Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Kamala and her masonic police force... Alex Jones

 The scandal surrounding Kamala Harris’ connection to a secret Masonic police force is getting deeper as records reveal a close relationship between Harris and the Freemasons involved in the illegal police force.

As I recently reported, Kamala Harris was working directly with the Masonic group in Los Angeles that operated an illegal shadow police department that aimed to set up shop in 33 different states including Mexico City. Kamala Harris’ own staffer Brandon Kiel was arrested for his role in the scheme. The secret police force claimed to be a modern descendant of the Knights Templar, based on “bloodlines.”

Now, the scandal deepens. (which cited my original report) followed up with an investigation into some of the videos put out by the Masonic group, and Kamala Harris’ name pops up repeatedly. 

If you’re not familiar with the case, it’s quite a doozy. Then-California attorney general Kamala Harris’ deputy director of community affairs Brandon Kiel’s arrest in 2015 for “impersonating a peace office” sparked a brief wacky news item about the secret Masonic police force that involved Kiel and his top hat-wearing father-in-law David Inkk Henry (aka “David Henry X,”) who also got arrested. Kiel had his charges dropped on the same day that David Henry X suffered a pulmonary embolism and died at age 47 in 2016.

Muckraker points to several old Youtube videos in which members of the Masonic police department explicitly refer to their relationship with Kamala Harris, making it clear that Harris had deep ties to Kiel and the Masonic group, which debunks her office’s initial attempt to distance herself from Kiel.

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In one video, Brandon Kiel, speaking in front of a crowd of Masons at a Masonic gathering, stated “The Attorney General appointed me. I have her authority.” Kiel then described a program that Harris’ office was working on that lines up with Kiel’s agenda of being “smart on crime and not tough on crime.” 

David Inkk Henry, aka David Henry X, expressed his view that his arrest and the arrests of his Masonic Fraternal Police colleagues were actually motivated by a political power play against Kamala Harris:

I recently unearthed the Masonic Fraternal Police Department’s mission statement (ARCHIVED HERE) which states the following: “The Masonic Fraternal Police Department, (M.F.P.D.) is the Knights  Templar’s!…When asked what is the difference between The Masonic  Fraternal Police Department and other Police Departments the answer is  simple for us. We were here first! We are born into this Organization  our bloodlines go deeper than an application. This is more then a job it  is an obligation.”

“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) is a Masonic  Sovereign Jurisdiction (Municipality) located within the incorporated City of Santa Clarita, California. The Chief of Police is Honorable  Grand Master David Henry 33(degree) was elected and is Governed by a  Grand Supreme Council, and 33 Masonic jurisdictions. He currently  oversees a 1/2 Million members throughout the United States,” according to the group’s website, which is no longer active.

“The Masonic Fraternal Police Department (M.F.P.D.) provides services  to Masonic Sovereign Grand Masters and their Masonic jurisdictions, as  well as other Fraternities, Sororities, and Greek Organizations. Masonic Fraternal Police Department will be located in 33 other states, including Mexico City,” according to the group.

In 2014 in Los Angeles, David Henry X introduced Kamala Harris’ staffer Brandon Kiel at a Masonic St. John’s Day event, where Brandon Kiel represented Harris’ office.

L.A. Watts Times reported on June 19, 2014 (emphasis added): “Grand Masters and members of the Order were escorted by a motorcade to  Mt. Tabor Missionary Baptist Church. The Conference, founded by Grand  Master Willie Gaulf 33° was designed to create unity among the Grand  Lodges in Southern California…R.W. Grand High Priest, Brandon Kiel  serves as the Deputy Director of Community Affairs for Attorney General  Kamala D. Harris. Kiel informed the audience of the Attorney General’s  unyielding commitment to education and the importance of each and every members obligation to ensure that every child is reading by the 3rd grade an (sic) at 3rd grade reading level, as well as having perfect attendance. Kiel provided shocking information about the staggering numbers of elementary school students who were truant in California and how the Attorney General needs their support to address this critical issue. Kiel received a large round of applause.”

Kiel and David Henry X also stood behind an LAPD sergeant during a press conference when rioters inspired by the Trayvon Martin case were rampaging around L.A.

What is really going on with Kamala Harris and the Masons? PATRICK REPORTS will keep you updated with our series THE KAMALA FILES….

Kiel and David Henry X also stood behind an LAPD sergeant during a press conference when rioters inspired by the Trayvon Martin case were rampaging around L.A.


  1. Biden was confirmed as winner of the 59th presidential election on the exact middle day between the Great American Eclipses and the day of the first covid jabs in the USA ...
    14th Dec. 2020.
    From that day to the Trump attempted assassination on 13.07.24 is 1307 days ... the year the templar were burnt at the stake!

    1. From and including: Monday, December 14, 2020
      To, but not including Wednesday, September 11, 2024
      1387 days
      Or 44 months, 4 weeks = 444

      Blood Moon on 9/18 the day Trump is scheduled to be sentenced.
      From and including: Monday, December 14, 2020
      To, but not including Wednesday, September 18, 2024
      Result: 1374 days

      On 9/30 it will be 198 weeks
      From and including: Monday, December 14, 2020
      To, but not including Monday, September 30, 2024
      Result: 1386 days
      198 weeks
      "President Trump" = 198 (Ordinal)
