Thursday, August 15, 2024

Flagging September 11th 2024 for second Trump assassination attempt

For posting around trying to get somebody to look at this... 

 I'm a gematria decoder and look what I found about the Trump assassination attempt. The cabal has a number system to organize events with. I looked at SS Head Cheatle and counted the days she was in office. She was seated on 9/17/2022 from then to the day was shot was 666th days. Next I looked at FBI Deputy Abbate who Biden seated on 2/1/2021... From then to 9/11/2024 is 1318 days. See what they did? Cheatle produces the number of the beast 666 and Abbate produces the number of the verse the number of the beast is in. Cheatle 666 days Abbate 1318 days. Now compare the date numerology of the dates ...
7+13+20+24 = 64 9+11+20+24 = 64 ..... 
7+13+2+0+2+4 = 28 9+11+2+0+2+4 = 28
7+1+3+2+0+2+4 = 19 9+1+2+0+2+4 = 19 ....... 
7+13+24 = 44 9+11+24= 44
7+1+3+2+4 = 17 9+1+1+2+4= 17 .. 
They match perfectly so let's add them up....
64+28+19+44+17 = 172
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

It's a puzzle. The first piece was Cheatle's days in office clue 666... Find the piece that matches ... Who did Biden move up at the FBI? What position is he in? The gematria ""Deputy Director of the FBI" = 254 (Ordinal)
What day of the year was 9/11/2001? The 254th day of the year. Clue... How many days will Abbate be in office on 9/11/2024? It will be 1318 days. Cheatle 666 and Abbate 1318... Revelation 13:18 the verse with the number of the beast in it? It fits perfectly. They're going to try to kill him on 9/11/2024 the eighth anniversary of Hillary falling at the 9/11 memorial site. Remember that? Eight is Trump's biggest number... He should not go this year,
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 888 (Sumerian)

Cheatle was the 27th Head,,,, Abbate is the 18th Deputy .... 27+18 = 45 (Trump the target)
These two are guilty as Hell?

"Donald T Assassination" = 230 (Ordinal)

"Deadly Head Wound" = 1646 (Latin)
"coming to punish the poisoners of his people" = 1646 (Latin)

How did the Atlantic know the assassination was going to be in July? 


  1. Head Wound = 410 (Satanic)
    The Dollar = 410 (Satanic)
    DNF car # for NASCAR going into 8/11
    Truex completely synced with Trump for race
    He crashed
    Shortly before crash, NASCAR post on X had Truex and 3 others
    #19 #48 #20 #1
    Democratic Party on 9/12 (span)
    911th prime
    Financial Collapse = 912
    Kamala Devi Harris = 912
    Joe Biden = 912
    9/12 = 1331 days of Biden Administration

    1. "Donald John Trump" = 68 (Reduction)
      "8th of Elul 5784" = 68 (Reduction) (9/11/2024)

      "8th of Elul" = 107 (Ordinal)
      "Shooting" = 107 (Ordinal)

      "September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)
      "DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)

      Trump birth to 9/11
      From and including: Friday, June 14, 1946
      To, but not including Wednesday, September 11, 2024
      Result: 28,579 days

      28579/27.322= 1046.00688

      WOW! The exact day Trump turns 1046 sidereal months old is 9/11/2024! (1046 = 146 = 14/6 his birthday)

      28579/666 = 42.911
      28579/666 = 42.911
      "Iran" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "War" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "gun" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "Hamas" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "TV" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "I am Ra" = 42 (Ordinal)
      "Dow" = 42 (Ordinal)

      "Trump Fall" = 119 (Ordinal)
