 5778: sunset May 2, 2018 - nightfall May 3, 2018
Jewish Year 5779: sunset May 22, 2019 - nightfall May 23, 2019
Jewish Year 5780: sunset May 11, 2020 - nightfall May 12, 2020
Jewish Year 5781: sunset April 29, 2021 - nightfall April 30, 2021

"You shall count for yourselves -- from the day after the Shabbat, from the day when you bring the Omer of the waving -- seven Shabbats, they shall be complete. Until the day after the seventh sabbath you shall count, fifty days" = 707 (Chaldean)

Counting of the Omer day 33 ... Lag ... Lag BaOmer

Lag means the number 33 in Hebrew (English letters)
"lag" = 11 (Full Reduction)
"Jew" = 11 (Full Reduction)

Lag BaOmer is the 33rd day in the "counting of the omer" That's last 49 days. It goes from Peasch to Shav'uot.
Western Calendar Month: April/May
Jewish Calendar Date: Iyyar 18
"Iyyar 18" = 42 (Full Reduction)
"Iyar eighteenth" = 777 (Jewish)
"order out of chaos" = 777 (Jewish)

Significance: Connects Pesach (Exodus) to Shavu'ot (giving of the Torah)

The "givng of the Torah is also King David's birthday and death day.

Did you know that the Simpsons made a "Counting of the omer" calendar?

The Homer Calendar

[To get daily reminders, follow us on Twitter: @CountTheHomer;

Islamic Calendar.... 288

From Synagogue shooting until 8/11/2019 Tisha B'Av is 288 days 
"18-Safar-1440" = 288 (English Sumerian) 
Synagogue shooting Islamic calendar .... 
288 days until Tisha B'Av 2019 

Trump delivered his tax cut speech on April 12th 2018 #Shekel

Trump shekel released on the same day the 204th day of the Jewish year. (counting the end date)

From and including: Thursday, September 21, 2017
To and including: Thursday, April 12, 2018
Result: 204 days
Or 6 months, 23 days including the end date.

Barclays 328 years old on Trump's 666th day in office 11/17/2018

Barclays plc is a British multinational investment bank and financial services company headquartered in London

17 November 1690; 327 years ago in the City of London, Kingdom of England.

"stock market crash" = 1110 (English Sumerian)

"Barclays PLC" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Barclays traces its origins to a goldsmith banking business established in the City of London in 1690. James Barclay became a partner in the business in 1736. In 1896 several banks in London and the English provinces, including Backhouse's Bank and Gurney's Bank, united as a joint-stock bank under the name Barclays and Co. Over the following decades Barclays expanded to become a nationwide bank. In 1967, Barclays deployed the world's first cash dispenser. Barclays has made numerous corporate acquisitions, including of London, Provincial and South Western Bank in 1918, British Linen Bank in 1919, Mercantile Credit in 1975, the Woolwich in 2000 and the North American operations of Lehman Brothers in 2008.

Barclays has a primary listing on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 100 Index. It has a secondary listing on the New York Stock Exchange. Qatar Holdings, an investment vehicle of the State of Qatar, is the largest shareholder of the company.

According to a 2011 paper by Vitali et al., Barclays was the most powerful transnational corporation in terms of ownership and thus corporate control over global financial stability and market competition with AXA and State Street Corporation taking the 2nd and 3rd position, respectively.

1690 to 1900
Barclays traces its origins back to 1690 when John Freame, a Quaker, and Thomas Gould started trading as goldsmith bankers in Lombard Street, London. The name "Barclays" became associated with the business in 1736, when Freame's son-in-law James Barclay became a partner. In 1728 the bank moved to 54 Lombard Street, identified by the 'Sign of the Black Spread Eagle', which in subsequent years would become a core part of the bank's visual identity.

"Black Spread Eagle" = 314 (Jewish)

My possible market crash dates for November

1/11 = Mark of Beast, 11/7 = CIA, 11/8 Star of David,
"stock market crash on November first" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"stock market crash on November 1st 2018" = 137 (Jewish Reduction)


11/9 mirror 911
star of David, all seeing eye

10/11 mirror 1101
Jesus Christ Crucified, beginning of the end, money maker, September eleven attacks, Lehman brothers collapse, Scottish Rite of Masonry, Foreign exchange, blood money, Pi symbol, Philadelphia Pittsburgh, Royal Astronomical Society, Saturns eye, President Donald J Trump, Dealey Plaza, Assassin James Earl Ray, ultimate sacrifice, PI symbol

