Saturday, August 31, 2024

A hitman sniper Hillary hired is going to try to assassinate Trump on 9/11.

Posted on this video!

 A hitman sniper Hillary hired is going to try to assassinate Trump on 9/11. 

He was released from a Russian Prison on 8/1. His name is.... 
"Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)

The statues name you just talked about is called 
"Havah to breathe air life" = 194 (Ordinal)

She is advertising to the world that's she's going to kill him. 
"Havah to breathe air life" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)
And on what date... 
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)
And who's going to do it. 
"Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal)

July 13th was just the trial run. Cheatle was in office 666 days when Trump was shot. The Deputy Director at the FBI who was moved up by Biden is named Paul M Abbate. He was seated on 2/1/21. 
"Deputy Director of the FBI" = 254 (Ordinal)
The 254th day of the year is 9/11 (accept on leap years) 
If you count the days from 2/1/21 to 9/11/24 it's 1318 days. 
Cheatle 666 days Paul M Abbate is 1318 days. 
666 is the number of the beast and 13:18 is the number of the verse with the number of the beast in it. 
7/13/24 = 666 connecting to 1318 = 13:18 on 9/11/2024 

On that day Trump will turn 1046 sidereal months old. 
14/6 is his birthday.... 
"Joe Biden Kamala Harris" = 1046 (Latin)

"mark of beast" = 666 (Sumerian)
"A Mark of the Beast Paul M Abbate" = 911 (Latin)

9/11/24 will be the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 
Rev 13:18 KJV 
"Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" = 1451 (Ordinal) 230th prime number 

Count the days from the second 9/11 the day coronavirus was declared a pandemic it's 1646 days... 

"Deadly Head Wound" = 1646 (Latin)
"coming to punish the poisoners of his people" = 1646 (Latin)

The cabal has a number system to organize events with. I looked at SS Head Cheatle and counted the days she was in office. She was seated on 9/17/2022 from then to the day was shot was 666th days. Next I looked at FBI Deputy Abbate who Biden seated on 2/1/2021... From then to 9/11/2024 is 1318 days. See what they did? Cheatle produces the number of the beast 666 and Abbate produces the number of the verse the number of the beast is in. Cheatle 666 days Abbate 1318 days. Now compare the date numerology of the dates ...
7+13+20+24 = 64 9+11+20+24 = 64 ..... 
7+13+2+0+2+4 = 28 9+11+2+0+2+4 = 28
7+1+3+2+0+2+4 = 19 9+1+2+0+2+4 = 19 ....... 
7+13+24 = 44 9+11+24= 44
7+1+3+2+4 = 17 9+1+1+2+4= 17 .. 
They match perfectly so let's add them up....
64+28+19+44+17 = 172
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

Also watch out from the 18th it's a blood moon ... 
"15th of Elul 5784" = 138 (Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal)
"Blood Moon" = 138 (Reverse Ordinal)

Trump's birthday and the next blood moon 
6*14+19*46+9*18+20*24 = 1600 
1600 Pennsylvania ave

September 11th and the next bloom moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 
"Trump shot and killed" = 1221 (English Extended)

She wore that gold robe on 6/16/2024. Days to 9/11 is 87 days 
"Clinton" = 87 (Ordinal)

Bo Polny 777 Bloodline of David


In Latin seven is septem  (September) Daniel timeline is 1260 days... 
"septem septem septem" = 1260 (Standard)

If you subtract 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days from 9/11/2024 you land on Pope Francis' 87th birthday  (or 1044 months)
From and including: Thursday, December 17, 1936
To, but not including Sunday, December 17, 2023
Or 87 years excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 870 (Latin)
Or 1044 months excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 1404 (Sumerian)

From Sunday, December 17, 2023
Added 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days
Result: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

REV 12:1  KJV... I removed 2 a's 

"And there appeared great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 1260 (Ordinal)

"a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 911 (Ordinal)

In Latin seven is septem  (September) Daniel timeline is 1260 days... 
"septem septem septem" = 1260 (Standard)
"September Eleventh" = 1260 (Latin)

If you subtract 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days from 9/11/2024 you land on Pope Francis' 87th birthday  (or 1044 months)
From and including: Thursday, December 17, 1936
To, but not including Sunday, December 17, 2023
Or 87 years excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 870 (Latin)
Or 1044 months excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 1404 (Sumerian)

From Sunday, December 17, 2023
Added 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days
Result: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

REV 12 KJV... I removed 2 a's 

"And there appeared great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 1260 (Ordinal)

"a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 911 (Ordinal)

"September Eleventh" = 1260 (Latin)

September 18th blood moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 

"September 18th 2024 Blood Moon DJ Trump" = 1881 (Latin)
Cleo's needle date 2/22/1881 

"September 18th 2024 Blood Moon DJ Trump" = 1309 (Satanic)
Duodecimal 911

Trump will become a trumpet 
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)

2022 was the Shemitah year (year of extraction) and Elul 29 (day of extraction) was on 9/25/2022 and the last day of the Shemitah year. Here are the  Hebrew date numbers for 9/25/2022.

