Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kamala is connected to "Cleopatra's needle in Central Park"

 Kamala is connected to "Cleopatra's needle in Central Park" She's IS "the one" I've been warning about her for years. They have her picked to be the last President of the US just like Cleopatra was the last Pharoh of Egypt. 
Cleo's needle was dedicated on 2/22/1881. 
2*22+18*81 = 1502 = 152
"Kamala Devi Harris" = 152 (Ordinal)

2*22+18*81+10*20+19*64 = 2918
Strongs 2918 means lilly ...Kamala means Lotus flower. The lotus is a lilly. 
Strong's Concordance
krinon: a lily  2918

Cleos needle co-ordinates
"Kamala Harris" = 112 (English Ordinal)
"40° 46′ 46.6″ N, 73° 57′ 55.49″ W" = 112 ( Ordinal) 
A Hindu woman of Aryan caste is called a 
"Kshatriya" = 112 (English Ordinal) (Her mothers side)
"Kshatriya" = 131 (Reverse Ordinal)
She turned 666 months old on Hitler's 131st birthday! 
Kamala's birthday is 10/20 = X/XX 
"XXX" = 18 (Full Reduction) 6+6+6 

"Mystery, Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and Abominations of the Earth" = 6066 (Reverse English Sumerian)
"Kamala's Needle" = 666 (Trigonal)

"Kamala Harris's Needle" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"woman president" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Kamala Harris's Needle" = 2022 (Reverse English Sumerian) 

She's the one they picked to take us out! 

I think it's her family on the Indian side they are Aryans. 
She turned 666 months old on Hitler's 131st birthday!  

From Kamala's birthday to Hitler's 131st birthday 

From and including: Tuesday, October 20, 1964
To, but not including Monday, April 20, 2020
 666 months excluding the end date.

Hitler was 131 years old.. 
Georgia Guidestone address
Zeroes don't count in numerology.......
"1031 Guidestone Rd NW" = 183 (English Ordinal)
"President Harris" = 183 (English Ordinal)

Rev 13:1 
"And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy." = 1617 (English Ordinal)
1617 is in Octal 911 
"Χάρις" = 911 (Greek Isopsephy)

The date on Cleo's needle is 2/22 = 222
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"The Beast of Revelation" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Lucifer Morningstar" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal)
While 666 is called the "number of the beast" in most manuscripts of Revelation 13:18, a fragment of the earliest papyrus 115 gives the number as 616
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"six hundred sixteen" = 222 (English Ordinal) 

The base of Cleo's needle says 2/22

2/22 is the 53rd day of the year
"Kamala D Harris" = 53 (Full Reduction)

Kamala means Lotus like the "little girl and the Lotus flower" in My Pet Goat 2. Harris is the 49th Vice President. 
"Lotus Flower" = 49 (Full Reduction)

Jesuits will be 489 years old in 2023
 "Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Latin)

Georgia guidestones erected on 3/22/1980

From and including: Saturday, March 22, 1980
To and including: Monday, December 21, 2020 (Saturn and Jupiter conjunction) 
Result: 14,885 days
Or 489 months 
14,885/666 = 22.3 = 223 
"Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Jewish)

Right now the Jesuits are 489 years old
"Cleopatras Needle" = 489 (Jewish)

"CDLXXXIX" = 404 (Satanic)
404 verses in revelation 

Cleopatra's needle date on base 2/22/1881
"President Kamala Harris" = 222 (English Ordinal)
"Russian Ukrainian War" = 1881 (Jewish)

Aide to California state attorney accused of running an occult police force claiming to be 3,000 years old

One of California Attorney General Kamala Harris' (D) staffers was arrested last week and "accused of operating a rogue police force that claimed to exist for more than 3,000 years," The Los Angeles Times reported Wednesday. 

Brandon Kiel, deputy director of community affairs at the California Department of Justice, and two others — David Henry and Tonette Hayes — reportedly face charges for their roles in the Masonic Fraternal Police Department.

"Suspicions about the Masonic Fraternal Police Department — whose members trace their origins to the Knights Templar — were aroused when various police chiefs in Southern California received a letter in late January that announced new leadership for the group," the Times' Matt Hamilton wrote.

Kamala's birthday
10*20+19*64 = 1416
Strong's Concordance 1416
dunó: to enter, to sink into
Usage: I sink, set (as the sun).
Mark 1:32 
7*4+17*76 = 1320
NAS: the sun had set, they [began] bringing
KJV: the sun did set, they brought
INT: having come when went down the sun

Obelisk weighs 224 tons
It set sail from Alexandria to the US on 6/12/1880
"The Horus" = 612 (Reverse Sumerian)


  1. Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator = 146

    1. Oh Hell yeah!

    2. Have you ever noticed how Donald Trump is connected to a woman president?

      "President KD Harris" = 198 (Ordinal)
      "President Trump" = 198 (Ordinal)

      "Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
      "Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)