Mirror 1101
Donald John Trump" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Secret Society" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"World Trade Center" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Solomons Temple" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Stock market crash" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Annuit Coeptis" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Book of Revelation" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"The White House" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Donald Trump assassinated" = 1110 (Jewish)

House of Cards, Trinity, News, Twin flame, crucify, Patriotism, hidden knowledge, starvation, Happy Holidays, greater Israel, the Berlin wall, Iran was, missile launch, number of a man Donald J Trump, Golden Gate Round Table, Trump death
"one one one one" = 64 (Full Reduction)
"one one one one" = 1128 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Bavarian Illuminati" = 1128 (English Sumerian)

11/17 Trump's 666th day in office
Barclays is the most connected bank in the world.  It was founded on 11/17/1690 it will be 328 years on on Donald
From and including: Monday, November 17, 1690
To, but not including Saturday, November 17, 2018
Or 328 years excluding the end date
"three hundred twenty eight years" = 2789 (Jewish) 405th prime numbers = 45
"three hundred twenty eight" = 911 (Primes)
Or 3936 months excluding the end date.
"Three Hundred Twenty Two Skull and Bones" = 3936 (English Extended)
"Titus Flavius Caesar Domitianus Augustus" = 3936 (English Extended)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The miles between Tree of Life Synagogue and Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School is 977 miles

"Donald John Trump" = 977 (English Extended)
"staged event" = 977 (English Extended)
"Americans against Trump" = 977 (Jewish)
"Jorge Mario Bergoglio" = 977 (Reverse Satanic)
"Predictive Programming" = 977 (Satanic)
"Pledge of Allegiance" = 977 (Reverse Satanic)
"eye of Saturn" = 977 (Jewish)
"one point six one eight" = 977 (Jewish)
"Lake Havasu City Arizona" = 977 (Satanic)
"Satanic Blood Sacrifices" = 977 (Satanic)

"And I looked and behold a pale horse And the name of him who sat upon it was Death and Sheol the grave followed with him" = 977 (Jewish Ordinal)

Monday, October 29, 2018

Gab shutdown on 10/29/2018

Dow swings more than 900 points as stocks end lower on U.S.-China trade worries 10/29/2018

Dow swings more than 900 points as stocks end lower on U.S.-China trade worries 10/29/2018

S&P 500 ends just shy of correction territory

Stocks closed lower Monday in a volatile session with the Dow Jones Industrial Average swinging over 900 points as concerns about global growth resurfaced following a news report that suggested that the U.S. is about to intensify its trade war with China.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA, -0.99%  shed 245.39 points, or 1%, to close at 24,442.92. At its session low, it was down 566 points, and was up as much as 352 points at its intraday peak. The S&P 500 index SPX, -0.66% slid 17.44 points, or 0.7%, to 2,641.25 and the Nasdaq Composite Index COMP, -1.63%  dropped 116.92 points, or 1.6%, to 7,050.29

With the Nasdaq already in correction territory—widely defined as a pullback of 10% from a recent peak—the Dow and the S&P 500 came close, although both indexes trimmed losses ahead of the closing bell.


Sunday, October 28, 2018

Mail bombers addresses

Mail bomber's last work address .... 

"312 South Congress Ave" = 777 (Satanic)
"312 S Congress Ave" = 888 (English Sumerian)
"312 S Congress Ave" = 58 (Septenary)
"South Congress Ave" = 211 (English Ordinal)

"312 S Congress Ave, West Palm Beach, FL 33406" = 157 (Jewish Reduction)
From the anniversary of the DNC founding to bomber arrest 157 days
From and including: Tuesday, May 22, 2018
To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018
Result: 157 days
The majority of the bombs arrived on 10/24 which was "United Nations Day" 
"United Nations" = 157 (Jewish Ordinal)
"312 South Congress Avenue, West Palm Beach, FLorida 33406" = 223 (Single Reduction) 
Or 22 weeks and 3 days = 223

Mail bomber was arrested on Hillary Clinton's birthday. 
Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton October 26, 1947 
"Hillary R Clinton October 26, 1947" = 157 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"October twenty six" = 227 (Jewish Ordinal)

Hillary Diane Rodham born October 26, 1947
"October 26 1947" = 107 (English Ordinal)
"October 26 1947" = 58 (Jewish Reduction)
"Hillary Diane Rodham born October 26, 1947" = 333 (English Ordinal) 
"Hillary Diane Rodham October 26, 1947" = 144 (Jewish Reduction)

"Ultra Gentlemen's Club" = 71 (Full Reduction)
Hillary turned 71 the day the mail bomber was arrested. 

