Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trendie wears hijab with her butt hanging out of her pants.

It's not surprising an ironic picture like this would surface. It's well known fact that generation moron knows nothing about anything. Tragically the only thing they were taught in school was how to be trendy and how to have perverted sex!

It's not all of them of course but the ones celebrated by the media and authorities are truly brain damaged dementos.

So WHY did she mix a hijab with a pair of out-of-style Britney Spears pants? Because she thinks they're both trendy so it makes sense to her to wear them together. She has NO idea that the reason Muslim women wear HIJABS IS FOR MODESTY!

The hijab represents female modesty and Britney Spears pants represent stupid, slutty, skanky whoredom!

If this picture goes viral there will be thousands of jokes attached to it. I hope she sees them cause she needs the ridicule.

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