Sun, 25 September 2022 = 29th of Elul, 5782
"כ״ט בֶּאֱלוּל תשפ״ב" = 880 (Hebrew Soffits)

Shemitah Day of Extraction was on 9/25/2022 
"כ ט באלול תשפ ב" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)

The "day of extraction" in the last Shemitah year 2022 was on 9/25/2022. 
Sun, 25 September 2022 = 29th of Elul, 5782
"כ״ט בֶּאֱלוּל תשפ״ב" = 880 (Hebrew Soffits)

"Trump will become a Trumpet"
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)(8+8+0 =16 (1+6=  7
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 196 (Hebrew Ordinal)(1+9+6 = 16 (1+6 = 7
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 88 (Hebrew Reduction) (8+8 = 16 (1+6 = 7


September 18th blood moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 
"christ rapture day" = 1221 (Latin)

Trump's birthday and the next blood moon 
6*14+19*46+9*18+20*24 = 1600 
1600 Pennsylvania ave

September 11th and the next bloom moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 

"tower of Babel" = 1221 (Jewish)
"clock tower" = 1221 (Jewish)
"eleventh hour" = 1221 (Jewish)
"operative mason" = 1221 (Jewish)
"Erev Tisha BAv" = 1221 (English Extended)
"mother of all wars" = 1221 (English Extended)
"Trump shot and killed" = 1221 (English Extended)

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Trump will be sentenced on a blood moon September 18th


Hillary's Russian reset button... March 9th 2009


Obama Biden and Clinton Invited Russian Foreign Minister to the WH

From reset button to fall of Ukraine government was 1811 days. 

The next day, 22 February, Yanukovych fled to Donetsk and Crimea and parliament voted to remove him from office. On 24 February Yanukovych arrived in Russia.

From and including: Monday, March 9, 2009
To, but not including Saturday, February 22, 2014
Result: 1811 days

On 24 February Yanukovych arrived in Russia.

From and including: Monday, March 9, 2009
To, but not including Monday, February 24, 2014
Result: 1813 days
259 weeks 

The President of Ukraine arrived in Russia on 2/24/14
Putin invaded Ukraine on 2/24/2022 exactly 8 years later. 

From and including: Monday, February 24, 2014
To, but not including Thursday, February 24, 2022
Result: 2922 days
Or 8 years excluding the end date.
Or 96 months excluding the end date.

Monday, August 26, 2024

For posting Trump and 911

 Look at the numbers and they will show you the planning. Cheatle was hired on 9/17/2022. When Trump was shot on 7/13/2024 it was her 666th day in office. Who did she work with at the FBI? Paul M Abbate was appointed to Deputy Director by Biden on 2/1/2021. On September 11th 2024 it will be his 1318th day in office. So Cheatle 666 and Abbate 1318. That's the mark of the beast and the number of the verse the mark of the beast is in. Cheatle is part one assassination and Abbate is part two on September 11th. Now look at the numerology of the two dates 7/13/2024 and 9/11/2024 they match perfectly.
7+13+20+24 =64 9+11+20+24 = 64 ..... 7+13+2+0+2+4 =28 9+11+2+0+2+4 = 28 7+1+3+2+0+2+4 = 19 9+1+2+0+2+4 = 19 ....... 7+13+24 = 44 9+11+24= 44 7+1+3+2+4 = 17 9+1+1+2+4= 17 .. They match perfectly so let's add them up.... 64+28+19+44+17 = 172 "Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal) They plan to kill Trump on 9/11 and sign Hillary's name to it. Hillary is involved in this assassination plot up to her eyeballs. One of her old sniper employees got released from a Russian jail on 8/1/2024. His name is... "Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal) "DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal) "September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal) Biden and Kamala were both there to meet his plane as he returned on 8/1/2024 and it's 42 days from his release to 9/11 which tells you who they're going to blame. "Iran" = 42 (Ordinal) "War" = 42 (Ordinal) "Hamas" = 42 (Ordinal) Trump will be 28,579 days old on 9/11/2024 that is also the day he turns 1046 sidereal months old. That is his birthday 14/6 and they signed their names on that too. "Joe Biden Kamala Harris" = 1046 (Latin) "DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal) "September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal) 9/11 will be the eight anniversary of Hillary falling at ground zero. Eight is Trump's biggest number. He should not go to the ceremony. If he does his security shold be on high alert.

