Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Something big is going to happen on 9/11.

 The Head of the Secret Service Cheatle was in office 666 days when Trump was shot. The Deputy Director of the FBI Paul M Abbate will be in office 1318 days on 9/11/2024. The revelation verse with the mark of the beast 666 in it is 13:18. The numerology of the two dates match perfectly. 
 7+13+20+24 =64 9+11+20+24 =64 ..... 
7+13+2+0+2+4 =28 9+11+2+0+2+4 =28
7+1+3+2+0+2+4 =19 9+1+2+0+2+4 =19 ....... 
7+13+24 =44 9+11+24=44
7+1+3+2+4 =17 9+1+1+2+4=17 .. 
They match perfectly so let's add them up....
64+28+19+44+17 = 172
"Hillary Clinton" = 172 (Ordinal)

It's a puzzle. The first piece was Cheatle's days in office clue 666... Find the piece that matches ... Who did Biden move up at the FBI? What position is he in? 
The gematria ""Deputy Director of the FBI" = 254 (Ordinal)

What day of the year was 9/11/2001? The 254th day of the year. Clue... How many days will Abbate be in office on 9/11/2024? It will be 1318 days. Cheatle 666 and Abbate 1318... Revelation 13:18 the verse with the number of the beast in it? It fits perfectly. They're going to try to kill him on 9/11/2024 the eighth anniversary of Hillary falling at the 9/11 memorial site. Remember that? Eight is Trump's biggest number... He should not go this year,
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 888 (Sumerian)

Cheatle was the 27th Head,,,, Abbate is the 18th Deputy .... 27+18 = 45 (Trump the target)
These two are guilty as Hell?