Sunday, August 25, 2024

Red Heifer born on August 28th 2018 .... New Year tithing for animals September 4th 2024 ... 1680 240 168 3141

 Donald Trump is the red heifer 

From the birth of the red heifer 8/28 "Donald Trump" = 828 (Sumerian)

To Trump's arrest 4/4 "Kill" = 44 (Ordinal)

 1680 days
"President Donald John Trump" = 1680 (Latin)
Or 240 weeks 
"Arrest Donald Trump" = 240 (Reverse Ordinal)

"Rosh Hashanah L Ma sar Behemah" = 666 (Latin)
"Prophecy" = 666 (Latin)
"L Ma sar Behemah" = 106 (Ordinal)
"Prophecy" = 106 (Ordinal)

Red Heifer was born on the 240th day of the year 
"Arrest Donald Trump" = 240 (Reverse Ordinal)

"The Red Heifer" = 666 (Sumerian)
"God of Israel" = 666 (Sumerian)

"Donald John Trump" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Sabbath of the Red Heifer" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Stock Market Crash" = 185 (Ordinal)
"US dollar collapse" = 185 (Ordinal)
"Solomons Temple" = 185 (Reverse Ordinal)

The Embassy opened in Israel on it's 70th birthday 
5/14/2018 to 8/28/2018 (red heifer birth) was 106 days 
Prophecy = 106 

Trump is the Christ or the passover lamb 
Passover is 14 of Nisan 4/5  
"Crucifixion of Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"The Book Of Revelations" = 303 (Reverse Ordinal)
"let him that hath understanding" = 303 (English Ordinal)

Nancy crucified Christ 
"Impeach President Donald Trump" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Nancy Patricia DAlesandro Pelosi" = 303 (English Ordinal)
"Nancy Patricia Pelosi" = 303 (Reverse Ordinal)

Christ's cruxification 1990th anniversary on 4/5/2023 (Hebrew calendar)
From and including: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 70 days
70 days is 1680 hours 

From Trump's arrest to his birthday 
From and including: Tuesday, April 4, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 71 days
71 days and 2 hours (1706 hours) is 19.47 % of a year... 
Sacred geomatrey 
"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
1706 hours is 19.47% of a year... 
"Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)
"Venus Pentagram" = 176 ( Ordinal)
Theā́ Philopátōra" = 176 ( Ordinal) (Cleopatra)
"The Christ Slayed" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Return, O Israel" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"End Time Prophecy" = 176 (English Ordinal)

Wednesday 4/5 is the 14th of Nisan Christ cruxification 

Christ's cruxification 1990th anniversary on 4/5/2023 (Hebrew calendar)
From and including: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
To, but not including Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Result: 70 days
70 days is 1680 hours 

From the Bitcoin whitepaper released on Halloween to first coin issued was 70 days or 1680 hours..Including the end date it was 71 days or 19.47% of a year... From the day China told the WHO they had a virus to the day the WHO declared a pandemic was 71 days of 19.47% of a year. (71 days and 2 hours is 19.47% of a year exactly. 71 days and 2 hours is 1706 hours) 
70 days - 1680 hours 
71 days + 2 hours = 1706 hours 

"Donald J Trump" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"Woman President" = 176 (Ordinal)
"Venus Pentagram" = 176 ( Ordinal)
Theā́ Philopátōra" = 176 ( Ordinal) (Cleopatra)
"The Christ Slayed" = 176 (English Ordinal)
"Return, O Israel" = 176 (Reverse Ordinal)
"End Time Prophecy" = 176 (English Ordinal)

"Animal Sacrifice 3rd Temple" = 614 (Latin) Trump's birthday ) 

332 area code 

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