2211 inauguration


Ivanka wears "to catch a thief" dress on Tiffany's wedding 11/12/2022 "Scottish Rite Day" 6th anniversary

Georgia Guidestones Cube taken down on September 25th 2014 .... 777 528




Numerology of Trump birthdate and time of birth
6*14+19*46 = 958 
He was born at 10:54 AM the 654th minute of the day. 
958 + 654 = 1612 
"Jewish" = 1612 (Latin)

"A Blood Moon Over Israel" = 230 (Ordinal)
"A Blood Moon Over Israel" = 930 (Satanic)
Speed of Saturn 930+039 = 969

rev 13:18
"Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" = 1451 (Ordinal)
1451 is the 230th prime number
"A Blood Moon Over Israel" = 230 (Ordinal)

Trump born 700 days before Israel founded 
"Zionism" = 700 (Fibonacci)

"Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" = 700 (Reverse Reduction)

Trump turned 911 months old on the day Israel turned 888 months old. 

"Blood Moon" = 138 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal)

"Blood Moon" = 105 (Ordinal)
"Zionism" = 105 (Ordinal)

"Blood Moon Trump" = 185 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald John Trump" = 185 (Ordinal)

"Blood Moon over Israel Trumpet" = 1911 (Latin)
"Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry" = 1911 (Jewish)

Is there going to be a blood moon in 2024?
The next lunar eclipse will happen on Sept. 18, 2024, and it will be a partial lunar eclipse. Just under 10% of the moon will be eclipsed, so most people won't even notice this one. The more impressive blood moon total lunar eclipse will happen on March 14, 2025.

6*14+19*46+5*14+19*48 = 1940 
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)

Trump's birthday and the next blood moon 
6*14+19*46+9*18+20*24 = 1600 
1600 Pennsylvania ave

September 11th and the next bloom moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 

"tower of Babel" = 1221 (Jewish)
"clock tower" = 1221 (Jewish)
"eleventh hour" = 1221 (Jewish)
"operative mason" = 1221 (Jewish)
"Erev Tisha BAv" = 1221 (English Extended)
"mother of all wars" = 1221 (English Extended)
"Trump shot and killed" = 1221 (English Extended)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

9.11.2024 and 9.22

 9*11+20*24+9*22 = 777

9/22 is equinox 

Subtract 777 days from 9/11/2024 and you land on a report about the sniper Whelan. 

From Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Subtracted 777 days

Result: Wednesday, July 27, 2022

CNN Exclusive: Biden administration offers convicted Russian arms dealer in exchange for Griner, Whelan

Updated 8:13 AM EDT, Thu July 28, 2022

After months of internal debate, the Biden administration has offered to exchange Viktor Bout, a convicted Russian arms trafficker serving a 25-year US prison sentence, as part of a potential deal to secure the release of two Americans held by Russia, Brittney Griner and Paul Whelan, according to people briefed on the matter.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced Wednesday that the US presented a “substantial proposal” to Moscow “weeks ago” for Whelan and Griner, who are classified as wrongfully detained.

Wednesday was July 27th 2022. 

How weird is that? This Whelan is hardly ever talked about but when he is just happens to be 777 days before 9/11/2024. 

7*27+20*22+9*11+20*24 = 1208

"john f kennedy" = 1208 (Latin)

7*27+20*22+8*1+20*24+9*11+20*24 = 1696 

Trump turns 1046 sidereal months old on 9/11/2024 Strongs 1046

 "place of escape in Israel" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)

"CMXI" = 22 (Reduction) (911)
"escape" = 22 (Reduction)

1046. Beth Palet 
Beth Palet: "place of escape," a place in S. Judah
Original Word: בֵּית פֶּלֶט
Part of Speech: Proper Name Location
Transliteration: Beth Palet
Phonetic Spelling: (bayth peh'-let)
Definition: "place of escape", a place in S. Judah

1987 market crash

"IX XI MMXXIV" = 1987 (Latin)

Black Monday was the global, severe and largely unexpected stock market crash on Monday, October 19, 1987. 

It will be 37 years or 444 months old on 10/19 one day before Kamala's birthday! 

From and including: Monday, October 19, 1987
To, but not including Saturday, October 19, 2024
Result: 13,515 days
Or 37 years excluding the end date.
Or 444 months excluding the end date.
1930 weeks and 5 days
3702.74% of a common year (365 days)

"X XIX MMXXIV" = 1116 (Sumerian)
"world domination" = 1116 (Sumerian)

"world domination" = 1400 (Fibonacci)

I did some work on 9/22 and 9/23 today....