Cesar's fathers' address he lived there from 9/30/2000 to 4/12/2018

"3800 Hillcrest Drive 1205 Hollywood FL 33021" = 1214 (Satanic)
"3800 Hillcrest Drive 1205 Hollywood FLorida 33021" = 144 (Chaldean)
"3800 Hillcrest Dr" = 139 (English Ordinal)
"3800 Hillcrest Drive" = 58 (Chaldean)

Day 24.2 Will The Real Robert Bowers Please Stand Up? George Webb 10/28/2018

Comments section Ellis Bell.....

‘Bowers’ attended Clerkenwell Primary? Clerkenwell is traditionally a very Jewish-friendly area of London going back a couple centuries. The school is Christian Anglican, but it’s right near one of the most famous diamond trading centres of Europe — the Clerkenwell area of Hatton Garden. Many, many wonderful diamond shops, the majority owned and run by Jewish families. See the recent film about the Hatton Garden heist for a view of what Hatton Garden is like.

Pinning Zach's book to my Gab account 10/28/2018

Robert D Bowers' last Gab post.... 10/27/2018

"Screw your optics, I’m going in" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"Protocols of the elders of Zion" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"Pennsylvania United States of America" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"י״ח בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשע״ט" = 137 (Hebrew Ordinal) (Hebrew date 10/27/2018)

"Robert D Bowers" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian)
Washington DC , Adolf Hitler, society of Jesus, Rockefeller, total eclipse, June Twenty Fourth, cesar sayoc jr, Unite the Right

Robert D Bower GAB 10/28/2018

He posted that around 2:30 pm 10/28/2018

Squirrel Hill Drill .... 1/24/2018

They got three 24's going on there... 
The 24th day of the year, January 24, and 10:24 

"active shooter drill at the Jewish community center" = 214 (Jewish Reduction)
"active shooter drill at the Jewish community center" = 187 (Septenary)
"Squirrel Hill Jewish community center mass shooting" = 187 (Septenary)

"Squirrel Hill Jewish community center shooting" = 1717 (Primes)

"Squirrel Hill Jewish community center shooting" = 227 (Keypad)

"JCC" = 7 (Full Reduction)

J=1 C=3 C=3 = 133 

"JCC" = 606 (Jewish)

"Jewish community center staff" = 324 (English Ordinal)
( date of March for ours lives 3/24 SUM of 214)

"Sea of eyes at march for our lives" = 324 (English Ordinal)

214 date of Parkland 324 date of march 

Active shooter drill planned for Thursday night in Squirrel Hill, Darlington Road to close

Local media report verifying drills  .....

The guy on TV CEO of the JFGP... 
"Jeffrey H. Finkelstein" = 1444 (Jewish)
"Robert Bowers" = 1444 (Jewish)
"Jeffrey H. Finkelstein, CEO, Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh" = 4404 (Jewish)
"Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh" = 406 (English Ordinal) =46

Date drill happened
Thu, 25 January 2018 = 9th of Sh'vat, 5778
ט׳ בִּשְׁבָט תשע״ח
Parashat Beshalach (in Diaspora)
Parashat Beshalach / פרשת בשלח 
Parashat Beshalach is the 16th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.

Torah Portion: Exodus 13:17 - 17:16 

Counting days on Jewish calendar..... 

From New years Day 5778/2017 to active shooter drill in Squirrel Hill 1/25/2018 

Counting days on Jewish calendar..... 

From New years Day 5778/2017 to Parkland school shooting

From drill to shooting......
From and including: Thursday, January 25, 2018
To, but not including Saturday, October 27, 2018
Result: 275 days
"six hundred sixty six" = 275 (English Ordinal)
"The Brotherhood of Saturn" = 275 (English Ordinal)
Or 9 months, 2 days excluding the end date.
275 days can be converted to one of these units:
23,760,000 seconds
396,000 minutes
6600 hours
275 days
39 weeks and 2 days
75.34% of 2018

Saturday, October 27, 2018

#1214 #770 #Revelation 12:14

Revelation 12:14 King James Version (KJV)

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. = 770 (Full Reduction) 

Great Mosque of Mecca / Masjid al-Haram
21° 25′ 19.2″ N, 39° 49′ 33.6″ E
Al-Aqsa Mosque / Dome of the Rock
31° 46′ 34.21″ N, 35° 14′ 8.99″ E

Al-Aqsa Mosque #TempleMount #ThirdTemple #Jerusalem Great Mosque of #Mecca #Saturn #BlackCube

770 miles.... 
Nine Point Six Nine" = 770 (Satanic)
9.69 is the speed of Saturn 
"Illuminati Blood Sacrifice" = 770 (Jewish)
"seven hundred seventy" = 811 (Primes) 8/11 

"three temples" = 58 (Jewish Reduction)
"freemasonry" = 58 (Jewish Reduction)

Eclipse window 2423 days....
Matthew 24:23 KJV
Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is Christ, or there; believe it not.
Eclipse window 2424 days..... 
Matthew 24:24 KJV
For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect. 

