Saturday, August 31, 2024

A hitman sniper Hillary hired is going to try to assassinate Trump on 9/11.

Posted on this video!

 A hitman sniper Hillary hired is going to try to assassinate Trump on 9/11. 

He was released from a Russian Prison on 8/1. His name is.... 
"Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)

The statues name you just talked about is called 
"Havah to breathe air life" = 194 (Ordinal)

She is advertising to the world that's she's going to kill him. 
"Havah to breathe air life" = 194 (Ordinal)
"DJT Assassination" = 194 (Ordinal)
And on what date... 
"September Eleventh" = 194 (Ordinal)
And who's going to do it. 
"Paul Nicholas Whelan" = 194 (Ordinal)

July 13th was just the trial run. Cheatle was in office 666 days when Trump was shot. The Deputy Director at the FBI who was moved up by Biden is named Paul M Abbate. He was seated on 2/1/21. 
"Deputy Director of the FBI" = 254 (Ordinal)
The 254th day of the year is 9/11 (accept on leap years) 
If you count the days from 2/1/21 to 9/11/24 it's 1318 days. 
Cheatle 666 days Paul M Abbate is 1318 days. 
666 is the number of the beast and 13:18 is the number of the verse with the number of the beast in it. 
7/13/24 = 666 connecting to 1318 = 13:18 on 9/11/2024 

On that day Trump will turn 1046 sidereal months old. 
14/6 is his birthday.... 
"Joe Biden Kamala Harris" = 1046 (Latin)

"mark of beast" = 666 (Sumerian)
"A Mark of the Beast Paul M Abbate" = 911 (Latin)

9/11/24 will be the 23rd anniversary of 9/11 
Rev 13:18 KJV 
"Here is wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" = 1451 (Ordinal) 230th prime number 

Count the days from the second 9/11 the day coronavirus was declared a pandemic it's 1646 days... 

"Deadly Head Wound" = 1646 (Latin)
"coming to punish the poisoners of his people" = 1646 (Latin)

The cabal has a number system to organize events with. I looked at SS Head Cheatle and counted the days she was in office. She was seated on 9/17/2022 from then to the day was shot was 666th days. Next I looked at FBI Deputy Abbate who Biden seated on 2/1/2021... From then to 9/11/2024 is 1318 days. See what they did? Cheatle produces the number of the beast 666 and Abbate produces the number of the verse the number of the beast is in. Cheatle 666 days Abbate 1318 days. Now compare the date numerology of the dates ...
7+13+20+24 = 64 9+11+20+24 = 64 ..... 
7+13+2+0+2+4 = 28 9+11+2+0+2+4 = 28
7+1+3+2+0+2+4 = 19 9+1+2+0+2+4 = 19 ....... 
7+13+24 = 44 9+11+24= 44
7+1+3+2+4 = 17 9+1+1+2+4= 17 .. 
They match perfectly so let's add them up....
64+28+19+44+17 = 172
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

Also watch out from the 18th it's a blood moon ... 
"15th of Elul 5784" = 138 (Ordinal)
"Donald Trump" = 138 (Ordinal)
"Blood Moon" = 138 (Reverse Ordinal)

Trump's birthday and the next blood moon 
6*14+19*46+9*18+20*24 = 1600 
1600 Pennsylvania ave

September 11th and the next bloom moon 
9*11+20*24+9*18+20*24 = 1221 
"Trump shot and killed" = 1221 (English Extended)

She wore that gold robe on 6/16/2024. Days to 9/11 is 87 days 
"Clinton" = 87 (Ordinal)

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