 I did some work on 9/22 and 9/23 today.... 
Mar-a-Largo was raided on 8/8/22 (Trump's text number)
From 8/8/22 to 9/22/24 (Equinox) is 777 days 

The 9/22 Equinox is at 8:43 AM the 523rd minute of the day.
"Messiah Christ" = 523 (Latin)
"Donald Trump" = 523 (Satanic)
"Master Mason" = 523 (Satanic)

Kim Clement prophecy "They will fall in the Fall" 
"Washington DC" = 137 (Ordinal)
"A Fall Equinox" = 137 (Ordinal)

"Fall Equinox 2024" = 144 (Ordinal)
"Mark of the Beast" = 144 (Ordinal)

"CMXXII" = 82 (Ordinal)
9/22 is the 266th day of the year
"CCLXVI" = 73 (Ordinal) (266)
"IX XXII MMXXIV" = 204 (Ordinal) (9/22/2024)

"CMXXIII" = 91 (Ordinal)
9/23 is the 267th day of the year
"CCLXVII" = 82 (Ordinal) (267)
"IX XXIII MMXXIV" = 213 (Ordinal) (9/23/2024)
"IX XXIII MMXXIV" = 138 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal)

The 332 area was started in Manhattan on 6/10/2017 
"The President is Shot" = 233 (Ordinal)
"Babylon the Great is fallen" = 233 (Ordinal)
From 6/10/2017 to 9/23/2024 is 2662 days 
2662 / 27.322 = 97.43 sidereal months old

"Tidal Wave" = 97 (Ordinal)
"Tidal Wave" = 34 (Reduction)mirror of 43
"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Reduction)

On 9/23 Trump will be 28592 days old 
28592/27.322 = 1046.48 
"Tidal Wave" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 48 (Reduction)

1331+1331 = 2662 

"twin eclipses" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Jesus the Messiah" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Secretary General of the UN" = 1331 (Jewish)
"breaking the seventh seal" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Personal Jesus" = 1331 (Jewish)
"the art of war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"winter is here" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Destruction Of The Human Race" = 1331 (Jewish)
"a nuclear war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Director of National Intelligence" = 1331 (English Extended)

"IX XXII" = 45 (Reduction)
Trump number 45
"IX XXIII" = 54 (Reduction)
"Mark of the beast" = 54 (Reduction)

Red Heifer born on August 28th 2018 .... New Year tithing for animals September 4th 2024 ... 1680 240 168 3141

 Donald Trump is the red heifer 

From the birth of the red heifer 8/28 "Donald Trump" = 828 (Sumerian)

To Trump's arrest 4/4 "Kill" = 44 (Ordinal)

 1680 days
"President Donald John Trump" = 1680 (Latin)
Or 240 weeks 
"Arrest Donald Trump" = 240 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Rosh Hashanah L Ma sar Behemah" = 666 (Latin)
"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
"L Ma sar Behemah" = 106 (Ordinal)
"Prophecy" = 106 (Ordinal)

Red Heifer was born on the 240th day of the year 
"Arrest Donald Trump" = 240 (Reverse Ordinal)

"The Red Heifer" = 666 (Sumerian)
"God of Israel" = 666 (Sumerian)

"Donald John Trump" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Sabbath of the Red Heifer" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Stock Market Crash" = 185 (Ordinal)
"US dollar collapse" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Solomons Temple" = 185 (Reverse Ordinal)

The Embassy opened in Israel on it's 70th birthday 
5/14/2018 to 8/28/2018 (red heifer birth) was 106 days 
Prophecy = 106 

Trump is the Christ or the passover lamb 
Passover is 14 of Nisan 4/5  
"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"The Book Of Revelations" = 303 (Reverse Ordinal)
"let him that hath understanding" = 303 (English Ordinal)

Nancy crucified Christ 
"Impeach President Donald Trump" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Nancy Patricia DAlesandro Pelosi" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Nancy Patricia Pelosi" = 303 (Reverse Ordinal)

Christ's cruxification 1990th anniversary on 4/5/2023 (Hebrew calendar)
From and including: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 70 days
70 days is 1680 hours 

From Trump's arrest to his birthday 
From and including: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 71 days
71 days and 2 hours (1706 hours) is 19.47 % of a year... 
Sacred geomatrey 
"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
1706 hours is 19.47% of a year... 
"Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)
"Venus Pentagram" = 176 ( Ordinal)
Theā́ Philopátōra" = 176 ( Ordinal) (Cleopatra)
"The Christ Slayed" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Return, O Israel" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"End Time Prophecy" = 176 (English Ordinal)

Wednesday 4/5 is the 14th of Nisan Christ cruxification 

Christ's cruxification 1990th anniversary on 4/5/2023 (Hebrew calendar)
From and including: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 70 days
70 days is 1680 hours 

From the Bitcoin whitepaper released on Halloween to first coin issued was 70 days or 1680 hours..Including the end date it was 71 days or 19.47% of a year... From the day China told the WHO they had a virus to the day the WHO declared a pandemic was 71 days of 19.47% of a year. (71 days and 2 hours is 19.47% of a year exactly. 71 days and 2 hours is 1706 hours) 
70 days - 1680 hours 
71 days + 2 hours = 1706 hours 

"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)
"Venus Pentagram" = 176 ( Ordinal)
Theā́ Philopátōra" = 176 ( Ordinal) (Cleopatra)
"The Christ Slayed" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Return, O Israel" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"End Time Prophecy" = 176 (English Ordinal)

"Animal Sacrifice 3rd Temple" = 614 (Latin) Trump's birthday ) 

332 area code 

2662 ..... NYC 332 area code, Trump wailing wall.