Synagogue shooting.... 137

Synagogue shooting....
Address ...
"5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"Protocols of the elders of Zion" = 137 (Full Reduction)
"Pennsylvania United States of America" = 137 (Full Reduction)
Jewish calendar date....
"י״ח בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשע״ט" = 137 (Hebrew Ordinal)
It's the last day of Parashat Vayera the 4th Torah reading
"Parashat Vayera" = 156 (English Ordinal)
"thirty three" = 156 (English Ordinal)

"According to a 2002 study  33% of the Jewish population of Greater Pittsburgh lives in Squirrel Hill"

The neighborhood is represented on Pittsburgh City Council by Corey O'Connor (District 5, Squirrel Hill South) and Erika Strassburger (District 8, Squirrel Hill North). District 5 and 8 = 58

"Corey O'Connor" = 70 (Full Reduction)
"Squirrel Hill" = 70 (Full Reduction)
"Erika Strassburger" = 211 (English Ordinal) 47th prime
"Erika Strassburger" = 47 (Chaldean)
"Squirrel" = 47 (Full Reduction)
"Star of David" = 47 (Full Reduction)
"All Jews must die"" = 47 (Full Reduction)
"Squirrel Hill North" = 58 (Chaldean)

Fifteen-year-old Sophia Levin declared that she was a different Jew today to the one she was yesterday.
Some of these young people have been involved in the student gun control movement that sprang up after the Parkland shooting
 Rebecca Glickman, told the crowd that gun control was needed now more than ever.
She told me that an anti-Semite with a gun is more dangerous than an anti-Semite without a gun,

"Sophia Levin" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"freemasonry" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"Rebecca Glickman" = 107 (English Ordinal)
"Shooting" = 107 (English Ordinal)

"Sophia Levin" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"freemasonry" = 58 (Full Reduction)
"Rebecca Glickman" = 107 (English Ordinal)
"Shooting" = 107 (English Ordinal)

40.438072°N  79.922972°W
"Ashkenazi" = 40 (Full Reduction)
"Zionist" = 40 (Full Reduction)
"Bolshevik" = 40 (Full Reduction)

"gun control" = 50 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Ashkenazi" = 50 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"Bolshevik" = 50 (Reverse Full Reduction)

From shooting to tishabav
From and including: Saturday, October 27, 2018
To, but not including Sunday, August 11, 2019
Result: 288 days
"Scottish Rite Freemasonry" = 288 (Jewish Ordinal)
"active shooter situation" = 288 (English Ordinal)
Or 9 months, 15 days excluding the end date
"Order of Solomons Temple" = 915 (Jewish)
"Order of the Skull Bones" = 915 (Jewish)

Pittsburgh Synagogue shooting 10/27/2018 #46 #300

Sat, 27 October 2018 = 18th of Cheshvan, 5779
י״ח בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשע״ט
"י״ח בְּחֶשְׁוָן תשע״ט" = 137 (Hebrew Ordinal)
It's the last day of Parashat Vayera the 4th Torah reading
Parashat Vayera / פרשת וירא
"פרשת וירא" = 117 (Hebrew Ordinal)
"Parashat Vayera" = 156 (English Ordinal)
Next read in the Diaspora on 27 October 2018. Parashat Vayera is the 4th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.
Torah Portion: Genesis 18:1 - 22:24

Robert = 33 Bowers = 28  = 61
"Bowers" = 28 (Full Reduction)
"Israel" = 28 (Full Reduction)
"Zion" = 28 (Full Reduction)
"Robert Bowers" = 1444 (Jewish) square root 38
"Jewish" = 444 (English Sumerian)
"Robert Bowers" = 61 (Full Reduction) 18th prime
Roberts Bowers in Hebrew
"רוברט באוורס" = 44 (Hebrew Reduction)
"רוברט באוורס" = 107 (Hebrew Ordinal)

Today is the 46th day of the Jewish year....
"sacrifice" = 46 (Full Reduction)
"execution" = 46 (Reverse Full Reduction)
"chaos" = 46 (English Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 46 (Jewish Reduction)
"Jewish" = 46 (Jewish Reduction)

October 27 is the 300th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. There are 65 days remaining

Pittsburgh Synagogue
"בית הכנסת פיטסבורג" = 66 (Hebrew Reduction)

Synagogue 14 same as David, Valentine, Tisha B'av and gunman! 

