Friday, August 2, 2024

Monaca Pennsylvania Trump shot

 " 40 683966 80 276986" = 88 (Ordinal)
"Trump" = 88 (Ordinal)

"40 41 2 N 80 16 37 W" = 73 (Ordinal)
"Sacrifice" = 73 (Ordinal)
"40 41 2 N 80 16 37 W" = 46 (Reduction)
"Sacrifice" = 46 (Reduction)

Date founded 9/5/1787
9*5+17*87 = 1524 
"White Hat President" = 1524 (Latin)

"Monaca Pennsylvania" = 199 (Ordinal) 46th prime
"40 41 2 N 80 16 37 W" = 46 (Reduction)
"Sacrifice" = 46 (Reduction)
Biden is the 46th President

Where, What, Who
"Monaca" = 47 (Ordinal)
"judge" = 47 (Ordinal)
"Trump" = 47 (Reverse Ordinal)

"death" = 20 (Reduction)
"Monaca" = 20 (Reduction)

Where, Who
"Monaca PA" = 64 (Ordinal)
"Joe Biden" = 64 (Ordinal)

July 13th was the 195th day of the year with 171 day's remaining 
 "A DJT assassination" = 195 (Ordinal)
"Monaca Township" = 171 (Ordinal)

"DJT assassination attempt" = 73 (Reduction)
"Ritual Sacrifice" = 73 (Reduction)

"assassination" = 611 (Latin)
Trump was shot at 6:11 PM 
"Blood Sacrifice" = 611 (Satanic)
the 1091th minute of the day

The next assassination attempt may be on 9/5
The 237th anniversary of Monaca. From 7/13 to 9/5 is 1320 hours 
"Donald John Trump" = 1320 (Reverse Sumerian)
"President DJ Trump" = 1320 (Reverse Sumerian)

September 5 is the (249th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar; 117 days remain until the end of the year.
"Car Accident" = 249 (Latin)
"Illuminati Playing cards" = 249 (Ordinal)
"Car Accident" = 45 (Reduction)
"Fatal Accident" = 45 (Reduction)
"Central Intelligence Agency" = 117 (Reduction)

"September Fifth Two thousand Twenty Four Donald J Trump Shot dead" = 703 (Ordinal)
"Sacrifice" = 73 (Ordinal)

On Monaca's 237th birthday ... 
"Blood Bath" = 237 (Latin)
"arsenal" = 237 (Latin)
"annihilated" = 237 (Latin)

On 9/11 Trump will be 1046 sidereal months old. 
28579/27.322 = 1046.006 His birthday 14/6. 
28579/ 666 = 42.911 

"DJT dies in a car wreck 9 5 2024" = 199 (Ordinal)
Monaca Pennsylvania" = 199 (Ordinal)

Thu, 5 September 2024 = 2nd of Elul, 5784
ב׳ בֶּאֱלוּל תשפ״ד
Parashat Shoftim

Parashat Shoftim 5784 / פָּרָשַׁת שׁוֹפְטִים
7 September 2024 / 4 Elul 5784

Parashat Shoftim is the 48th weekly Torah portion in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading.

Torah Portion: Deuteronomy 16:18-21:9
Shoftim (“Judges”) discusses guidelines of leadership, opening with a command to appoint judges and continuing to detail laws of kings, priests, and prophets. It also describes laws relating to cities of refuge for accidental killers, false witnesses, warfare, and the rite performed in a case of unsolved murder

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