Trump is coded as the red heifer too so maybe his wailing wall trip is connected to the red heifer sacrifice. 

Rosh Hashana LaBehemot for Hebrew Year 5784 begins at sundown on Tuesday, 3 September 2024 and ends at nightfall on Wednesday, 4 September 2024.

Rosh Hashanah L’Ma’sar Behemah (Hebrew: ראש השנה למעשר בהמה‎ “New Year for Tithing Animals”) or Rosh Hashanah LaBehemot (Hebrew: ראש השנה לבהמות‎ “New Year for (Domesticated) Animals”) is one of the four New Year’s day festivals (Rosh Hashanot) in the Jewish calendar as indicated in the Mishnah. During the time of the Temple, this was a day on which shepherds determined which of their mature animals were to be tithed. The day coincides with Rosh Chodesh Elul, the New Moon for the month of Elul, exactly one month before Rosh Hashanah.

"Rosh Hashanah L Ma sar Behemah" = 666 (Latin)
"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
"L Ma sar Behemah" = 106 (Ordinal)
"Prophecy" = 106 (Ordinal)

There's a Jewish holiday called the ... 

"Sabbath of the Red Heifer" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Donald John Trump" = 1110 (English Sumerian)

"Secret Society" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"World Trade Center" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Solomons Temple" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Stock market crash" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"Annuit Coeptis" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Book of Revelation" = 1110 (English Sumerian)
"The White House" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Julius Caesar" = 1110 (Reverse English Sumerian)


Red heifer work 

Trump Tower inaugurated on November thirtieth 1983 GHWB died on November thirtieth 2018... CBDC created on November thirtieth 2022 and 332

 Trump Tower Inauguration on 11/30/1983 ... Poppy Bush died on 11/30/2018

From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 1983
To, but not including Friday, November 30, 2018
Result: 12,784 days
Or 35 years
"thirty five" = 1331 (Trigonal)

CBDC created on 11/30/2022 
From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 1983
To, but not including Wednesday, November 30, 2022
Result: 14,245 days
Or 39 years excluding the end date.
Or 468 months excluding the end date.
2035 weeks

To this year....
From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 1983
To, but not including Saturday, November 30, 2024
Result: 14,976 days
Or 41 years excluding the end date.
Or 492 months excluding the end date.
2139 weeks and 3 days
4103.01% of a common year (365 days)

From and including: Friday, November 30, 2018
To, but not including Saturday, November 30, 2024
Result: 2192 days
Or 6 years excluding the end date.
Or 72 months excluding the end date.
313 weeks and 1 day
600.55% of a common year (365 days)

From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
To, but not including Saturday, November 30, 2024
Result: 731 days
Or 2 years excluding the end date.
Or 24 months excluding the end date.
104 weeks and 3 days
200.27% of a common year (365 days)

From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
To, but not including Thursday, September 26, 2024
Result: 666 days

From and including: Wednesday, November 30, 2022
To, but not including Wednesday, January 15, 2025
Result: 777 days

1*15+20*25 = 515
"Third Temple" = 515 (Satanic)
"Babylon" = 515 (Latin)
"The seal is broken" = 515 (Latin)

"A Third Temple Jerusalem" = 332 (Reverse Ordinal)

332 area code date 6/10/2017 
From and including: Saturday, June 10, 2017
To and including: Thursday, January 16, 2025
Or 7 years, 7 months, 7 days including the end date.

From CBDC 777 days to 1/15/2025
From 332 area code to 1/16/2025 is 
Or 7 years, 7 months, 7 days including the end date.

1*16+20*25 = 516

"twin eclipses" = 1331 (Jewish)
"One hundred thirty three" = 1331 (Jewish)
"November Thirtieth" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Jesus the Messiah" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Secretary General of the UN" = 1331 (Jewish)
"breaking the seventh seal" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Personal Jesus" = 1331 (Jewish)
"the art of war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"winter is here" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Destruction Of The Human Race" = 1331 (Jewish)
"a nuclear war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Director of National Intelligence" = 1331 (English Extended)

All the movies with the numbers 922 and 923 in them..... Fall equinox 9/22 at 8:46 AM the 523rd minute of the day #KimClement #prophecy #FBIraid #Trump 168 777


"New York City" = 168 (Ordinal)

"Tidal Wave" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)

There are 366 days in the year 2024

The 332 area was started in Manhattan on 6/10/2017 

2662 / 27.322 = 97.43 sidereal months old

"Tidal Wave" = 97 (Ordinal)
"Tidal Wave" = 34 (Reduction)mirror of 43
"Jesus Christ" = 43 (Reduction)