"בהכ'נ" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction) (synagogue) 

Tisha B'Av is 24 and 14 

Pittsburgh Synagogue 
"בית הכנסת פיטסבורג" = 66 (Hebrew Reduction)

Synagogue 14 same as David, Valentine, Tisha B'av and gunman! 

"בהכ'נ" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction) (synagogue) 
Valentine in Hebrew 
"אָהוּב" = 14 (Hebrew Reduction)(in all ciphers)

#1214 #770 #Revelation 12:14 

Revelation 12:14 King James Version (KJV)

And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the face of the serpent. = 770 (Full Reduction) 

The Tree of Life Synagogue

The Tree of Life Synagogue

Or 1 month 2 weeks 2 days 

"Synagogue of Satan" = 64 (Full Reduction)
"בית הכנסת "עץ החיים"" = 181 (Hebrew Ordinal)
42nd prime number
"בית הכנסת "עץ החיים"" = 1180 (Hebrew Gematria)
"בית הכנסת "עץ החיים"" = 2550 (Hebrew Soffits)

"Squirrel Hill" = 70 (Full Reduction)
"Squirrel" = 47 (Full Reduction)
"Squirrel" = 119 (English Ordinal)

Synagogue's address 
"5898 Wilkins Ave Pittsburgh, PA" = 2211 (English Extended) (66th Triangular)
Pittsburgh Synagogue 
"בית הכנסת פיטסבורג" = 66 (Hebrew Reduction)

Didn't we see a lot of 1122's with the mail bombs? 

"5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh" = 137 (Full Reduction)

Those 114's 1014's you see is because it's been 1014 hours since Jewish New Year on 9/11, 
"5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh" = 1140 (Satanic)
"5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh" = 1014 (Primes)
114 is also Holocaust wouldn't want anybody to forget about that! 

My painting almost done.......

Mail bomber and DNC

From the anniversary of the DNC founding to bomber arrest 157 days or 22 weeks 3 days! 

From and including: Tuesday, May 22, 2018
To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018
Result: 157 days
The majority of the bombs arrived on 10/24 which was "United Nations Day" 
"United Nations" = 157 (Jewish Ordinal)
"November eleven" = 157 (English Ordinal)
"Secret Society" = 157 (Jewish Ordinal)
"Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 157 (Full Reduction)
"Stoneman Douglas High School shooting" = 157 (Full Reduction)

Or 22 weeks and 3 days = 223
"Order of the Illuminati" = 223 (Jewish Ordinal)
"global currency reset" = 223 (English Ordinal)

And I just noticed that wikipedia CHANGED the date they were founded. It USED to say 5/22 now it says 5/21. I'm going to keep using the RIGHT date which is 5/22 since I understand why Judahpedia wants to change it! 

From Cesar Sayoc's birthday is 3/17... from his birthday to his arrest on Hillary Clinton's birthday was 223 days. From and including: Saturday, March 17, 2018 To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018 Result: 223 days

Friday, October 26, 2018

Ezekiel 28 New International Version (NIV)

Ezekiel 28 New International Version (NIV)

A Prophecy Against the King of Tyre

1: The word of the Lord came to me:
2: “Son of man, say to the ruler of Tyre, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“‘In the pride of your heart
    you say, “I am a god;
I sit on the throne of a god
    in the heart of the seas.”
But you are a mere mortal and not a god,
    though you think you are as wise as a god.

3 Are you wiser than Daniel?
    Is no secret hidden from you?
4 By your wisdom and understanding
    you have gained wealth for yourself
and amassed gold and silver
    in your treasuries.
5 By your great skill in trading
    you have increased your wealth,
and because of your wealth
    your heart has grown proud.

6 “‘Therefore this is what the Sovereign Lord says:
“‘Because you think you are wise,
    as wise as a god,
7 I am going to bring foreigners against you,
    the most ruthless of nations;
they will draw their swords against your beauty and wisdom
    and pierce your shining splendor.
8 They will bring you down to the pit,
    and you will die a violent death
    in the heart of the seas.
9 Will you then say, “I am a god,”
    in the presence of those who kill you?
You will be but a mortal, not a god,
    in the hands of those who slay you.
10 You will die the death of the uncircumcised
    at the hands of foreigners.

