Thursday, August 11, 2016


Western media quickly accuses Putin of planning Ukraine invasion

Clifford Cunningham | - AUGUST 11, 2016

Russian President Vladimir Putin warned Ukraine is “playing a dangerous game” following a reported incursion by Ukrainian special forces into Crimea that left two Russian personnel dead.
Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) announced it had thwarted two attempts by Ukrainian special forces to infiltrate Crimea and target critical infrastructure with explosive devices. Ammunition used by the Ukrainian Army’s special forces was reportedly discovered along the Crimea/Ukraine border, and clashes killed one Russian soldier and one FSB employee.

Western media was quick to suggest Putin was preparing to use the cross border attack as justification for an all out invasion of Ukraine.

Those same Western media outlets fail to acknowledge it was the United States and NATO who funded the overthrow of Ukraine’s Russian-backed government in 2014, putting in place a far-right government, which included Neo-Nazi parties, with the stated goal of advancing NATO to the Russian border.


I hope Putin lets us vote on which city he nukes. I'm voting for NYC! It's got 80% of the media, Wall Street, Madison Ave and the UN all within 5 blocks of each other! I mean if we have to lose a city, why not lose the one that causes the country the most problems! 

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