On 9/23 Trump will be 28592 days old 
28592/27.322 = 1046.48 
"Tidal Wave" = 146 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 48 (Reduction)

"The President is Shot" = 233 (Ordinal)
"Babylon the Great is fallen" = 233 (Ordinal)

1331+1331 = 2662 

"November thirtieth" = 1331 (Jewish)
"twin eclipses" = 1331 (Jewish)
"One hundred thirty three" = 1331 (Jewish)
"November Thirtieth" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Jesus the Messiah" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Secretary General of the UN" = 1331 (Jewish)
"breaking the seventh seal" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Personal Jesus" = 1331 (Jewish)
"the art of war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"winter is here" = 1331 (Jewish)
"The Destruction Of The Human Race" = 1331 (Jewish)
"a nuclear war" = 1331 (Jewish)
"Director of National Intelligence" = 1331 (English Extended)

RFK endorses Trump on 8/23/2024 when he was 70, years, 7 months, 7 days old 777 ... 77

 Robert F. Kennedy said Friday he is suspending his independent presidential bid and is backing Donald Trump. Kennedy said his internal polls had showed that his presence in the race would hurt Trump and help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris.

PHOENIX (AP) — Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his independent campaign for the White House and endorsed Donald Trump on Friday, a late-stage shakeup of the race that could give the former president a modest boost from Kennedy’s supporters.

Hours later, Kennedy joined Trump onstage at an Arizona rally, where the crowd burst into “Bobby!” cheers.

Kennedy said his internal polls had shown that his presence in the race would hurt Trump and help Democratic nominee Kamala Harris, though recent public polls don’t provide a clear indication that he is having an outsize impact on support for either major-party candidate.

Kennedy cited free speech, the war in Ukraine and “a war on our children” as among the reasons he would try to remove his name from the ballot in battleground states.

“These are the principal causes that persuaded me to leave the Democratic Party and run as an independent, and now to throw my support to President Trump,” Kennedy said at his event in Phoenix.

8*23+20*24 = 664 

664+466 = 1130 

Friday, August 23, 2024

cleo 146 666 177

 Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator = 146
"Cleopatra snake venom" = 303 (Reverse)

"Queen Cleopatra" = 153 (Ordinal)

Have you ever noticed how Donald Trump is connected to a woman president? 

"President KD Harris" = 198 (Ordinal)
"President Trump" = 198 (Ordinal)

"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)

"A Woman President" = 177 (Ordinal)
"Secret Police Force" = 177 (Ordinal)
"The Mark of the Beast" = 177 (Ordinal)
"Eye In The Triangle" = 177 (Ordinal)
"Cleopatra snake bite" = 

9*11+20*24+9*23+20*24 = 1266 
9*11+20*24 * 579
9+11+20+24 = 64
9*23+20*24 = 687

9+23+20+24 = 76
"Babylon is fallen" = 706 (Latin)
9*23+20*24 = 687
"October Prophet" = 923 (Standard)

"Woman President" = 666 (Satanic)
"A Witches Sabbath" = 666 (Satanic)
"October Prophet" = 666 (Satanic)
" estrella de david" = 666 (Satanic)
"Cleopatras Needle London" = 999 (Satanic)
"Masonic Fraternal Police" = 999 (Satanic)

"The President is Shot" = 233 (Ordinal)
"Babylon the Great is fallen" = 233 (Ordinal)

"Babylon the Great is fallen is fallen" = 311 (Ordinal)

"King Of Kings And Lord Of Lords" = 777 (Latin)
"King Of Kings" = 911 (Fibonacci)
"Lord of Lords" = 138 (Ordinal)

"lake of fire" = 88 (Ordinal)

"Whore of Babylon Kamala Devi Harris" = 313 (Ordinal)
"World War Starts In Ukraine" = 313 (Ordinal)
"Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin" = 313 (Ordinal)
"Six Hundred Threescore And Six" = 313 (Ordinal)
"Shiva God of Destruction" = 313 (Reverse)

"Shiva God of Destruction" = 254 (Ordinal)

Zelensky will be 46 years, 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days on 9/11 (Credit to "endthefed76")


.From Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Subtracted 6 months, 6 weeks, 6 days
Normalized to 6 months, 48 days
Result: Thursday, January 25, 2024

"US currency collapse" = 230 (Ordinal)


Soros Trump assassination threat and shooting dates

1*21+20*24+7*13+20*24 = 1072 

Zeroes don't count in numerology 1072 = 172 

Date numerology on Trump shot and 9/11/2024 

64+28+19+44+17 = 172 

"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Today was the 777th day since the Guidestones blew up! 1301 1031 131 911

 7/6/2022 to 8/21/2024 = 777 days 

From 7/6/2022 to 9/23/2024 is 811 days 

or 222.19% of a year. 