I have spoken, declares the Sovereign Lord.’”

11 The word of the Lord came to me: 12 “Son of man, take up a lament concerning the king of Tyre and say to him: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says:

“‘You were the seal of perfection,
    full of wisdom and perfect in beauty.
13 You were in Eden,
    the garden of God;
every precious stone adorned you:
    carnelian, chrysolite and emerald,
    topaz, onyx and jasper,
    lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl.[b]
Your settings and mountings[c] were made of gold;
    on the day you were created they were prepared.
14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub,
    for so I ordained you.
You were on the holy mount of God;
    you walked among the fiery stones.
15 You were blameless in your ways
    from the day you were created
    till wickedness was found in you.
16 Through your widespread trade
    you were filled with violence,
    and you sinned.
So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God,
    and I expelled you, guardian cherub,
    from among the fiery stones.
17 Your heart became proud
    on account of your beauty,
and you corrupted your wisdom
    because of your splendor.
So I threw you to the earth;
    I made a spectacle of you before kings.
18 By your many sins and dishonest trade
    you have desecrated your sanctuaries.
So I made a fire come out from you,
    and it consumed you,
and I reduced you to ashes on the ground
    in the sight of all who were watching.
19 All the nations who knew you
    are appalled at you;
you have come to a horrible end
    and will be no more.’”

Bomber arrested on 20/26/2018 Cesar Sayoc jr Plantation Florida

"Cesar Sayoc jr" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Cesar Sayoc jr" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Plantation Florida" = 187 (English Ordinal)
"Plantation Florida" = 1122 (English Sumerian)

"Plantation Fl" = 50 (Full Reduction)
"Plantation Fl" = 140 (English Ordinal) = 14
"Plantation Fl" = 707 (English Extended) = 77
"Plantation Fl" = 1110 (Trigonal)
"Plantation Fl" = 614 (Reverse Primes) =6/14
"Plantation Florida USA" = 228 (English Ordinal)
"Plantation Florida USA" = 84 (Full Reduction)
"Plantation Florida USA" = 216 (Jewish Ordinal)
"Plantation" = 1011 (Trigonal)
"Plantation" = 888 (Reverse English Sumerian)

"Cesar Sayoc" = 109 (English Ordinal) 29th prime
"Cesar Sayoc" = 37 (Full Reduction) 12th prime
"Cesar Sayoc jr" = 137 (English Ordinal)

Plantation Florida
26° 7′ 28″ N, 80° 14′ 58″ W
Today's the 26th

JFK's birthdate in Roman numerals
"XI.XXII.MCMLXIII" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"JFK assassination" = 1122 (English Sumerian)
"Washington DC" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Plantation Florida" = 1122 (English Sumerian)
"Cesar Sayoc jr" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian)

Ezekiel 11:22
"Then the cherubim, with the wheels beside them, spread their wings, and the glory of the God of Israel was above them." = 1037 (English Ordinal)
"Washington DC" = 137 (English Ordinal)
"cherubim angels" = 137 (English Ordinal)
"cherubim" = 137 (Reverse Ordinal)

We find in Ezekiel 11:22 that the "King of Tyre" is called a "cherub" and his home is located at the residence of Eden and the Mountian of God for it is said, "the king of Tyre is scornfully compared with one of these, and is assigned a residence in Eden and the mountain of God."

"Ezekiel 11:22" = 122 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Plantation" = 122 (English Ordinal)

"Ezekiel chapter eleven verse twenty two" = 441 (English Ordinal) 441 mirror 144

"Ezekiel chapter 11" = 58 (Chaldean)
"King of Tyre" = 58 (Full Reduction)

10+26+20+18 (Today's date)
"Ezekiel chapter 11" = 74 (Full Reduction)
"Ezekiel" = 37 (Full Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc" = 37 (Full Reduction)

Plantation FL = 1110
"NYC tidal wave" = 1110
Stock Market Crash = 1110
Donald John Trump = 1110
Secret Society = 1110
World Trade Center 1110
Solomons temple = 1110
Annuit Coeptis = 1110
Book of Revelation = 1110
One World Order = 1110
November Eleventh = 1110
bottomless pit = 1110
low earth orbit = 1110
ritual burning = 1110
the little horn = 1110
Church in Philadelphia = 1110
petrodollar = 1110
nationalist = 1110
Illegal immigrant = 1110
Novichok agent = 1110
American spring = 1110

