Saturday, August 31, 2024

Bo Polny 777 Bloodline of David


In Latin seven is septem  (September) Daniel timeline is 1260 days... 
"septem septem septem" = 1260 (Standard)

If you subtract 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days from 9/11/2024 you land on Pope Francis' 87th birthday  (or 1044 months)
From and including: Thursday, December 17, 1936
To, but not including Sunday, December 17, 2023
Or 87 years excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 870 (Latin)
Or 1044 months excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 1404 (Sumerian)

From Sunday, December 17, 2023
Added 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days
Result: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

REV 12:1  KJV... I removed 2 a's 

"And there appeared great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 1260 (Ordinal)

"a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 911 (Ordinal)

In Latin seven is septem  (September) Daniel timeline is 1260 days... 
"septem septem septem" = 1260 (Standard)
"September Eleventh" = 1260 (Latin)

If you subtract 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days from 9/11/2024 you land on Pope Francis' 87th birthday  (or 1044 months)
From and including: Thursday, December 17, 1936
To, but not including Sunday, December 17, 2023
Or 87 years excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 870 (Latin)
Or 1044 months excluding the end date.
"septem septem septem" = 1404 (Sumerian)

From Sunday, December 17, 2023
Added 7 months, 7 weeks, 7 days
Result: Wednesday, September 11, 2024

REV 12 KJV... I removed 2 a's 

"And there appeared great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 1260 (Ordinal)

"a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars" = 911 (Ordinal)

"September Eleventh" = 1260 (Latin)

September 18th blood moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 

"September 18th 2024 Blood Moon DJ Trump" = 1881 (Latin)
Cleo's needle date 2/22/1881 

"September 18th 2024 Blood Moon DJ Trump" = 1309 (Satanic)
Duodecimal 911

Trump will become a trumpet 
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)

2022 was the Shemitah year (year of extraction) and Elul 29 (day of extraction) was on 9/25/2022 and the last day of the Shemitah year. Here are the  Hebrew date numbers for 9/25/2022.

Sun, 25 September 2022 = 29th of Elul, 5782
"כ״ט בֶּאֱלוּל תשפ״ב" = 880 (Hebrew Soffits)

Shemitah Day of Extraction was on 9/25/2022 
"כ ט באלול תשפ ב" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)

The "day of extraction" in the last Shemitah year 2022 was on 9/25/2022. 
Sun, 25 September 2022 = 29th of Elul, 5782
"כ״ט בֶּאֱלוּל תשפ״ב" = 880 (Hebrew Soffits)

"Trump will become a Trumpet"
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 880 (Hebrew Standard)(8+8+0 =16 (1+6=  7
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 196 (Hebrew Ordinal)(1+9+6 = 16 (1+6 = 7
"טראמפ יהפוך לחצוצרה" = 88 (Hebrew Reduction) (8+8 = 16 (1+6 = 7


September 18th blood moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 
"christ rapture day" = 1221 (Latin)

Trump's birthday and the next blood moon 
6*14+19*46+9*18+20*24 = 1600 
1600 Pennsylvania ave

September 11th and the next bloom moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 

"tower of Babel" = 1221 (Jewish)
"clock tower" = 1221 (Jewish)
"eleventh hour" = 1221 (Jewish)
"operative mason" = 1221 (Jewish)
"Erev Tisha BAv" = 1221 (English Extended)
"mother of all wars" = 1221 (English Extended)
"Trump shot and killed" = 1221 (English Extended)


  1. Where did you remove the A..?

  2. And there appeared great wonder in heaven a woman clothed with the sun and the moon under her feet and upon her head crown of twelve stars

    (a great wonder) and ( head a crown)