That matches Kamala twice. She was nominated for VP on 8/11/2020 and she's 222

"President Kamala Harris = 222

"President Harris = 222 

From 7/6/2022 to election day is 122 weeks 

122 weeks

"abortion" = 122 

From 7/6/2022 to New Years day is 911 days. 

From and including: Wednesday, July 6, 2022

To and including: Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Result: 911 days

130 weeks and 1 day = 1301

From 7/6/2022 to New Years day is 911 days. 

From and including: Wednesday, July 6, 2022
To and including: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
Result: 911 days
130 weeks and 1 day = 1301

The UN is 1301.44 kilometers from the Georgia guidestones. 
Straight line distance: 664.27 miles , 1069.04 kilometers (km) , 3507352 feet , 1069041 meters
Driving distance: 808.68 miles , 1301.44 kilometers (km) , 4269816 feet , 1301440 meters

"760 United Nations Plaza, Manhattan, New York City, New York (10017)" = 614 (English Ordinal)
"By the pricking of my thumbs, Something wicked this way comes" = 614 (English Ordinal) 
Trump's birthday 6/14

29° 58′ 45″ N, 31° 8′ 3″ E
29*58+45*31+8*3 =3101
"Financial crash now" = 1301 (Latin)

Kamala is connected to "Cleopatra's needle in Central Park"

 Kamala is connected to "Cleopatra's needle in Central Park" She's IS "the one" I've been warning about her for years. They have her picked to be the last President of the US just like Cleopatra was the last Pharoh of Egypt. 
Cleo's needle was dedicated on 2/22/1881. 
2*22+18*81 = 1502 = 152
"Kamala Devi Harris" = 152 (Ordinal)

2*22+18*81+10*20+19*64 = 2918
Strongs 2918 means lilly ...Kamala means Lotus flower. The lotus is a lilly. 
Strong's Concordance
krinon: a lily  2918

Cleos needle co-ordinates
"Kamala Harris" = 112 (English Ordinal)
"40° 46′ 46.6″ N, 73° 57′ 55.49″ W" = 112 ( Ordinal) 
A Hindu woman of Aryan caste is called a 
"Kshatriya" = 112 (English Ordinal) (Her mothers side)
"Kshatriya" = 131 (Reverse Ordinal)
She turned 666 months old on Hitler's 131st birthday! 
Kamala's birthday is 10/20 = X/XX 
"XXX" = 18 (Full Reduction) 6+6+6 

"Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth" = 6066 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Kamala's Needle" = 666 (Trigonal)

"Kamala Harris's Needle" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"woman president" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Kamala Harris's Needle" = 2022 (Reverse English Sumerian) 

She's the one they picked to take us out! 

I think it's her family on the Indian side they are Aryans. 
She turned 666 months old on Hitler's 131st birthday!  

From Kamala's birthday to Hitler's 131st birthday 

From and including: Tuesday, October 20, 1964
To, but not including Monday, April 20, 2020
 666 months excluding the end date.

Hitler was 131 years old.. 
Georgia Guidestone address
Zeroes don't count in numerology.......
"1031 Guidestone Rd NW" = 183 (English Ordinal)
"President Harris" = 183 (English Ordinal)

Rev 13:1 
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." = 1617 (English Ordinal)
1617 is in Octal 911 
"Χάρις" = 911 (Greek Isopsephy)

The date on Cleo's needle is 2/22 = 222
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"The Beast of Revelation" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Lucifer Morningstar" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal)
While 666 is called the "number of the beast" in most manuscripts of Revelation 13:18, a fragment of the earliest papyrus 115 gives the number as 616
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal) 

The base of Cleo's needle says 2/22

2/22 is the 53rd day of the year
"Kamala D Harris" = 53 (Full Reduction)

Kamala means Lotus like the "little girl and the Lotus flower" in My Pet Goat 2. Harris is the 49th Vice President. 
"Lotus Flower" = 49 (Full Reduction)

Jesuits will be 489 years old in 2023
 "Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Latin)

Georgia guidestones erected on 3/22/1980

From and including: Saturday, March 22, 1980
To and including: Monday, December 21, 2020 (Saturn and Jupiter conjunction) 
Result: 14,885 days
Or 489 months 
14,885/666 = 22.3 = 223 
"Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Jewish)

Right now the Jesuits are 489 years old
"Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Jewish)

"CDLXXXIX" = 404 (Satanic)
404 verses in revelation 

Cleopatra's needle date on base 2/22/1881
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Russian Ukrainian War" = 1881 (Jewish)

Aide to California state attorney accused of running an occult police force claiming to be 3,000 years old

One of California Attorney General Kamala Harris' (D) staffers was arrested last week and "accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years," The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. 

Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — reportedly face charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.

"Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department — whose members trace their origins to the Knights Templar — were aroused when various police chiefs in Southern California received a letter in late January that announced new leadership for the group," the Times' Matt Hamilton wrote.

