Thursday, August 1, 2024

Thomas Twins

 He always notices the numbers and mocking names! I noticed "Cheatle CHEAT" and Crooks.... The gematria

Thomas Matthew Crooks

"TM Crooks" = 33 (Reduction)

"Clinton" = 33 (Reduction)

Trump's nickname for Hillary is "Crooked" And Alex Soros put up an assassination threat days before the shooting. 

"Alexander Soros" = 170 (Ordinal)

"Thomas M Crooks" = 170 (Ordinal)

The Gospel of Thomas. Didn't that hockey player that wrote the book about the flights MH370 and MH370 that the cabal believes in the Gospel of Thomas. 

Those planes were twins remember. 

"These are the hidden words that the living Jesus spoke and Didymos Judas Thomas wrote them down."[11] Didymus (Koine Greek) and Thomas (Aramaic) both mean "twin". 

Didymos Judas Thomas

DJT (Donald John Trump)

"Didymos Judas Thomas" = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Thomas Matthew Crooks" = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Apostle Thomas" = 1122 (Reverse Sumerian)

11/22 JFK assassination date

"Didymos Judas Thomas" = 220 (Ordinal)

"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)

Under the Radar 537-555: Trumpence - Boyd Anderson

It's not here yet though.. Anyway I wonder what you thought about the Trump assassination. The shooters name was "Thomas". Do you think he has a twin? 

Didymos Judas Thomas
DJT (Donald John Trump)

"Didymos Judas Thomas" = 220 (Ordinal)
"Donald John Trump" = 220 (Reverse Ordinal)

Pope Francis is the 266th Pope. 

"Didymos Judas Thomas" = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Thomas Matthew Crooks" = 266 (Reverse Ordinal)
266 in Strongs means sin. 

And how about this? 

"Five Five Thousand Five Hundred Tons" = 370 (Ordinal Like MH370
"Five Five Thousand Five Hundred Tons Gold" = 537 
(Reverse Ordinal)

Strong's Concordance 5307
naphal: to fall, lie

Zeroes don't count. 
"Mark of Beast" = 375 (Latin)
"Fifty Five Thousand Five Hundred Tons" = 3075 (Latin)

Quantum spin paper... pages 537 to 555 lol

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