"Cesar A. Sayoc" = 110 (English Ordinal) "Cesar A. Sayoc" = 187 (Reverse Ordinal) "Cesar A. Sayoc" = 1122 (Reverse English Sumerian) Bombing suspect Cesar A. Sayoc never worked for the real deal Chippendales --
as he claimed to a judge -- and instead worked for a cheap replica ... so says the male revue. We're told Cesar worked for Gold Productions, a touring company that's used the Chippendales name --
and has been sued multiple times by the real company. "Cesar A. Sayoc Jr" = 138 (English Ordinal) "Cesar A. Sayoc Jr" = 144 (Jewish Ordinal) "Cesar A. Sayoc Jr" = 1404 (Jewish) "Cesar A. Sayoc Jr" = 33 (Chaldean)
First bomb at Soros house on October 22nd
From and including: Monday, October 22, 2018
To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018
Result: 4 days
96 hours
1.10% of 2018

"four days" = 37 (Full Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc" = 37 (Full Reduction)

"thirteen bombs" = 1214 (Trigonal)

"thirteen bombs" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
"City of Plantation" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc Jr" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
Plantation on the 26th parallel bomber arrested the 26th

First bomb at Soros house on October 22nd
From and including: Monday, October 22, 2018
To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018
Result: 4 days
96 hours
1.10% of 2018

"four days" = 37 (Full Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc" = 37 (Full Reduction)

"thirteen bombs" = 1214 (Trigonal)

"thirteen bombs" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
"City of Plantation" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc Jr" = 62 (Jewish Reduction)
Plantation on the 26th parallel bomber arrested the 26th

thirteen bombs" = 1214 (Trigonal)
"Julius Caesar" = 1214 (Trigonal)

"Julius Caesar" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Plantation FL" = 1110 (Trigonal)

"George Soros, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, CNN and John Brennan, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Eric Holder, Maxine Waters, Robert De Niro , Joe Biden, Cory Booker, James Clapper, Kamala Harris" = 9990 (English Sumerian)

Cesar Altieri Randazzo

I posted this morning about 11/7 being the day after the election. Somebody at Zerohedge was saying the market could drop 1000 points if the Democrats win. ....
"Cesar Altieri Randazzo Sayoc" = 117 (Full Reduction)
"Cesar Altieri Randazzo Sayoc" = 269 (Jewish Ordinal)
"CARS" = 41 (English Ordinal)

From Soros birthday to 11/11 is 13 weeks exactly
From and including: Sunday, August 12, 2018
To, but not including Sunday, November 11, 2018
Result: 91 days
13 weeks

George Soros birthname
"György" = 37 (Full Reduction)
"Cesar Sayoc" = 37 (Full Reduction)
Today's date numerology 10+26+20+18=74
"György Schwartz" = 74 (Full Reduction)
From Soros birthday to today
From and including: Sunday, August 12, 2018
To, but not including Friday, October 26, 2018
Result: 76 days
Or 2 months, 15 days including the end date
"Gyorgy Schwartz" = 215 (English Ordinal)
Plantation on the 80th meridian
"Gyorgy Schwartz" = 80 (Full Reduction)
"George Soros" = 584 (English Extended) SUM 1110
Plantation FL = 1110
Solomons temple = 1110
November Eleventh = 1110
Stock Market Crash = 1110

FANG 10/26/2018

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Great American Eclipse

The Great American Eclipse created and opened on The Sacred Hebrew Date 25/5/5777 covers The Great American Eclipse in more Detail and Design than any other website. “For the first time in U.S. history, a total solar eclipse that crosses the country from coast to coast will be visible only in America. The rare celestial spectacle in August has been dubbed “The Great American Eclipse.” The moon will completely block the sun, momentarily engulfing parts of about a dozen states in sudden darkness, on Aug. 21, 2017, experts say. No one outside the continental U.S. will be able to see the eclipse, which makes landfall on the West Coast near Salem, Ore. and continues diagonally across the country until it hits Columbia, S.C. In addition to being the first total solar eclipse with a trajectory exclusive to the U.S. since the birth of America in 1776, it’s also the first total eclipse of the sun that will be visible from the contiguous U.S. since 1979.”

The Great American Eclipse happened 33 days before A Biblical Star Sign (23/9/17).

The Great American Eclipse happened on the 233rd day of the year.

The Great American Eclipse entered the United States in Oregon / The 33rd State.

The Great American Eclipse exited the United States from South Carolina on The 33rd Parallel. “The moon’s shadow then will move off shore and out over the Atlantic Ocean, one hour and 33 minutes after the umbra crossed the coast of Oregon“.