Kamala's birthday
10*20+19*64 = 1416
Strong's Concordance 1416
dunó: to enter, to sink into
Usage: I sink, set (as the sun).
Mark 1:32 
7*4+17*76 = 1320
NAS: the sun had set, they [began] bringing
KJV: the sun did set, they brought
INT: having come when went down the sun

Obelisk weighs 224 tons
It set sail from Alexandria to the US on 6/12/1880
"The Horus" = 612 (Reverse Sumerian)

Kamala and her masonic police force... Alex Jones

 The scandal surrounding Kamala Harris’ connection to a secret Masonic police force is getting deeper as records reveal a close relationship between Harris and the Freemasons involved in the illegal police force.

As I recently reported, Kamala Harris was working directly with the Masonic group in Los Angeles that operated an illegal shadow police department that aimed to set up shop in 33 different states including Mexico City. Kamala Harris’ own staffer Brandon Kiel was arrested for his role in the scheme. The secret police force claimed to be a modern descendant of the Knights Templar, based on “bloodlines.”

Now, the scandal deepens. (which cited my original report) followed up with an investigation into some of the videos put out by the Masonic group, and Kamala Harris’ name pops up repeatedly. 

If you’re not familiar with the case, it’s quite a doozy. Then-California attorney general Kamala Harris’ deputy director of community affairs Brandon Kiel’s arrest in 2015 for “impersonating a peace office” sparked a brief wacky news item about the secret Masonic police force that involved Kiel and his top hat-wearing father-in-law David Inkk Henry (aka “David Henry X,”) who also got arrested. Kiel had his charges dropped on the same day that David Henry X suffered a pulmonary embolism and died at age 47 in 2016.

Muckraker points to several old Youtube videos in which members of the Masonic police department explicitly refer to their relationship with Kamala Harris, making it clear that Harris had deep ties to Kiel and the Masonic group, which debunks her office’s initial attempt to distance herself from Kiel.

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In one video, Brandon Kiel, speaking in front of a crowd of Masons at a Masonic gathering, stated “The Attorney General appointed me. I have her authority.” Kiel then described a program that Harris’ office was working on that lines up with Kiel’s agenda of being “smart on crime and not tough on crime.” 

David Inkk Henry, aka David Henry X, expressed his view that his arrest and the arrests of his Masonic Fraternal Police colleagues were actually motivated by a political power play against Kamala Harris:

I recently unearthed the Masonic Fraternal Police Department’s mission statement (ARCHIVED HERE) which states the following: “The Masonic Fraternal Police Department, (M.F.P.D.) is the Knights  Templar’s!…When asked what is the difference between The Masonic  Fraternal Police Department and other Police Departments the answer is  simple for us. We were here first! We are born into this Organization  our bloodlines go deeper than an application. This is more then a job it  is an obligation.”

“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) is a Masonic  Sovereign Jurisdiction (Municipality) located within the incorporated City of Santa Clarita, California. The Chief of Police is Honorable  Grand Master David Henry 33(degree) was elected and is Governed by a  Grand Supreme Council, and 33 Masonic jurisdictions. He currently  oversees a 1/2 Million members throughout the United States,” according to the group’s website, which is no longer active.

“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) provides services  to Masonic Sovereign Grand Masters and their Masonic jurisdictions, as  well as other Fraternities, Sororities, and Greek Organizations. Masonic Fraternal Police Department will be located in 33 other states, including Mexico City,” according to the group.

In 2014 in Los Angeles, David Henry X introduced Kamala Harris’ staffer Brandon Kiel at a Masonic St. John’s Day event, where Brandon Kiel represented Harris’ office.

L.A. Watts Times reported on June 19, 2014 (emphasis added): “Grand Masters and members of the Order were escorted by a motorcade to  Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church. The Conference, founded by Grand  Master Willie Gaulf 33° was designed to create unity among the Grand  Lodges in Southern California…R.W. Grand High Priest, Brandon Kiel  serves as the Deputy Director of Community Affairs for Attorney General  Kamala D. Harris. Kiel informed the audience of the Attorney General’s  unyielding commitment to education and the importance of each and every members obligation to ensure that every child is reading by the 3rd grade an (sic) at 3rd grade reading level, as well as having perfect attendance. Kiel provided shocking information about the staggering numbers of elementary school students who were truant in California and how the Attorney General needs their support to address this critical issue. Kiel received a large round of applause.”

Kiel and David Henry X also stood behind an LAPD sergeant during a press conference when rioters inspired by the Trayvon Martin case were rampaging around L.A.

What is really going on with Kamala Harris and the Masons? PATRICK REPORTS will keep you updated with our series THE KAMALA FILES….

Kiel and David Henry X also stood behind an LAPD sergeant during a press conference when rioters inspired by the Trayvon Martin case were rampaging around L.A.