From The Great Star Sign (23/9/17) to the end of the year is 99 days. “This will be the first total solar eclipse in 99 years to cross the US coast-to-coast”. “The Great American Eclipse” “On Aug. 21, 2017, a total solar eclipse will occur on Earth, traveling across the United States, coast-to-coast, for the first time in 99 years.” “It’s been 99 years since a total solar eclipse was so accessible to Americans from coast to coast, eclipse expert Jay Pasachoff, an astronomer at Williams College in Massachusetts, told last year. In addition, the Aug. 21 event will be the first-ever solar eclipse whose path of totality hits no country other than the United States. (The last one to meet this geographical standard occurred before the nation gained its independence in 1776.)”

3 x 33 = 99

From the day I released The Trident Report (5/5/15) to the day I released my final report / The Spirit of Prophecy (Christmas) = 33 weeks and 3 days. “Jesus ‘died on Friday, April 3, 33AD’ claims study that matches crucifixion to earthquake mentioned in gospel”

 Luke 21V25 “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; 26 Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. 27 And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. 28 And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

The Sun and The Moon Align with Prophetic Perfection 23/9/17.

Market Close 10/24/2018 (mail bomb day)

Fake news CNN sends a fake bomb to itself on 10/24/2018


John Brennan spelled wrong........

John Brenan" = 47 (Full Reduction) lol 

"Star of David" = 47 (Full Reduction)


From and including: Saturday, September 22, 2018

To and including: Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Result: 33 days
Or 1 month, 3 days including the end date = 13
13 days before the election 

4 weeks and 5 days (Trump 45)

From and including: Thursday, September 22, 1955

To, but not including Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Result: 23,043 days
"One Hundred Thirty Seven" = 2343 (English Extended)

"Washington DC" = 137 (English Ordinal)

Hillary Clinton's quote...... 

"“It is a troubling time, isn’t it, and it’s a time of deep divisions and we have to do everything we can to bring our country together.”" = 1231 (Jewish Ordinal)

(prime number 202 Washington DC area code)  

"Soros, Clinton, CNN, Obama, Holder" = 281 (Jewish Ordinal) 60th prime 

"police" = 60 (English Ordinal)

CNN compared today's "bombs" to unabomber... So I counted to days from his arrest to today.... 
From and including: Wednesday, April 3, 1996
To, but not including Wednesday, October 24, 2018
1177 weeks
"James Hodgkinson" = 1177 (Trigonal)
He was the guy who shot the US GOP Congressman playing baseball on Trump's birthday in 2017.

It's been 282 months since the Unabombers last bombing. 
"Time" = 282 (English Sumerian)
"Trump" = 282 (Reverse English Sumerian)

"The Democratic Party" = 282 (Reverse Ordinal)

It's been 497 days since the GOP congressman's shooting.... 

From and including: Wednesday, June 14, 2017
To, but not including Wednesday, October 24, 2018
Result: 497 days
"Dead Presidents" = 497 (Jewish) 
Whoa is that clear or what? 
"Protocols of the learned elders of Zion" = 497 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities" = 497 (English Ordinal)
"So funny to watch the Fake News especially NBC and CNN" = 497 (English Ordinal) 

Or 71 weeks.... 

the society of jesus = 71 the tribe of judah= 71 knights of columbus = 71 the church of satan = 71 sudden destruction = 71 conspiratorial = 71

Emergency Alert: 

Text went out at 11:42 am 
"Emergency Alert: Police Activity: “Residents on W 58th St btw Columbus and 8th Av shelter in place immediately.”" = 367 (Septenary) 73rd Prime number
"Hillary Clinton" = 73 (Full Reduction)

"Police Activity: “Residents on W 58th St btw Columbus and 8th Av shelter in place immediately.”" = 906 (English Ordinal) 
"Freemason" = 96 (English Ordinal)

"Police Activity: “Residents on W 58th St btw Columbus and 8th Av shelter in place immediately.”" = 404 (Keypad)

At 12:15 p.m., a follow-up alert was sent that said, “The suspicious device on West 58th Street and 8th Avenue was safely removed by NYPD bomb squad.”

"“The suspicious device on West 58th Street and 8th Avenue was safely removed by NYPD bomb squad.”" = 324 (Chaldean)

"West 58th Street and 8th Avenue" = 111 (Full Reduction)
"West 58th Street and 8th Avenue" = 1123 (Satanic)
"West 58th Street and 8th Avenue" = 314 (Jewish Ordinal)